
Larry Mondello

Well-Known Member
It's amazing how ignorant and irresponsible people can be. I saw at least a dozen people smoking not in the designated area today.

There are lots of kids out there. Surely resisting the urge for a few minutes, until they find a smoking area will not kill them?

Yet when I was at WDW a couple of years ago when brush fires were raging all over Florida and the smoke hung thick over the parks, the place was packed with kids and their parents seemed unconcerned about their kids breathing in thousands of times more smoke than you would get from a passing cigarette.


Active Member
Yet when I was at WDW a couple of years ago when brush fires were raging all over Florida and the smoke hung thick over the parks, the place was packed with kids and their parents seemed unconcerned about their kids breathing in thousands of times more smoke than you would get from a passing cigarette.

Another apologist for those addicted to the death-stick drug.

Gojira ゴジラ

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yet when I was at WDW a couple of years ago when brush fires were raging all over Florida and the smoke hung thick over the parks, the place was packed with kids and their parents seemed unconcerned about their kids breathing in thousands of times more smoke than you would get from a passing cigarette.

You and some people are missing my points. It's not about bush fires of what have you. I'm just saying if there are destinated areas for smoking then that's where we smoke.

I'm not bashing smokers as I mentioned earlier I'm a heavy smoker too. But I just don't like the ignorance people show that's all. I can accept the fact that rules are meant to be broken.. but that can't stop me from being ed about it.. especially when someone was smoking while we were enjoying the firework!


Well-Known Member
I as well have seen it enforced, but not all the time. I as a former smoker had the courtesy to go to the smoking areas to "poison" myself as some of you have said, but that was my choice and I did it in the appropriate location so it should not have any effect on anyone. Those who choose not to follow the rules should be asked to put it out and move on. I respect others enough to not smoke around them, but if they so choose to go into the few smoking areas then so be it, that is their choice and should not complain about it, which I have seen as well. Thankfully I was able to finally kick the habit with a lot of struggle and will no longer need to use those areas anymore and will stay away and respect those who wish to use them.


Well-Known Member
For the most part, I believe smokers are weak minded souls who engage in a deadly addiction because they're either stupid or lacking will power.

But with that said, what's with these idiots who get so upset if they smell just a hint of smoke?
And spare me the second hand smoke causes cancer argument.
GET OVER IT!!! As long as they don't blow smoke in your face, Just move along.


Le Meh
Premium Member
But with that said, what's with these idiots who get so upset if they smell just a hint of smoke?
And spare me the second hand smoke causes cancer argument.
GET OVER IT!!! As long as they don't blow smoke in your face, Just move along.

I know. I despise myself when I get upset after I get into a non smoking rental car and smell where someone has been smoking in it or check into that non smoking hotel room that has that faint, yet irritating, scent of ashtray. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
You must work for the tobacco companies,that's the same thing they have been saying for years.


Yes, I have been coming to this site for seven years as a secret emissary for the tobacco industry. You got me! :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, just because tobacco companies are evil doesn't mean everything they say is wrong.

You are *not* going to get cancer if you inhale one tiny whiff of a cigarette when you pass by. It simply is medically impossible (well, not that you may get cancer anyway, but it isn't caused because five years ago you walked past someone with a cigarette).

Second-hand smoke damage happens over time and is an issue. As I used in my example, a child who sits in a car daily with a parent puffing away around them. That's a health risk. A whiff here and there is not going to give you cancer, it's an annoyance more than anything else (an annoyance that people tend to inflate with rhetoric).

Smokers should smoke in smoking areas, and non-smokers should avoid those areas. If you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, you should do what you can to quit. No one is debating that - but the rhetoric that goes around with this topic is just silliness. It takes away from the actual issue and just makes it sound like a witch hunt instead.


Well-Known Member
Another apologist for those addicted to the death-stick drug.

Apologist or not, he's right, LOL.

People have this fixation on cigarettes but ignore all the other risks they put themselves at. Car exhaust anyone? You get far more damage sitting outside at a Disney bus corral waiting for your bus to arrive than you get from sniffing a single whiff of smoke as you pass by.

No one thinks cigarettes are good. But the people who harp on them and use all this "death stick" rhetoric are really focusing on one tiny thing when there are a heck of a lot more things they expose themselves to daily that are just as harmful, or even more so, especially because people don't think about them. A cigarette is an easy thing to hate and project your health worries on, when the truth is, if you don't smoke, and no one is blowing cigarette smoke to you all day, you put yourself at greater risk doing many other things in life. And again, they are even more dangerous because people don't think about them and just focus on those evil cigarettes! ;)

Paul G.

I have no problem with people smoking in the smoking areas,however i do question the placement of some of these smoking areas.Most are placed right along walking paths,they should make seperate access paths to get to them.But when we do come across one we don't make faces we just hussel our kids past as quickly as possible.


Active Member
Anyone as old as me (50's) can remember their youth and the amount of second hand smoke we were subjected to. Anyone could smoke anywhere and we breathed in more in a day than anyone would breathe in a lifetime today. Yet me and my non-smoking contemporaries are as healthy as can be despite it all. My lung function was excellent when last tested. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be designated smoking areas in public areas but it should be because you want keep areas smoke free not for any health benefits. YOU WILL NOT DIE FROM SECOND HAND SMOKE OUTDOORS. (OR INDOORS FOR THAT MATTER)

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