Sleep Deprivation and WDW

Have you ever had sleep deprivation because you were going to WDW the next morning?

  • Of course! It happens every time!

    Votes: 74 82.2%
  • It's happened to me once.

    Votes: 5 5.6%
  • Get a life! It's Disney World. Who cares?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I can't even fall asleep.

    Votes: 7 7.8%
  • It hasn't happened to me yet.

    Votes: 4 4.4%

  • Total voters


we went last year the day after Thanksgiving. Since none of us could sleep but we couldn't head out till after we dropped our dog off at the kennel, we got up at 3am and did some "black friday" shopping on the way to the kennel.
Needless to say, we had a good time and were in Orlando by 5 pm that night..yes, it was a long day but Disney's worth it!!!


Well-Known Member
I always try to make myself go to sleep early before a Disney trip, and I won't drink any caffeine that day, but for some reason it just never seems to work out and I end up staying up very late. Even if I get to sleep it's the kind where you wake up about every hour.


Well-Known Member
I don't really have that much anymore, since I live here. If that was the case I wouldn't ever be able to sleep because there is always a chance of me heading to the parks. :lookaroun:p

When my family was in town to visit this past weekend though, I didn't get any sleep at all. The worst part of it was that for some reason I was finally scheduled for an opening shift, so I had to wake up by 5:45 the morning after they arrived. I only had about 2 hours of sleep that night because it took so long for my family to get settled and I couldn't sleep at all due to excitement of having them here.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Mine is usually due to last minute packing and loading up the van. I always swear that I am going to do it a day or two before the trip but inevitably I find myself packing up those last few things at 1:00 AM.


Well-Known Member
We like to take the earliest flight possible, so we usually have to leave the house around 4 am. This last trip neither my hubby or myself could sleep well. We ended up giving up at around 2 am. There was some moronic movie on at that time with Cuba Gooding, Jr where he is on some sort of cruise. I can't believe we watched it before we had to get up and showered. The whole time we kept saying to each other, we really should try to get some sleep. But we just were too excited. :lol: We did make it to spectromagic that night, though. I don't think we even felt tired once we were in the world.

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