Trip Report Sixth Sense - " I see a LOT of people" - a Max Trip Report - COMPLETED

2022-10-06 - Disneys Animal Kingdom Park - The Tree of Life (1).jpeg

Hello All
Welcome to my first trip report in almost 3 years.
I will spare you the usual sob story of how vacations were booked and cancelled due to - you know - that thing we do not like to talk about much anymore.

Above from Left to right we have Stephanie (DD) , Tricia (DW) and Cassie (DD) in the front row
And Jordan (SIL), me ( Max, Andrew, Drew, Clarence) and Shane.

The last trip for me and Tricia was Nov 2019 to Disneyland.
The entire group last went in Dec 2018 to WDW.

The 2018 trip was a celebration of Steph and Jordan being engaged (married on Oct 5, 2019)

This trip we have another engaged couple!!

Shane popped the question in March 2022 and Cassie of course said yes!

Dates - Sunday Oct 2 - Sunday Oct 9
Stayed at the Dolphin - three separate rooms for the three couples

The title you ask?

Well six people went to WDW and arrived just a few days after a hurricane blew through - we thought crowds might dip - boy were we wrong!!

More to come - thanks for following



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I agree - the family style of the report is a lot of fun!!
Meghan Trainor Family GIF by PeacockTV

stitch GIF

This might be the most Ohana TR ever!!

I feel horrible for not responding to the multiple times you tagged me but in my defense whenever I log in my inbox usually has several messages from people I've either upset or from the moderators warning me about who I've upset lol

Live web cam of @wdisney9000 opening his inbox!!

Come At Me Bring It GIF by Game of Thrones

Glad to have you here!!!



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Day 3 DHS cont’d

We mulled around the shops until our Rise paid LL time was up

Saw some friends but they could not stop to talk

This the first time for all of us on Rise - I think since it has been open for over 3 years i do not have to worry about spoilers
We loved it - totally immersive ride - the CM make or break it when you are on the star cruiser for sure


I have gone to a Six Flag style park here in Canada called Canadas Wonderland quite a few times
Stand in a non themed queue for an hour for a 1-3min ride

Rise is the perfect example of a theme park attraction - pulling you in with multiple rides systems, cm interaction and just plain old fun.



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Day 3 cont’d

We left Galaxy's Edge and watched the Muppet Movie - the AC was nice

Then we checked the tip board and decided to do Tower - 55 min prediction was accurate - Steph stayed off this time

This line was long and slow - the impact of not buying Genie + and being stuck in standby
Goofy tried to cheer us up near as we got closer to the actual hotel

Light fixtures for @Doc Disney

Almost there! Jordan's expression sums it up fairly well


Adding in the ride photo

Lines were getting long


Hunger was setting in so we mobile ordered at Docking Bay 7 - back to SWGE for us - food was great


Docking Bay and the Avatar quick service later in the week (Satu'li Canteen) were the best in my opinion

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Sometimes I like rides with a drop but other times it's just not my thing.

The nice thing about the long line was that I could relax for a little bit, I was fighting some sensory overload after the busyness of the morning. During the trip I was fighting a bit of an ear infection so I was unable to wear my Loop EarPlugs as much as I wanted.
While sitting I saw these little friends.


One of them even decided to climb on my leg. A child nearby said "Oh they're so cute". (not when they're climbing on you!)
How many (what animal are these even? gecko, salamander) can you spot?


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Day 3 cont'd

After lunch we wandered for a bit

We saw some troopers walking around - no Kylo - and unfortunately no interaction with me this time.
For those that do not remember I had a run in with them in 2018 when I implied that their shooting accuracy was so bad they probably could not hit water if they fell out of a boat!! No arrests this time
star wars stormtrooper GIF

boat fail GIF

Blue milk was tried by others (they will have to comment on the experience - @MiniMax and @stephmax975 )

"Let me try it now!!"

Went back to the hotel and took some pics with a droid

We rested and relaxed for a bit and returned after a couple of hours in three groups of 2.

And wait times were long for the headliner attractions


@dryerlintfan - took this one for you!


Tricia and I decided on Pizza Rizzo - I cannot remember ever eating their before but @Tuvalu frequents often so we gave it a shot

We shared a Lost Jewel from a cart near Indy Stunt show - really good - went back for another after dinner


Did not take a food pic but did take one of this apple cider with bobba (?) balls - it was good


Tricia enjoyed the gluten free pizza and would recommend others to try it from this spot
And I enjoyed my regular pizza as well

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Day 3 DHS cont'd

Cassie and Shane met up with us after our dinner and we went to Mickey/Minnie Runaway Railroad
I think Elon Musk was launching rockets at the Cape on this day


We met a wonderful young couple and chatted in the long line
I do not remember what this stuffed friend is called but it is very cute

And found out that their names were Cassie and Jordan!!

it truly is a ....

Its A Small World Disneyland GIF by As The Bunny Hops

First and only ride during this trip on this one for me
I miss the GMR - this is a cute attraction but our wait time of approx 50 min will not be done again


We toured One Man's dream ( four of us - Steph and Jordan were doing other things like building a droid)

I love the models and the history of Walt's life


We all met up at Smugglers at 8:50pm for a walk on ride - Cassie and I did the pilot thing and we were Space Pirates

next up: Oga's reservation at 9pm (park closed)

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Day 3 DHS

Backtracking a little - we walked through TSL to get to Smugglers

Wait times with 1 hour of park time to go - some of course are artificially high
We picked another Smugglers Run since we had the Cantina reservation at park close and wanted to be in close proximity


Slinky would be on another day for the four of us - but it was on today's agenda for @stephmax975 and Jordan....



Galaxy Edge at night is impressive

We waited extra time for a booth and were seated on one end with another group
This is my one issue with this place - not all people want to sit or stand with strangers

We were able to spread out eventually

Drinks that I can remember or took notes

I had a dagobah and a fuzzy tantan

T had a Jedi mind trick

@MiniMax got a Porg mug - you can see it on the table but she probably has a better picture on her phone

We left a very empty park and headed back
The boats had stopped so I was able to convince a Coronado bus driver to take us to the Dolphin
(walking with my cane at the time probably helped!!)

Crossing Old Man GIF by Evansville Otters

That ends Day 3 for me - lets see if anyone wants to add more....

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Well-Known Member
Welllll. I got a text message in the family group chat roasting me for not posting yet.
So here I am :) and since I was at Mean Girls today:
Why Are You So Obsessed With Me Mean Girls GIF

After we had the blue milk (Jordan really liked the blue milk and was in fact grumpy that I was drinking it too), we went back the hotel for coffee and chilling.
When we went back to the park, we opted to get in line for Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Rail Train.
I adored this ride so much. The Great Big Movie Ride was one of my favourites so I had high expectations for whatever replaced it.

For dinner we decided to go to Woody’s Lunchbox. I got the plant based Totchos and Jordan got one of the sandwiches.

With the mobile ordering I found it difficult to make requests and adjustments and I would have rather had real cheese instead but it was yummy.
After dinner, Jordan and I decided to wait in line for Slinky. We waited a long time, but less than the wait time was shown as.

And then it was time to make our droid! After much debating (and polling several people to try and influence folks into agreeing with me which I failed at), we had decided to make and R2 unit.
The purple was very striking so we were going to make an all purple droid but they didn't have the options to make a fully purple R2.
Sad Its Over GIF by Star Wars

So we really struggled to choose since our original plan

Leaving See Ya GIF by MOODMAN
Spongebob Squarepants Transition GIF by American School of Guatemala


After some hard work assembling, Lutie was ready to grumpily activate (we chose the grumpy personality because Chopper's grumpiness is iconic)

When all was said and done our new little friend was all protected and ready to go :). She was maybe a bit grumpy and claustrophobic but she's always grumpy so?


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We have a few more photos to add from the cantina that Jordan took (which is a shocker because he rarely takes photos)
Before the drinks arrived, he snapped a photo of the coasters. He really liked the cool designs and liked that there were so many different designs at our table.

As you can see by the full drinks in this photo, three of us got the jedi mind trick. Honestly was probably my least favourite drink of the week but I was also feeling pretty exhausted by this point. This was the day that I was really struggling with sensory overload and needed my Loop earplugs for pretty much the whole day. The cantina was honestly too loud for me so unsure if my opinion on the drinks really holds much weight?

Jordan on the other hand really enjoyed the Fuzzy Tauntaun.

The last fun photo I have from the night was this one in front of Kylo's ship.

Bye this point we were exhausted but it was so nice being in Galaxy's Edge after the park had closed and getting the opportunity to be there at night when it was quieter as we were walking out.

Now onward with the trip!


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Day 4 - Wednesday Oct 5, 2022

Now we move on to the unofficial mid point of the trip
When planning a trip with 6 adults - 3 couples - it became obvious that we needed to adjust to individual preferences
We decided that we would start almost all days together and have dinners together. Lunches would be optional and staying in a park or returning would be an individual decision.
And we decided that this day - Day 4 - would be a couples day - each group of two doing their own thing at their own pace.

This day is a special day - the 3 year anniversary of Stephanie and Jordan's wedding in 2019.

So I will of course report on the day that Tricia and I enjoyed and hope the other two contributors will chime in on their day.

We started early with a drive to Universal Studios to drop off Shane and Cassie.
On the drive over Cassie scored this for Tricia and me

We had a breakfast reservation (@wdisney9000 ) at Tratorria al Forno at 9am -but the Boarding group number changed the plan
We got to the restaurant at 8:30 and ordered quickly
The boarding group call came at 9am with a deadline of only 45 min.
We arrived with 1 min to spare (oh and breakfast was good- even without characters)

Some queue pictures


My love of models came through in this line




Wait time from entering the building to getting on the actual ride was approx 35 min ( much longer than the two rides we did later in the trip)

We did get to see a few of the interviews in the queue - the Peter Quill lines about going back to Epcot are priceless!!

The star power of the cast of this ride is impressive


My thoughts on the ride? - very impressed with the story and the ride - but I did get a little woozy - not woozy enough to avoid going on it two more times!!

And we had One way or another by Blondie - we thought it was a good one for the ride

Pic outside the ride


Next up - magic happens!!

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This is the best song choice I've heard of! I don't recall anyone else having it.
Time to get your geek on!!
Oh My God Omg GIF by CBS

I agree that it is a good song for the ride

"one way or another, I'm going find you, I'm going getcha getcha" is pretty much what the Guardians are doing as they send the shuttles through the jump point to find the celestrial being Eson.


Other songs that are also good/sort of work:

Everybody wants to rule the world by Tears for Fears - Eson is pretty much trying to take over the galaxy??
I ran by Flock of Seagulls - Eson is running away from the GOG and your shuttle??

Songs that are harder to connect (for me) but are ok because they have a good beat:

September by Earth Wind and Fire
Conga by Miami Sound Machine
Disco Inferno by the Trammps (had to look that one up!)

Maybe there is something in lyrics that connects to the ride - if you know then please share



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Day 4 cont’d

I have only met 2 Magicians in person - and both times it was in Canada - not at a Disney park
But that changed today!!

@Longers (Tracey) was vacationing from England with her husband Chris.
They were there for all of Ian and we had been communicating before and during their trip

We agreed to meet on Wed Oct 5 in Epcot at the GOG ride
We walked around for a bit together and then found a table in Morocco to sit and chat

It was a wonderful visit - they are great people - we talked about almost everything you could think of

The pictures are not the greatest because both spouses were taking them and we did not synch on which camera to look at!!!

and then we go silly

Tricia and I continued to explore World showcase - home sweet home!

And then I went into the apple orchard to get an apple tart and a cider flight

I liked the taste of the cider but was dissappointed with this

None of the ciders are actually from Canada!!
I went back in and asked why
The response was "well this is not really a Canadian food spot " but the CM did admit that all the beer were from Canada...

Be Nice Season 9 GIF by The Office
Conan Obrien This Is Unacceptable GIF by Team Coco

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Day 4 cont’d

We picked up a Mousse and Sugar Cookie dessert (cannot remember the name of the booth) but it was between Canada and Mexico)

T did some shopping and I took pictures inside a store

I made zero effort to find all the gold statues but did take a few pics of them along the way


We made it to Mexico and waiting in a long line for these 2 beauties (the drinks!)

Strawberry for me and Fiesta (mango) for Tricia

Next we walk over towards Test Track and enjoyed some fries


T really liked the ones on the left - i did okay with the flight but it was a bit much for one person (the sweetness of the sweet potatoes got to be too much)

Shopped a little at the new store (old Mouse Gear)

Did not buy this (we do not have pets) but thought it was a cute pet bed

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