So just how long have you been going to Disney World?


Well-Known Member
34 years. Went my first time as a 9 month old. Then about every year or so past that. Then grew up and got to join DVC and now get to go 3 times a year. Never get sick of it. Never will. By the time I get on the plane to come back home from each trip I'm already looking forward to the next trip and generally have at least one or two trips booked. I just can't get enough. Now that I have kids it's like I get to see Disneyworld again through the eyes of a kid and there's always things to look forward to with how it's ever changing and growing. I can not imagine thinking of Disneyworld as a "once in a lifetime" trip. To each their own I guess.


November 1971, driving from our home near Fort Lauderdale and back home the same day. Many stays since; even celebrated a big birthday at my favorite resort, with all the family there, last year.


Well-Known Member
I went for the first time at age 3 in 1990. I've been 16 total. Hopefully the next trip will be 3/2018.

I am so thankful that I got to experience the WDW of the 90s. Looking back at the photos, personal and from the guide books we bought back then, is a touching experience. I got to stay at ASM a few months after it opened, got to see the birthday cake castle, remember what it was like when there was no FP and barely a crowd, I remember when characters would just freely roam the parks, have experienced many holidays there and more.

I still adore it now, but it was definitely more pure to me then. Untouched beauty if you will. The vibe was just different. Maybe it was because I was just a kid and everything seemed big and amazing. But I definite value those early trips...and also the more recent ones in my new phase of life. Can't wait to bring kids there in the future!

Minnie Mum

Well-Known Member
My first trip was May 1975. Just the MK was there, and you bought books of tickets that you used for rides- and they were tiered!

The number of visits are well into the double digits now and next month we'll be introducing our grandson to the Mouse for his first visit.


First trip was to Disneyland, 1974, drove cross country form NJ to Cali on our honeymoon. 3 kids later, first trip to WDW 1987, first trip with grand-kids 2011 as DVC members, next trip , we leave tomorrow with only the grandsons 9+10 for Halloween Party. Yes, we drank the Disney kool-aid, many trips in between and we love it!!


Well-Known Member
Hi just got back after enjoying a wonderful three weeks in Orlando and it got me thinking, how long have many on here been going to Disney World? Being in my late 40's, I've been going regularly from the UK for 41 years now.

Seen lots of changes, some for the better and some for the worse but still love visiting the place. As I sat on several rides this year, Pirates, Haunted Mansion, TTA, Space Mountain and Small World to name a few it was remarkable thinking I'd ridden them hundreds of times and yet they still hold so much magic after so many years just as they did 41 years ago :eek:

So don't be embarrassed by your age ladies and gents, but tell us how long you've been going?

Well, I'm in my 40's, going since my teens (with a loooong hiatus), so 30ish years. But, technically only 5 or 6 trips.

I was a bit disappointed with how little I remembered after coming back as an adult. Still, did recall little glimmers here and there.


Well-Known Member
Never went until I was 35 years old with two young children. That was 1983. Have been just about every year since then for a total of 46 times in 33 years. Here is a picture of me and my girls in February 1983:

View attachment 167790

Both are now in their 40's that between the two of them have 4 children and have changed a lot. I on the other hand look exactly the same. It's a miracle I tell ya!

Great pic!

So, related question, do your children still share your love of going to the parks? Do they go? Do you still go with them as adults?

I so hope to go with my adult kids some day.


Well-Known Member
Great pic!

So, related question, do your children still share your love of going to the parks? Do they go? Do you still go with them as adults?

I so hope to go with my adult kids some day.
They still go, not as often as I do, but, I didn't go at all until I was 35 since they are just getting in their 40's and have been a number of times they have quite the head start on me. I have been with both of them, separately and once when I paid for the whole crew to go, my girls, their husbands and the kids back in 2008. I have been with my youngest a couple of times and my oldest wanted a trip there for their honeymoon, 19 years ago this week. My granddaughter loves anything that goes fast and she has since her first trip when she was just 6 years old. She never met a roller-coaster she didn't love. Disney or otherwise. Her favorite ride at 6 years old was Test Track. Right now I think that they are just to busy at life to go often, but, I think that eventually they will get back into some regular schedule. I have a 15 year old grandson that keeps bugging them about going soon.

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