Should Great Movie Ride's Replacement Also Include Replacing Chinese Theater Facade?

Should The Great Movie Ride's replacement include replacing the facade?

  • No, the Chinese Theater facade should remain as the centerpiece of MGM Studios.

    Votes: 59 59.6%
  • Yes, the facade should be changed to something new for the future attraction.

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Undecided. It depends on what the new attraction is. The Chinese Theater facade may or may not wor

    Votes: 33 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Well, looks like I'm int he minority, but I think the ride is aweful and a waste of time and space, and the building belongs in Hollywood, not WDW... It's the least "Disney" of all the rides... I'd rather see something more magical.


Well-Known Member
The Great Movie Ride is the SINGLE classic MGM ride.

ToT and RnR and their 2minute experience are nothing like the magic of the GMR.

Sure, it needs some updates - but the ride has become part of film history at this point. Heck, it's the only way Isabella Rossellini's kids have ever "seen" their grandmother - that's not a reason to keep a ride but it has made it signifigant, as this is not the only example.

GMR isn't going anywhere - if only because it's really the only "family" ride in the park.

I'd be happy sending it away on a nice long rehab, however.



Well-Known Member
I do not think the Great Movie Ride should be replaced, but I do think the ride could use some reworking. Maybe some movies scenes can be replaced, and the "live action" segments can be redone. I like the ride, I love the concept, but overall, it does need some help.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I am not sure what to think about this attraction, it's not one of my favorites that when I go to MGM that I hit. Even though it is a classic and should stay. It's just so slow..and boring. I don't know, it wouldn't be a big loss to have. Even anyways who said that the GMR is leaving?


Well-Known Member
Please update ride. The Aliens segment of the ride is just a bit embarassing. But I agree wholeheartedly that the facade should stay.


Park History nut
Premium Member
cherrynegra said:
Aliens segment of the ride is just a bit embarassing.
Too True!

Also, lets not forget the Great Movie Ride is the whole reason the studios are here. Well, kind of.

Universal: "You did!!"

Eisner: "I didn`t!"

Paramount: "He did what??"

Eisner: "I didnt!"

Universal: "You did!!!"

And so on...

Boo's Mom

New Member
:fork: GET RID OF THE FREAKIN' HAT!! its ugly and it doesn't scream hollywood like a theatre does! hollywood=movies=theatre not hat. they sell pins under it. whats hollywood about that? keep the ride, update it just a tad bit and move the hat somewhere else!


Well-Known Member
Uh oh, I think another argument about the hat/chinese theater is brewing. Let's try to avoid that from happening. If you want to argue about the hat find the old thread that discussed if you like it or not. I personally love it, but I don't want to argue. Sorry if I sound rude, I'm not at all. I think the GMR just needs a couple updates, that's all.


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm in the minority here...but work with me...just for the a sec...

What if they totally remake the whole ride, using the same tour of the movies idea...except have it centered just on DISNEY movies, live action and animated...then update the theater facade to make it look more Disney-esque...less chinese theater...that way the new building fits in the with the hat....

If the name changes to The Disney Studios (dropping the MGM) this will make even more sense I think....just my opinion though.


Well-Known Member
objr said:
Alright I'm in the minority here...but work with me...just for the a sec...

What if they totally remake the whole ride, using the same tour of the movies idea...except have it centered just on DISNEY movies, live action and animated...then update the theater facade to make it look more Disney-esque...less chinese theater...that way the new building fits in the with the hat....

If the name changes to The Disney Studios (dropping the MGM) this will make even more sense I think....just my opinion though.

Sounds like an excellent idea to me, guess I'm in the minority as well. I wouldn't change the idea just yet though, if Disney doesn't buy MGM and someone else does, than I can see that happening, especially to make it fit in with the hat. If Disney does buy MGM, I feel that they should just update the movie and make it a little more thrilling at some parts and fix up other places that are in dying need of it.


New Member
I have't replied to one of these in a while, but this caught my eye and I just had to. As far as the great movie ride goes, the attraction is only as good as the tour guides/actors are. I've been on the attraction where the actors are great and it really makes the experience great, however on the flip side of that, I also had bad actors which would lead me to say the ride needed replacing. The ride itself does need some updating, if MGM is going away, I would imagine a re-working of the ride is in store. I would like to see the same concept, but more Disney themeing would be ok with me. If MGM does stay on, updating some scenes are a definite. I myself really can't stand the musical era scene (the dancing girls and the bubbles), mind you I live the dancing girls :D but there are many better movies in which they could have picked a scene from (i.e. singin' in the rain). And lastly, no matter what happens with the ride itself, the Chinese Theatre should stay, well because like most people have stated, IT'S THE SYMBOL FOR MOVIES!!!! You could incorporate it with almost any movie, just make it like a premier (red carpet, flash bulbs that make you feel like a celeb, etc) and instead of random movie memorbilia, you can add memorbilia form the new attraction (or movie that attraction was based on), the movie room could be new coming attractions for both attractions and movies that Disney is coming out with in the near future. ANywho, that is my 2 cents worth. Make some changes with the ride, keep the same story behind it and lastly "LONG LIVE THE CHINESE THEATRE!!!"



Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Sounds like an excellent idea to me, guess I'm in the minority as well. I wouldn't change the idea just yet though, if Disney doesn't buy MGM and someone else does, than I can see that happening, especially to make it fit in with the hat. If Disney does buy MGM, I feel that they should just update the movie and make it a little more thrilling at some parts and fix up other places that are in dying need of it.
I think they should drop the MGM regardless...I wouldn't mind if they kept some of the stuff in the ride now, if they bought MGM though....just as long as they enhance the ride somehow...just some more thoughts...



Well-Known Member
I think the ride is great as is, if anything maybe it needs a nice rehab to clean it up and stuff. I like how it starts with the musicals era (I personally really like musicals even though I'm young. In middle and high school while my friends were sleeping, I was watching those old movies we had to watch in class) and works its way up. If anything maybe tarzan and alien could be redone, and the live action cast members could sometimes be better actors. Other than that, it's good. I especially love the ending! It is so much fun to sit and watch the movie collection and see how many movies you know or even to just identify the actors/actresses. The Great Movie Ride is a classic and the signature attraction and shouldn't go anywhere. Besides, it was mentioned earlier that it's one of the few family rides at the studios. I would be really sad to see it go. It's a must see attraction for my family whenever we go.

I also like the hat, but don't like the location. If they could move it or something, then I'd be really happy. It's a cool icon, but I liked the Chinese Theater as the center piece better. Oh well, at least I have pictures of before the hat. They spent a lot of time and money building the thing, it will probably be around a while.


Active Member
AAAACK! Just the thought of losing The Great Movie Ride makes me ill! :hurl: <Pauses to catch breath> This ride is a classic, a wonderful tribute to the very reason the park exists - MOVIES! Sure it probably needs some updating, I'd love to see the final montage reflect more classic films, (Seems to be pretty heavily slanted toward newer Disney films now) perhaps upgrade the animatronics. But replace the GMR. NEVER!!!

Whew ... Thank you very much.

Boo's Mom

New Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Uh oh, I think another argument about the hat/chinese theater is brewing. Let's try to avoid that from happening. If you want to argue about the hat find the old thread that discussed if you like it or not. I personally love it, but I don't want to argue. Sorry if I sound rude, I'm not at all. I think the GMR just needs a couple updates, that's all.

not to sound rude but I wasn't trying to start an argument I was just stating my opinion I do think the GMR needs to be updated. The wizard of oz scene does need some updating....well make it the whole ride. it just needs some touch ups here and there, getting the AA's to work along with the music etc. and the actors need to be retrained. you would think doing it every day almost, they would have the parts down pat.


New Member
Well Disney could always make the ride. "The Great Quintin Terintino ride"

Have scenes from all the movies, and the western room would be replaced by a Kill Bill scene and one of the guests would get decapitated and blood goes everywhere.

And the Alien scene is kept because the Bride will go in there and sword fight the alien!!!!!!

Anyway, on a serious note, the theming for the front part of Disney MGM Studios is supposed to be actual 1930's Hollywood. This would be the walkway to the hub as well as Sunset BLVD. The Chinese Theatre gave a perfect accent to the park's entrance and help carry the feeling of Hollywood. Now that the hat is there, the theming is out of place, especially since there was no technology to build giant plastic hats in the 1930's.

Now the ride. It was supposed to always be about the movies. The Concept is good, pasing may be slow, but the ride is overall good. I may nol onger ride it but it does establish the mood of the park. I would like it if the mulitple soundstages were used for multiple rides but there are a couple large soundstages ready for use waiting for you. I invite you if you dare, to the old Backstage pass buildings. And no shows are really made there anymore. I mean Walt, Movie Set, Millionaire basically take up all the room. I remember the good old days. Meeting the actress that played Bell on some bell's kid show thing.... Seeing the set for Sheena Queen of the Jungle (canceled). Seeing the set for some canceled kids show...

But the park is now is such a problem due to bad design.


New Member
It's a great facade and it just makes sense with the park. If they are changing the ride (I still like it) to a more adventure oriented theme it would be easy to blend the 2 themes. Theater and film are about suspended disbelief just like themed rides....if Aerosmith can go from a recording studio to a ride down the LA freeways an adventure ride can begin with a movie theater.


Well-Known Member
TownSquareSteve said:
If MGM does stay on, updating some scenes are a definite. I myself really can't stand the musical era scene (the dancing girls and the bubbles), mind you I live the dancing girls :D but there are many better movies in which they could have picked a scene from (i.e. singin' in the rain). ~Steve~

:eek: I was about to say I looove the Singin' in the Rain part with Gene Kelly. That is my absolute favorite musical. But I wish they could add to it. Oh well.

I think the ride could use a bit of a rehab and I love Oz's idea of using Disney's movies. Will they do it? Probably not because this is the kind of luck we have :lol: Keep the facade though to answer Timekeeper's original question. I, like many of you, love the Chinese Theater.


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
:eek: I was about to say I looove the Singin' in the Rain part with Gene Kelly. That is my absolute favorite musical. But I wish they could add to it. Oh well.

Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who likes that part. I just really like how it starts with the beginning of movies and works it's way forward with some great masterpieces.

Singin' in the Rain is a great musical and I agree that it's a shame that they couldn't do more with it.


Well-Known Member
tigger248 said:
Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who likes that part. I just really like how it starts with the beginning of movies and works it's way forward with some great masterpieces.

Singin' in the Rain is a great musical and I agree that it's a shame that they couldn't do more with it.
Now I've gotten the urge for a little Gene Kelly...must go watch his movies that I have ::sigh::...:lookaroun

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