Skyway's Return


New Member
Original Poster
Hi all.
Exciting news. So I was at my uncle's house last weekend (he's an Imagineer). I though it was pretty cool. They are working on bringing the skyway back with enclosed cars. The problem with the original skyway was that guests could jump, or spit out of them. These enclosed ones will prevent that. Apparently they won't need to close it down during rain or lightning, only in high wind. I am told the cars will look different from one another and change theming as they go from Tomorrowland to Fantasyland and vice versa. I don't fully understand how, but its cool. If all goes well in the design and testing phase, they hope to announce a plan to bring them back at the end of the 50<SUP>th</SUP> celebration. I'm so excited.

Try this link to see the Concept art:


I don't want to sound cynical, I mean I'd LOVE to see the syway return. But I really don't believe that WDI would leak these blueprints. I'm curious, where did you get this from? Your Uncle I presume.


Well-Known Member
That's cool, but wouldn't your uncle get annoyed if he found out that you posted an image that says on it that it's for internal use only and not to be distributed on a public website?


New Member
I assume at the bottom of the blueprint, you know where it says "DWI Intrenal - Not For Distro." means that its not for distrobution.

Thus bringing me to my question(s).
A.) Where did you REALLY get this, and
B.) How much longer do you think your uncle will work for WDI.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention could Steve possibly get in trouble for it being posted on his site? I would remove that if I were you.


New Member
Come on guys,

Give the kid a break. He was only trying to do a good thing and post what he found out. I'm sure his uncle wouldn't have given him something that wasn't released yet. And if he did then he will have to deal with what may happen. Don't blame the poster...

I think that is a really cool would fit perfectly in Tomorrowland...but it may look a little out of place in Fantasyland. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens!



If it's genuine that is. Maybe he got/made some Imagineering paper (has anyone seen the real thing?) And done his own sketch.
This would explain why there is no clear way of boarding the vehicle. I'm also unsure about what a "Dept. Lead Singoff" is?


Premium Member
Is it supposed to be "DWI Internal" at the bottom? If not, this means that either someone at WDI is dyslexic, or this is a clever fake.

Edit: "Singoff," too. Good catch, Dr.Seeker!


Account Suspended
I don't understand how the vehicle would load... except through a tiny window thingy... but other than that i'd like them to come back.

Even notes should maintain graphic standards for readability though - and i thought no one hand drafted anymore.


New Member
TheDisneyGirl02 said:
Come on guys,

Give the kid a break. He was only trying to do a good thing and post what he found out. I'm sure his uncle wouldn't have given him something that wasn't released yet. And if he did then he will have to deal with what may happen. Don't blame the poster...

I think that is a really cool would fit perfectly in Tomorrowland...but it may look a little out of place in Fantasyland. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens!


You're right. I apologize. However if these are true there can be a serious issue with your uncle and his job.
There was only that one sketch so maybe they alternate a tomorrowland theme and fantasyland car.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I'm either calling BS or calling unemployment for your uncle, cause if you aren't full of it, then your uncle is out of a job.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
WDI makes several hundred sketches for every little detail... and several THOUSAND sketches for things that will never see fruition.

If this is real, then that's probably what it is.


Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
Is it supposed to be "DWI Internal" at the bottom? If not, this means that either someone at WDI is dyslexic, or this is a clever fake.

Edit: "Singoff," too. Good catch, Dr.Seeker!


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