Skipping in line woman sentenced!


Active Member
So the time of day, or the number of people on the ride determines if Disney has to provide a safe environment?

I usually care about the many over the few, except when one of the few is having her head bashed in.

The questions should be: Did Disney respond reasonably? Were two CMs enough for the crowd?
Montyboy, you're reading into this wrong. The point I was trying to make was that sometimes, especially when the masses must be taken into account, you have to make a chocie. Do I either let the people on this ride go round and round till they get sick all over themselves so I can stop one person from beating another, and in turn probably get repremanded for allowing this to happen to these folks on the ride? or Do I try to keep the masses from realizing that something is going on and just act like everything is normal? You're at the happiest place on earth, and you probably need to act like everything is normal!
Plus you also have to realize that if these CM's who were actually running the ride steped in and tried to stop the fight several things could take place: The employees themselves could get sued, and more than likely disney would have to let them go because they would now be a liability, or the employees could get hurt and end up having to go on workers compensation and if they did not feel they were being compensated well enough, they in turn could sue disney. And you also obviously did not see were I put in the point that I believe Disney CM's are not allowed to interfere in situations such as these, they have to call security. And if they did call security, security more than likely cannot interfere either and in turn have to wait for the oc sheriff's department. So these employees have to make a chocie either interfere and get fired because you are no longer an asset but now a liabilty or let these two women go at it, and keep their jobs. Now we all could say we would interfere and be ok with loosing our jobs, but we cannot truthfully say what we would do until we are faced with that actual decision.


New Member
Of course! The CM's should have been told at the start of their shifts that there would be a fight at the teacups at that specific time so that they could prevent it all together. It's part of the magic... :lookaroun :lol:

Maybe it should be on those dream squad computers...they always seem to know when and where the "magic" is going to happen...they could also know when two idiots are going to beat each other up!:lol:

My mother once got kicked off a jury because she laughed when a wife announced her suit for "loss of services..I mean..companionship". This law suit is crap. She's only suing Disney because, even if they settle, she make out better than if she sued the other woman.


New Member
The women in Anniston.... :ROFLOL: That's funny b/c I lived there for a while and I promise you, you don't wanna mess with me! (Just kidding!)

Anyway, This whole thing is nuts! If she should sue anyone, it should be the woman who hit her, not Disney. What's with all of this fighting anyway? Every time I turn the news on someone is beating someone up. :rolleyes: It just makes me wanna HIT someone! :lookaroun:lol:
That's actually on purpose, they don't tell you a positive story unless it's related to an otherwise horrible event, way fo the world it gets more people to watch the news. Like with movies, what would you rather watch, Die Hard, or a movie where everything is perfect and there are no conflicts whatsoever. I'd rather see Die Hard personally and that's the same approach the news stations take.


New Member
Montyboy, you're reading into this wrong. The point I was trying to make was that sometimes, especially when the masses must be taken into account, you have to make a chocie. Do I either let the people on this ride go round and round till they get sick all over themselves so I can stop one person from beating another, and in turn probably get repremanded for allowing this to happen to these folks on the ride? or Do I try to keep the masses from realizing that something is going on and just act like everything is normal? You're at the happiest place on earth, and you probably need to act like everything is normal!
Plus you also have to realize that if these CM's who were actually running the ride steped in and tried to stop the fight several things could take place: The employees themselves could get sued, and more than likely disney would have to let them go because they would now be a liability, or the employees could get hurt and end up having to go on workers compensation and if they did not feel they were being compensated well enough, they in turn could sue disney. And you also obviously did not see were I put in the point that I believe Disney CM's are not allowed to interfere in situations such as these, they have to call security. And if they did call security, security more than likely cannot interfere either and in turn have to wait for the oc sheriff's department. So these employees have to make a chocie either interfere and get fired because you are no longer an asset but now a liabilty or let these two women go at it, and keep their jobs. Now we all could say we would interfere and be ok with loosing our jobs, but we cannot truthfully say what we would do until we are faced with that actual decision.

Man in Black: Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
Vizzini: Wait til I get going! Now, where was I?

Kingdom WDW

New Member

Victoria Walker apologized to the victim and was given credit for 32 days already served. The 52-year-old Anniston, Ala., woman was accused of beating and kicking Aimee Krause in May 2007 in line at Disney's Mad Tea Party.
Judge Jose Rodriguez said he took into account Walker's remorse. She admitted pulling Krause's hair but said the central Florida woman provoked her.
Walker was taken into custody in Alabama and extradited to Florida months after the incident



I don't think Disney should settle with the woman who was hit at all. It is just a case of someone trying to get money anyway they can. People sue for the most ridiculous things now a day, to me this is kind of like someone being attacked in a store or another common place and then the person who was attacked suing the company for not doing enough.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Disney should settle with the woman who was hit at all. It is just a case of someone trying to get money anyway they can. People sue for the most ridiculous things now a day, to me this is kind of like someone being attacked in a store or another common place and then the person who was attacked suing the company for not doing enough.

You are exactly right. It's just crazy. :zipit:


New Member
you must read the story

I agree if you havent kept up with reading this story you could draw numerous conclussions from this whole mess.

But, if you read in the past articles and follow the stories from the court proceedings you will probably draw a different conclussion. This happened on Memorial Day Weekend last year at approximately 9PM ( i think we can ALL agree that this is a very busy period of year as well as time of day prior to parades in fantasy land). The CM that was called to testify in the assault case, admitted that he was made aware of the verbal altercation while in line and he told Walker to step back where he had directed her to stand, and that afterwards others requested that he call security to help when Walker started using extreme profanities with their children around ans she was being uncontrolable. The CM said he was the ONLY CM WORKING THE RIDE THAT NIGHT and was responsible for everything that was happening and decided not to call Security as requested by not only Krause but by the other parents in line as well. He did not try to break up the fight that occurred on the ride platform as a result of the line descrepancy (Walker said she was taking what she thought was her rightful place in the line que as she did not understand what was happening and it was her first time to Disney World. How hard is it to do as you are told by the person in charge of the ride, being a 51 year old woman with a church group and numerous children around you?)

This, I think is the basis of what Krause is filing her lawsuit. Disney knows that this is a very busy time of year, being a Holiday weekend and as well a busy time of day, prior to parades occurring and they chose as a Company and a service provider to have only ONE CM working the ride. Second, the ride operator, as an employee of Disney chose not to call security when requested to do so by so many, Disney empowered him to make rational decisions on their behalf and he should have been duly trained to make these decisions if they put him in a power position as they did.

The line altercation could not have been prevented by one CM, if there was two as normal it could have as one would be responsible for that side of the ride, but not singlely, but it could have been prevented from the point of escalation to ever filter in to the ride platform if he had called security and Walker was removed prior to entering the ride platform and Krause would not have been attacked physically, only verbally in line. Krause would not have sustained any injuries or any type of permanent damage from the attack that ensued if this request was handled appropriately, but it was not.

As for Krause's husbands lawsuit, i dont think it has to do with the "marital bed" it probably has to do with the fact that they have children, a house, jobs and responsibilities (Krause had not been cleared to return back to work when this trial was occurring and still has numerous weekly doctors appointments along with another possible knee surgery, number three from the initial kick that accurred with the attack), so this has probably put them in financial ruins as i know it would me if my wife lost her job for a year (not to mention the insurance co-pay costs from all of this) and am sure it would to most of us on here that have dual income families. Companionship can mean so many things and it is a VERY broad term that the court system requires attornies to use, you cannot be so narrow minded to think of the narrowest meaning of the word "companionship."

I think Disney is already trying to think of a way to settle this out of court (there spokesperson said when they were served that they had "no idea that the lawsuit was being filed", if you have ever been sued you know WELL in adnvance that you are going to be sued as attys. always try to settle out of court first and save filing costs and to give the defendant a chance to save themselves prior to going public information, they were probably just trying to call what they thought might be a bluff) to forego the publicity of this and more importantly how many times this sort of incident really does occur that will deffinately come out in a court of law and put them under more scrutiny and how safe we really are or maybe might not be while attending the park as Disney's guests.

Just my own 2cents.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind, that though it seems clear now that it is the CMs lack of foresight to call security, Disney is liable for the actions of its employees. If what mtgman says is true, then there is no question Disney is liable. So the real question should now be "why didn't the CM call security?" To answer that I guess you need to know the atmosphere of working at Disney. I remember when I worked at Six Flags, even though we were told to call maintenance every time we thought something was wrong, maintenance would more or less scream at us or ignore us if it turned out to be nothing. So we tried our best not to call them, because we didn't want to hear them. Same with security. Security guards tend to be full of themselves as it is, and probably get annoyed at being called. They used to take forever when I called so I had to come up with creative ways to delay the perp's escape. So if Disney's security isn't much better, why would a CM want to deal with that. The CM probably didn't foresee violence, but if it had been me I would have called. Even if security hadn't arrived, once the phonecall was made Disney's liability would lessen and I would have at least covered myself (though security's lackluster action may increase the liability).

It also makes me wonder, does Disney determine its daily capacity based on staffing or on actual physical capacity. When I worked at Six Flags, capacity was determined by staffing of security, rides and shows in addition to the amount of food and beverage on property. Does Disney do this or do they just cram them in 'til no one else fits? I hope it's the former. This whole situation is sad.


I thought her major beef with Disney was the length of time it took them to have local police involved? I guess she's checking out every angle...even her husband not getting his nooky is an issue.

I have watched some of the news footage and have strained my eyes trying to see the injuries she points to on her neck...i have zoomed that image in and I honestly don't see one little mark or bruise on her.

Yes, I am biased, I'll be the first to admit it. I don't want people to sue Disney without good reason and also, I'm Canadian and, sorry to say for my neighbours to the South, but we think Americans sue for EVERYTHING!

It's just one of those stereotypes that gets overblown by the media...after all...a story with no lawsuit is not a story so we don't get to hear about people resolving things in a civil matter outside of court.

I think it's proper to sue the woman that beat her but I honestly believe she has minimal injuries and saw $$$$ in her eyes and went after Disney simply because she can

My humble opinion...for whatever it's worth ;)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks


Well-Known Member
It is sad that 2 adults can screw up going to WDW..

God help their kids !!!

The concept of line behavior was taught 40 years ago in school I do believe !!!


New Member
it will be interesting

It also makes me wonder, does Disney determine its daily capacity based on staffing or on actual physical capacity. When I worked at Six Flags, capacity was determined by staffing of security, rides and shows in addition to the amount of food and beverage on property. Does Disney do this or do they just cram them in 'til no one else fits? I hope it's the former. This whole situation is sad.[/quote]

Your question has great merit. Does anyone really know the truthful answer to this? How does Disney decide what the maximum capacity on any given day is?

The real thing that worries me about this is the Victim and her kids went where the CM told them to go in the line que, this is what enraged Walker and began the confrontation in line and the CM who was in charge of the ride and his actions just turned his back and went on with his job since he was the only one tending to the ride. It makes me wonder how many times have we as park guests that frequent Disney world and since there are numerous rides with lines as the Teacups, been put in possible danger and harms way?

Im sure it would have been different if this CM was not the only one running the ride but in this instance he was. At least we would hope that it would have been different.

I hate to say it, but i think Disney is responsible for this incident and i hope they learn from this incident as well. Disney has a responsibility to all of us that attend the park and i think we probably all take it for granted that since we are in the Happiest Place on Earth that we are all in the Safest Place on Earth, when in fact we might not be. Disney is responsible for guests safety on their private property. Same if you go to any other business from the local dime store to the largest mall, thats why there are security guards on large private properties, to lessen the exposure to liability concerns and keep order on their properties. If someone came onto your private property, are you responsible for their safety? Look at your home owners insurance policy and see what kind of limits you have. Disney is Self-insured, meaning they do not have an insurance carrier per-say, they take it upon themselves to cover themselves, making any claim almost a necessity to sue, even if the victim is looking to have only her doctors bills and medical bills covered, the reports do not say what she is seeking only that she is suing. Same as someone that was hurt on your private property would have paid for them by your home owners insurance policy except they would simply be able to file a claim against them. If someone is self insured they do not pay into an insurance policy that covers them from possible future claims and dont have to worry about it, it comes out of the self insureds bottom line but they are supposed to have a coffer of funds set aside for such claims, but they are not going to just give it up since they might be able to hold on to it for future claims and fighting each one lessens the blow to their coffers of money they have set aside.

I dont think well ever get to hear the real truth on this as Disney will probbly settle out of court as to not bring srutiny to themselves and they do not want any future investigations as to what information what might come out in court. Disney is bound by the amusement park laws of Florida, same as a weekend local fair that might come to town. If it is found that there was only one CM was working the ride and it is deemed that there should have been two at all times as directed from the State, then this also could have the possibility of future fines and sanctions put against them by the state department that regulates them and the parks safety. Disney is not crazy and its better for someone to go away then to have possible truths that they dont want to be aired come out.

Im sorry to seem as though i am rambling on, but it does peeve me that i have had yearly passes for the past 12 years, a die-hard Disney promoter to everyone that comes to town from out-of-state, and with what we pay and what everyone pays for a daily pass, you would assume that eveyone there knows there job and how to handle situations accordingly and you wouldnt have to worry about Disney or a CM putting you in harms way without worry.

I have two children now also and do not know what i would do, if when i was not there with my wife and children, and this was to happen to her. We own every Disney DVD and yes still VHS :lol:, we live only 13 miles away and still vacation there for a week every year at the Boardwalk Concierge wing, my sons room is Pirates and my daughter is of course Princess.
But it really makes me think of what others say is true; Disney only cares about the money, not the patrons or corporate responsibility?

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