Resident Curmudgeon
You've hit the nail on the head. Can we afford to pay $6 for pretzels (with cheese that is unnecessarily thrown away and wasted)? Sure. But it's hard to reconcile spending that amount on something that was more than $1 cheaper back in August.
We're passholders, so we're looking at taking one last, long trip next summer before they expire. It's not even just price, but also food quality. The irony is that as prices have gone to ridiculous levels, the quality in many areas has decreased (particularly in counter service meals, as some have mentioned). We had been ordering Garden Grocer for water and breakfast in the past (we've used DDP on some trips and haven't on others). Now that we know Whole Foods Orlando will deliver to our hotel, we will be ordering significantly more food. I don't like to cook on vacation, but the quality of quick, healthy meals from Whole Foods is on par or better than a $15 quick service meal in the parks.
I calculated the difference between the food I'm ordering and doing the quick service dining plan for 3 people...$900.
Just because I can afford to buy their food doesn't mean I'm a fan of throwing my money away. I'd much rather put that money toward a unique tour or something truly special, rather than a magical SuperPretzel or Dove Ice Cream Bar.
I thought I saw somewhere a notion that the prices "aren't that bad" and are "worse elsewhere." Agreed - prices are worse in many sports arenas and amusement parks. Except sports venues, concerts and amusement parks are attended for a few hours to a day (possibly two) at an amusement park. They do gouge you because they can - they know you're less likely to go to the hassle of bringing your own (when allowed) or foregoing altogether because it's "only" a few hours, or "only" a day.
Many WDW vacations are 5 to 7 days. So even approaching the prices of a concert or sports even is ludicrous. The situations may seem similar but they're really not. WDW is in a class of its own.
That $900 will buy you an airboat charter for a day in the 'Glades something I've done a few times now, An amazing experience.