Small Monorail Update


Original Poster
For those interested, Monorail Black and Orange have been returned to their former decal-less 1990's glory :)

Sorry, bad pic, but you get the idea..

It's also a rumor (almost fact) that Monorail Gold, Silver, Green and Red will be getting holiday decals similar to the decals Black and Orange had for Halloween.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Call me crazy but I'm kinda liking the little holiday overlays of color specific monorails. I thought the Halloween ones were rather tastefully done (definitely better looking than the oversized balloons for Celebrate Today); hopefully the holiday decals will be similar in their execution.

Thanks for the update. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I thought it was cool that monorail black and monorail orange were done for halloween, but also that it featured appropriate halloween party decals, BUT they were only on a few windows and weren't all over the place like the balloons. It's good to see black and orange back to normal, and if red and green deck out for x-mas than hopefully they too will have limited decals.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update. i hope they do decorate a few trains for the holidays. i will be down there and it will be nice to see something other than baloons thseem to have been on for years.


Well-Known Member
I think that WDW should go the route of the DL system- full color with white luminous striping

While the Disneyland monorail fleet does look snazzy...

That paint job specifically plays up the different bodywork that the Disneyland trains have.

The paint job on the WDW fleet plays up the bodywork of the trains there, and I've always thought the WDW fleet has a classic and rather classy look to it. It's a look that's held up well over the last 40 years, as the trains kept their basic look through several different models.

I don't think they should tinker with the paint jobs on the WDW fleet too much, unless they get new trains entirely.


WDW Fan Since 1973
Since this was a monorail update, I've got a question.....does anyone know how the new maintenance spur will be configured at the TTC? Is it coming off the Epcot line or one of the Lagoon lines? Has anyone seen any plans or heard what the plan is?


Wilson King of Prussia
While the Disneyland monorail fleet does look snazzy...

That paint job specifically plays up the different bodywork that the Disneyland trains have.

The paint job on the WDW fleet plays up the bodywork of the trains there, and I've always thought the WDW fleet has a classic and rather classy look to it. It's a look that's held up well over the last 40 years, as the trains kept their basic look through several different models.

I don't think they should tinker with the paint jobs on the WDW fleet too much, unless they get new trains entirely.

I couldn't agree more. I think the DL trains look really nice, but I love the classic look of the WDW trains.

I'm guessing the fact that they are putting all the work into building new cabs for the 12th Mark VI means that we'll be waiting a little while longer for a new fleet.


Well-Known Member
I for one hated the balloons. When we were there October 09 I wasn't to happy that the balloons obstructed your view to look out the windows which annoyed the heck out of me.


Well-Known Member
Since this was a monorail update, I've got a question.....does anyone know how the new maintenance spur will be configured at the TTC? Is it coming off the Epcot line or one of the Lagoon lines? Has anyone seen any plans or heard what the plan is?

Back when it was first announced, the plan (or the presumption of the plan) would be that it would be built parallel to the Epcot beam over by the Epcot beam switch.

It would be built in such a way that the tractor could pull from its garage/parking spot onto the spur without the switch having to be moved (because the part of the switch that lines the spur up with the Epcot beam would be pointing to the tractor's spur when in the normal operating position). All that would have to be assured would be that traffic in the area is stopped, because there wouldn't be enough clearance for the tractor to be on one side of the switch while a train is on the other side. (They'd have to re-build the switch in order for that to happen)

And when the tractor needed to drive onto the Epcot beam, it would pull out onto the spur, move the switch, and then drive down the Epcot beam. Only one switch movement required. (Right now, for a tractor to get from the Shop to the Epcot beam requires a *minimum* of three switch movements)



WDW Fan Since 1973
Back when it was first announced, the plan (or the presumption of the plan) would be that it would be built parallel to the Epcot beam over by the Epcot beam switch.

It would be built in such a way that the tractor could pull from its garage/parking spot onto the spur without the switch having to be moved (because the part of the switch that lines the spur up with the Epcot beam would be pointing to the tractor's spur when in the normal operating position). All that would have to be assured would be that traffic in the area is stopped, because there wouldn't be enough clearance for the tractor to be on one side of the switch while a train is on the other side. (They'd have to re-build the switch in order for that to happen)

And when the tractor needed to drive onto the Epcot beam, it would pull out onto the spur, move the switch, and then drive down the Epcot beam. Only one switch movement required. (Right now, for a tractor to get from the Shop to the Epcot beam requires a *minimum* of three switch movements)


Thanks for the explanation.


Well-Known Member
While i like change, i like the different characteristics of each monorail system in diffferent parks. I think that each has its own identity with it's location. Dl's fits there. WDW's fits there. And so on. I like the cab designs of each park. For WDW, same cab design, same simplicity in stripes, but add in the "tron" design and "halloween" designs works perfect, but at the same time running the original paint scheme.


Well-Known Member
While the Disneyland monorail fleet does look snazzy...

That paint job specifically plays up the different bodywork that the Disneyland trains have.

The paint job on the WDW fleet plays up the bodywork of the trains there, and I've always thought the WDW fleet has a classic and rather classy look to it. It's a look that's held up well over the last 40 years, as the trains kept their basic look through several different models.

I don't think they should tinker with the paint jobs on the WDW fleet too much, unless they get new trains entirely.

What is the life cycle for the liveries on those DL's trains compared to the just being white?

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