Al Lutz reported a while back that Tony Baxter was working on a few technical upgrades for SWSA. According to some people on MiceChat, some of the new effects are now in place.. It sounds like a pretty nice upgrade for the classic attraction
Originally Posted by Sparky
I was at the Park on the evening of July 24th and rode Snow White. The new effects were working. There are new projection effects in two places. The first is the Evil Queen's throne room/transformation scene. As the doors open and the room is revealed, you'll notice that the room appears a little brighter than before. There is a crash of thunder and flash of lightening as the Queen turns around to reveal herself as the hag. Electricity crackles upon the wall of the room as it becomes darker and cobwebs appear.
In the finale scene where the dwarves are chasing the hag, it is now raining, via a projection or light effect. But, not only is is raining, if you look at the rocks that the dwarves are on, it appears as if the rain is pooling and then running down the rocks.