Well-Known Member
But couldn't they claim the same thing in the past, if they were walking around after the rangers went off duty? People were walking around at all hours of the night in the past, with only the police to check on them. Wouldn't they still need police patrolling to make sure people don't cross the barricades? The only difference I see is that right now there are no employees to answer questions. It's not as if you had to pay admission to enter (Like a National Park, fort, etc) - there was never any "enter" involved.
But perhaps I'm missing something?
Well, to be honest, in the case of these outside monuments where the barriers are small and can be walked around, I would guess that more than a little bit of political statement is involved in putting up the signs. But I also think that there could be a limit of liability that they could claim at least in the daytime (normal stated operating hours) if something happened (sort of like when lifeguards call for adult swim, but kids are not prevented from jumping in anyway).