Signs you're a Major Disney Fan


New Member
Ok lets see....ever since sixth grade, i've been "the disney chick"...
pretty much every room in my house is decorated around disney (ie., the living room is mickey mouse red, the dining room is black and white with mickey wallpaper, one bathroom had disney tiles and even a hiden mickey)
my friends like to call our hallways the art gallery because of all the disney art we have up....
all of our cars have disney plate frames....
we have disney furniture...
we have a mickey door knocker...
all but one of our telephones are disney...
a great many of our lamps are disney...
i really could go on for hours... but i'll stop now...


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by KBQueenWDW
Your teacher kindly asks you to stop doing all your reports, projects, and speeches on something Disney.
Kindly? My teacher pretty much says, "Stop writing about Disney, damn it!" (Ok, maybe not, but that's basically what she says)

Adding new ones now


New Member
Originally posted by hmppan

Have had that happen,

You are known around your campus as the disney boy

Your Senior Music Recital is 95% Disney Themes

Hey! I am known around my campus as the "disney girl"!!!:p

Kisses from Brazil!:kiss:


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyCP2000
You point with two fingers or with your hand!

LOL I do that all the time now since becoming a passholder, I usually point that way at work since we have allot of guests.

No I dont work for WDW :(


New Member
How about when you cant stand the people you love most while they are at Disney World and you're not b/c you are so jealous of them? :lol:



New Member
Originally posted by DisneyrazZ
How about when you cant stand the people you love most while they are at Disney World and you're not b/c you are so jealous of them? :lol:


My aunt is at WDW!!!! She didn't take me!!!:fork: I felt like killing her yesterday!!!:hammer:
Kisses from Brazil!!!:kiss:


New Member
I have my desktop background as Cindarella's Castle and my Startup sound is " We welcme you aboard our Highway in the sky and hope you enjoy the Magic Kingdom"


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyrazZ
How about when you cant stand the people you love most while they are at Disney World and you're not b/c you are so jealous of them? :lol:


My boyfriend is going next month!!!!!!!!! He is going on his senior trip..he loves disney world like i do..the rest of his class went to tampa bay or something...and they went last month..but he would rather go to disney world...but he isnt taking me :( :( i'm too young...

Oh..and i thought the one that goes 'you make your little brother move the desk chair to stimulate that ride' was so cute!! i cracked up at it!!

Pray that i'll be ok when my bf leaves me for a week to be with the mouse!! you think i'll survive? :mad:



New Member
Knowing you are a Disney fan

- you keep looking for hidden Mickeys in films that weren't made by Disney

You go to Universal Orlando and look for hidden Mickey's on the rides

You wear dress shirts with Mickey's embroidered on the front, to compliment your Disney ties

You go to work wearing Disney so much that people only notice when you are NOT wearing it!

You have so many Disney choices for your desktop theme that you can change the background every day for a month and not have the same picture twice!


New Member
Original Poster
Re: Knowing you are a Disney fan

Originally posted by yensid354
You have so many Disney choices for your desktop theme that you can change the background every day for a month and not have the same picture twice! [/B]

Forget just a month, I have enough to last me at least 2...or 3...

My extended family recently went to WDW, but I couldn't go with them...:(
Then my robot team went to WDW and I couldn't go with them...:(

Anyway, thanks for the contributions, I'm adding them right now (If they'll fit, I think I've almost maxed out the message length, if so, I'll be posting it in sections, but the #'s may be screwed up)


New Member
Original Poster
Here's the list...part 1
1) Your computers are named Mickey, Minnie, etc.
2) Your desktop theme consists of Disney pictures
3) You can name all the Disney characters by heart
4) You refer to all park employees (including those who don't work for Disney) as cast members
5) You go all over the internet searching for Disney music
6) You have several Disneyland music CD's
7) Everywhere you look, you see hidden Mickeys
8) You can name all the movies Disney has made.
9) You can name all the songs in every Disney movie.
10) You have dreams that you work at Disneyland
11) You have a Disney website
12) You can make ten words using the letters DISNEY.
13) You visit more than often to view the video clips.
14) While watching the clips, you have your little brother move your chair to simulate the ride.
15) You sit your brother in a chair trying to simulate the rides he's too short for
16) Most of your Napster songs have to do with Disney
17) You try to save money so you can fly to Japan for the opening of Tokyo DisneySea
18) You visit daily, which brings back memories of old rides
19) You go to Disneyland more often than you go on dates.
20) You wish that they would bottle the smell of Disneyland so that you can sniff it whenever you get a craving.
21) Whenever one of your buddies gets online your computer plays "Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirate’s life for me"
22) When you go on rides like the Haunted Mansion your friends are amazed and slightly frightened because you know the complete narration.
23) People call you instead of their travel agent when they need information about going to Disneyland.
24) When they offer you a map at the front gate of Disneyland you simply smile and chuckle a bit.
25) As you walk around Disneyland you tell your friends facts about every ride to the point where they ask you to shut up.
26) Whenever your feeling down you just listen to your sound file from Space Mountain and the world is right again.
27) You know when every Disney character was introduced
28) You know the lines to all Disney songs
29) You've memorized the spiels to all the rides
30) When you go to Disneyland and hear the music, you can name the name of the song.
31) You have a Disney screen saver
32) You visit more than the healthy limit.
33) You play the Disney trivia game over and over
34) You have D-land music on your answering machine
35) You name your pets after Disney characters
36) Instead of talking about your job at work, you discuss the current Disneyland topics
37) You're too far away from Disneyland (and broke) to actually go, so you spend your week-long vacation at
38) You run around the entire park trying to find the song they play on Space Mountain, and when you do find it you set it on repeat on your car stereo and listen to it the whole way home while booking 75-80mph down the 5 freeway!
39) You go through withdrawals of hearing the Main St. music and the smell of Churros and cotton candy
40) You feel like a relative has passed away when you see a ride that is closed for the day
41) Two hour wait? I would wait 6 hours for one Disney ride
42) Everyone at the park calls you by your first name.
43) Leaving Disneyland as it closes for the day is like being kicked out of the Garden of Eden
44) You're known as the Disney Dictionary
45) All your analogies refer to Disney
46) You go to every Disney movie, good or not
47) You know that Eisner is doing a horrible job running Disney
48) You draw Disney-related pictures on your spare time.
49) At work, you hum "it's a small world" over and over again
50) You sing along on rides
51) When people are lost at Disneyland, you help them more than a CM
52) You know what Club 33 is
53) As you walk in, the CM says, "Good to see you again."
54) You can name every ride and the "land" that they are in
55) Your license plate holder says, "My other car is a Doom Buggy"
56) You keep wondering, where else in the U.S. can I get a churro?
57) You amuse your co-workers with character impressions that you're no good at.
58) Your ideal wedding would take place at Disneyland
59) Your girlfriend gives you an ultimatum, her or the mouse
60) The only thing you know how to say in Spanish is "Permanecer sentados, por favor"
61) Knowing since your first time at Disneyland that working there would be your dream job.
62) You get a list on your desk from co-workers to pick up souvenirs.
63) You know where the best seat is for all the shows.
64) While waiting in line for the Matterhorn you yodel better than the recording.
65) You can recognize when a cast member has been moved to a different position in the park.
66) The cast members remember the last time you were at the park.
67) They don't ask to see your passport at the parking garage anymore.
68) Your friends purchase tickets from you because you always have them on hand.
69) Club 33 is tired of hearing you beg to get in.
70) You have a personal relationship to "MAYNARD"
71) You take a 700-mile drive from the Oregon border to San Diego and you play your CD of "The Main Street Electrical Parade" the ENTIRE ROUTE!!!!
72) You get tattoos of Mickey and plan on getting Goofy!
73) You have Disney posters galore.
74) You will read any book about Disney, even though you would hate opening up a book for school.
75) You have collected everything up to napkins and silverware from the parks (including popcorn tubs).
76) You have huge statues of the characters.
77) You drag all your friends (even not Disney lovers) to Disney movies
78) You would rather go to Disneyland than Cancun as a college student!
79) You have Anaheim’s weather on your start page but you don't live in California.
80) You know the monorail lines in English and Spanish.
81) You spend time figuring out how effects work.
82) You know where the ride part junkyard is and have even figured out a plan to get to it.
83) You can point out and identify the hidden, "secret" buildings on the DL property.
84) You know more about a certain ride than its operators do.
85) You consider yourself an "elite" guest and everyone else is a dumb tourist
86) You start a tribute website for every attraction that gets closed down.
87) You have more dreams about Disneyland than anything else.
88) You never need to buy soap; instead you just take soap from your drawer full of complimentary Disney World soap.
89) You have at least 10 maps of Disneyland on your wall
90) You eat Mickey cereal and drink Disney juice
91) You wear 40 pound vests full of Disney pins
92) You know where all the 'hidden Mickey's are in WDW and DL
93) You know the WDW resort better than your hometown.
94) When someone mentions Epcot, you say Every Person Comes Out Tired
95) You can hum any atmosphere music at Disneyland right when you hear it.
96) The music from Main Street Electrical Parade makes you cry
97) You can and will outrun the little kids to meet Mickey and Minnie at the same time
98) You have 2 shoeboxes full of "information"
99) You have a running list of how many times u have ridden each ride
100) You have air samples and water samples from Disneyland
101) You don’t think 100 reasons is enough
102) You write down in extreme detail about every trip you have ever made to Disney parks
103) You have over 150 things scotch-taped to your door about Disney
104) You watch the Share a Dream Come True parade and you both realize that you own every single snow globe.
105) As a gag gift for Christmas your family gets you Disney stock and you think it's the best gift ever
106) You are trying to get a job at DL even though you live about an hour away and hate buses and don't know how to get there by bus anyway and don't have a car.
107) You cry when you listen to Illuminations
108) You want to get married at DL and have your honeymoon at WDW/DL Paris and TDL
109) You revel in finding hard to find phone numbers for Disney Departments
110) You decide to do the college program for 7 months instead of 3 before you even know if you will like it
111) You have pictures of yourself and friends at the controls of a monorail.
112) You have at least 5 sets of "ears"
113) Your wardrobe closet features mostly Disney related clothing
114) You go to resorts even though you not staying there
115) You Actually read the List to see how many apply to you
116) You can give the entire monorail spiel
117) You know the jungle cruise like the backside of water.
118) Disney is a way life
119) You go whenever you have money
120) You think that when your boyfriend takes you to Disneyland it is the perfect date
121) You plan your trip when it is 3 years from now...
122) You ONLY listen to Disney music. And EVERY DAY. For HOURS.
123) You know how to perfectly write every character's signature, even though you've never worked there or seen The Book.
124) You have the numbers for Priority Seating, Reservations, and WDW Lost & Found set to your cell phone's speed dial buttons, even if you're last trip was two years ago.
125) You listen to Spectromagic every night before you go to bed.
126) You know your way around all 4 WDW parks w/ your eyes closed
127) You keep calling your daughter Mickey
128) You go to Disneyland in the summer every year so that you may get a full day out of it since they open earlier and close later!
129) You buy several Disney hats.
130) You act more kid-like every time you return.
131) You can tell how old a guidebook is by what attractions are shown.
132) You can't stand the people you love most while they are at Disney World and you're not b/c you are so jealous of them
133) Your computer startup sound is "We welcome you aboard our Highway in the sky and hope you enjoy the Magic Kingdom"
134) You have the train whistle as an e-mail notification.
135) You keep looking for hidden Mickeys in films that weren't made by Disney
136) You go to Universal Orlando and look for hidden Mickey's on the rides
137) You wear dress shirts with Mickey's embroidered on the front, to compliment your Disney ties
138) You go to work wearing Disney so much that people only notice when you are NOT wearing it!
139) You have so many Disney choices for your desktop theme that you can change the background every day for a month and not have the same picture twice!
140) You watch old vacation videos at least once a week so that you won't forget any details of the ride.


New Member
Original Poster
1. You spend hours in Disney forums.
2. Your car license plate is Disney related. (for example DSNI-FAN, WDW4FUN, JIMINEE)
3. Not only do you know how to walk around all four parks a WDW, you know how to drive to any resort or attraction on property without having a map
4. You can select any one of 3 different routes from the airport to WDW
5. You travel to the MK to purposely get your hair cut at the Main St. barbershop.
6. Cast members at restaurants assume you are a local even though you live hours away.
7. You have money for a more expensive trip, but you prefer going to WDW twice.
8. Your friends call you "the Disney girl/boy".
9. Spectromagic makes you cry.
10. If you see daisy duck somewhere, you run after her, yelling: Hey, Daisy Duck!!! A picture, please! And show it proudly to everyone.
11. You wear Mickey Mouse socks, underwear and pajamas.
12. You stay up late just to read this list.
13. You're a registered member on this site.
14. You have 5 WDW sites in your "favorites".
15. You check each site multiple times a day for the news.
16. You've watched Mission: Space's construction updates from day one.
17. You took a picture of Mission: Space's construction.
18. Anytime somebody mentions Florida, you instantly think "Disney World!!!"
19. You've created your own fantasmic desktop theme
20. When having someone sign for a credit card at your current job you ask for their "autograph"
21. You spend too much money on Ebay for Disney World paraphernalia.
22. You make a Walt Disney World map on your wall using cut outs from guide maps and pictures to make hotels...etc....
23. You've created a 9 min long slideshow of your disney college program set to the tune of Reflections of Earth. Calling it: Illuminations Spring 2000: reflections of the College Program
24. You've completely thought out your entire WDW honeymoon trip and you're not even dating anyone yet.
25. You write up lists of various details you remember of your last trip.
26. You download ride videos from and other sites and watch them numerous times a day.
27. Your entrance music to your wedding is the Main Street Electrical Parade song.
28. Mickey and Minnie are on top your wedding cake
29. all your jewelry you pack for your honeymoon is Mickey
30. Mickey and Minnie are embroidered on your wedding dress
31. the day your child is born you plan when to get him to WDW and you start thinking of the photo ops of the baby and WDW.
32. You read your Birnbaums guide to WDW so many times that its falling to pieces.
33. You rip down the posters of half naked girls on your wall to stick up park maps. (I make sure they both get their share of wall space)
34. You stay up at god forsaken hours of the night to watch reruns of Walt Disney Presents just to see some old clips of the parks.
35. You stay up and watch most of the Wonderful World of Disney on Friday nights instead of partying while in college.
36. You have over 500 pictures of WDW
37. You have spent 5000 dollars on disney theme park related books which you have in a vaulted cabinet in which you dont touch or read any of them till your hands are washed.
38. You would rather go to wdw than to europe
39. You turned off a steamy scene on the playboy channel to watch a disney related show.
40. You want to live in celebration work at disney as vp merchandise/retail developement.
41. You have my kids careers already planned out to be execs at disney and You want to be creamated and sprinkled over bay lake when you go.
42. You know the entire HAUNTED MANSION (or insert your favorite ride here) soundtrack, music, etc.
43. You can't walk into any room in your house without having at least ONE item from Disney World.
44. The Disney valet parkers know your name/vehicle.
45. You know the menu items to all the restaurants in WDW.
46. The Disney hotel bartenders know you by name.
47. The Disney hotel bartenders know your kids names and ages.
48. You have the brick in the Walk Around the World and your image is in Leave A Legacy and are wondering when they're gonna do something similar to MGM and Animal Kingdom.
49. You know where all the turkey leg locations are.
50. You know the SOP for each ride.
51. You go to the character breakfast at the Polynesian and join the conga line-but you have no children.
52. You know what the talking water fountains say and when they're going to say it.
53. The talking trashcan says "oh it's you again"
54. Eisner calls you personally and says, "Stocks are down when is your next visit?"
55. Instead of Frequent Flyer Miles you receive Frequent Stayer Visits.
56. You know the layout of every Disney store.
57. Your kids can't understand your attraction to It's A Small World.
58. You have Orlando's weather on your start page but you don't live in Florida.
59. You check daily the WDW web cams on the Disney website.
60. While riding TTA, you think to yourself "Paging Tom Morrow, Paging Tom Morrow..."
61. You understand the acronyms MSEP, ToT, RnR, etc.
62. You have a 3 foot sorcerer Mickey airbrushed on the back of your conversion van with the words see you real soon
63. No one plays Disney Trivia with you because they know you'll always win.
64. You open your wallet, and you have more Disney dollars than U.S. currency
65. You keep trying to use your Disney credit card at Macy's
66. You're in your local Disney store so often that customers think that you work there.
67. Your mates hold a sweepstakes to see if you really won't go this year.
68. All your bathroom-reading materials consist of old Disney magazines and books. Not to mention, you stock up on Disney resort soap to be used at home and refuse to bathe with anything else.
69. As your boss is signing off on your vacation request, she doesn't even bother to ask, "Where are you going?" anymore!!
70. All of your keychains say "Magic Kingdom" or have Mickey on them.
71. Instead of having music artists on the wall in your room, you have WDW park posters.
72. You have Mickey Mouse and TinkerBell sheets on your bed!!
73. You never need a park map when you’re at WDW or DL; you’re a walking Birnbaum's book.
74. You have a license plate on the front of your new car that says- "Is there life after Disney world?"
75. Every time you go to WDW you drag your family to the casting center and team Disney building for a tour even make them look at model homes at Celebration.
76. The living room of your dorm is decorated in Disney posters from Epcot
77. You can and will outrun the little kids to meet Mickey and Minnie at the same time
78. You walk into a musty basement and the smell reminds you of Tower of Terror.
79. You can hum any atmosphere music at WDW right when you hear it.
80. You have more dreams about WDW than anything else.
81. You know more about a certain ride than its operators do.
82. You know where the ride part junkyard is and have even figured out a plan to get to it.
83. You know where the boats on the SSL and Bay Lake park at night.
84. You know where the monorail track behind the MK goes.
85. You spend time figuring out how effects work.
86. The ONLY music you listen to comes from Disney Parks or Films...
87. You have so many ceramic figurines from back when they were popular, that there is no room left on the shelves even if Disney still made them.
88. You have to ride the Cotemporary's Elevator's till you hear all the Disney characters say their floor number...
89. Have to win a certain number of tickets at each arcade...
90. You spend hours organizing your digital photos of WDW by park/resort
91. Then for the fun of it, you re-organize the photos by date and time since you have a few more hours to spare
92. Half of the time you don't even know what day of the week it is, but if someone asks you how many days until your next trip, you don't even hesitate with the answer
93. You can do every dance move to remember the magic and quote the opening to Tap.
94. Instead of a hair transplant you have Mickeys ears surgically attached to your head. ouch!!!
95. You rent Disney's vacation video at blockbusters every night
96. Your friend the travel agent calls you to verify the direction the hotel monorail runs and the order of the stops.
97. You keep all your old reservation confirmation' the ones from when you went in 1995
98. You name all 21 of your pet bunnies and 12 gerbils by Disney character names. For this you need the Disney A to Z book.
99. You have over 160 Disney license plates, 400 pins and any other thing imaginable to collect.
100. Your friends and co-workers automatically ask you when you are going back to wdw.
101. You get a job at the local Disney store just to get your fix until the next time you return to the parks.
102. Your backyard patio is made in the shape of Mickey's head.
103. You surf ebay to buy bootleg home videos people have made by recording the rides (even if it's terrible quality) just to tide you over until your next visit to WDW.
104. You watch the bootleg videos FREQUENTLY.
105. You assist the tour guide with hard to answer questions, or even up stage the tour guide.
106. You work your butt off in grade school, major in mechanical engineering, and pray that you can be an Imagineer one day
107. You propose to your girlfriend at the Grand Floridian
108. You remember how the Mickey ice cream bars used to look...not totally covered in hard chocolate.
109. You know exactly what room to ask for at an All-Star resort that will keep you away from the annoying sports teams that stay awake until midnight.
110. You've considered bar coding your clothes like wardrobe.
111. You make collages of things from your Disney trip that take you back to that time
112. Your cel collection cost more than your car
113. You point with two fingers or with your hand
114. You create your own Disney computer theme
115. You find hidden Mickeys in the sink, bathtub, etc.
116. You have 7 kids all named after the Dwarfs
117. Your walkway and driveway are paved with those stones in front of the magic kingdom and you charge friends and neighbors to have them inscribed with their names and dated.
118. Your teacher kindly asks you to stop doing all your reports, projects, and speeches on something Disney.
119. You are known around your campus as the disney boy
120. Your Senior Music Recital is 95% Disney Themes
121. Every room in your house is decorated around Disney (ie., the living room is mickey mouse red, the dining room is black and white with mickey wallpaper, one bathroom had disney tiles and even a hiden mickey)
122. Your friends like to call your hallways the art gallery because of all the disney art we have up
123. All of your cars have disney plate frames
124. You have disney furniture
125. All of your telephones are Disney
126. A great many of your lamps are Disney
127. You use disney as a major part of thesis or paper.
128. You download disney songs -- in other languages. for fun.
129. You subscribe to websites like this one, and check all the time.
130. You name your pet fish after disney characters.
131. You've been trying to track down a certain cast member that you felt an unexplainable attration to even though you had never talked to him/her.
132. You are trying to glue an ear back on the mickey antenna topper because you can't drive without it.
133. You're down at the monorail station at your hotel by 6 in the morning
134. You had a Goofy antenna for so long that it broke your antenna in half while driving on the interstate
135. You hand-wash your WDW t-shirts in Woolite so they last (hopefully) forever
136. You analyze Maleficent's voice patterns in Fantasmic! and the movie to see if it is the same person.
137. You watch the end of Fantasmic where Mickey says "Some Imagination, Huh?" over 3,600,000 times memorizing the guests reactions and Mickey's movements so you can see if they match up.
138. You pretend to be an Imagineer, sometimes even posting your ideas as actual scripts and then claiming it's actually coming.
139. You wear a CM nametag to work with yur name taped over the "old" name.
140. You actually have something to add to this list
141. You know where all the Hidden Mickeys in WDW are.
142. You name your kid after Walt.
143. Whenever you open or close a door you say "Please stand clear of the doors...Permane Cer Centavos, por favor"
144. Whenever you come across a long line of some sort (like at the DMV), you say "wow. This ride must be GOOD!"
145. You stare at the 20,000 Leagues lagoon, hoping Atlantis rises.
146. You don't realize you're wearing your Mickey ears around until your boss tells you.
147. Constantly peeking over construction walls.
148. Cast members at certain rides say "oh, its you again".
149. Constantly asking AK cast members "Can you direct me to Beastly Kingdom???"
150. When you hear someone speak Spanish, you feel like saying "Por Favor (this is spelled wrong) mantegeuse alejandro de le spuentos" (Please stand clear of the doors)
151. Always cook pancakes in a familiar three circle pattern.
152. When going over the falls at Splash, constantly shouting suicidal messages ( I REGRET NOTHINGG!!!!!!)
153. You ride just to make silly gestures for other riders photos.

Sorry the numbers are off, that's all I could do if I split the post.

Keep 'em coming! :sohappy:


New Member
Re: Re: Knowing you are a Disney fan

Originally posted by DCA Fan

Then my robot team went to WDW and I couldn't go with them...:(

you're on a FIRST team??? i was on 250 and didn't get to go this year either (it's a long story)



New Member
Original Poster
Yup, team 294. My story's quite long too...
It starts w/ students disagreeing with advisors and it kinda took off from there. :hammer:

Oh well.


Active Member
here are a few personal ones....

- use disney as a major part of thesis or paper.
- download disney songs -- in other languages. for fun.
- subscribe to websights like this one, and check all the time.
- name your pet fish after disney characters.

as well as so many from the list. :):sohappy:

Register on WDWMAGIC. This sidebar will go away, and you'll see fewer ads.

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