Trip Report Shortest Retirement in History?

Justin Bieber lasted 2 weeks.

Tom Brady lasted 40 days.

I, Tuvalu, outlasted them both. Not by much, mind you. Yet if not for the encouragement of some forum friends - along with some unusual circumstances - you wouldn’t be reading this.

Unusual circumstances, you say?

Around Thanksgiving my beloved Woody learned his presence was required at a work conference. In Orlando. At Universal.
Just down the road from Walt Disney World.

Woody said I could accompany him if he drove (rather than flew) to Florida. And that we could leave a couple days early and have some Disney time together.

Well you don’t have to ask me twice!

I’d be on my own during the conference. Since the majority of Universal’s attractions don’t appeal to me, it didn’t make sense for me to buy Uni tickets when I could visit WDW for free with my AP. Being solo, I thought it might be fun to do a live trip report so y’all could be my virtual companions!

Turns out I won’t be alone while Woody is occupied after all. Some friends that you have seen in my previous TRs (and one you haven’t) have offered to play with me. I can’t wait!



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Original Poster
Wednesday, con’t

I’d considered going to the MK after dinner but it was lightly raining and the effort didn’t seem worth it. Additionally it was a non-MNSSHP night and extended evening hours for deluxe guests, so the park was bound to be busy.

Sitting here was a better choice.



We went back to the lounge for dessert.


Where I discovered a bat that I did like. The dark chocolate candy one atop the chocolate cupcake! 🦇


Premium Member
I’d considered going to the MK after dinner but it was lightly raining and the effort didn’t seem worth it. Additionally it was a non-MNSSHP night and extended evening hours for deluxe guests, so the park was bound to be busy.

Sitting here was a better choice.
Even though Woody was sitting outside on your room's balcony, this photo reminded me of one you took quite a few years ago. You probably don't remember this specific photo, but I always liked the photo of him sitting in one of the quiet alcoves (not sure which floor). He had brought some work with him to do while he was on vacation, and needed a spot with a desk (or small table) and his laptop.

WL always had those peaceful alcoves tucked off into quiet corners up on various guestroom floors. The alcoves are some of the nicest features about WL.


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Original Poster
Even though Woody was sitting outside on your room's balcony, this photo reminded me of one you took quite a few years ago. You probably don't remember this specific photo, but I always liked the photo of him sitting in one of the quiet alcoves (not sure which floor). He had brought some work with him to do while he was on vacation, and needed a spot with a desk (or small table) and his laptop.

WL always had those peaceful alcoves tucked off into quiet corners up on various guestroom floors. The alcoves are some of the nicest features about WL.
Awww, thanks for the memory! Woody did take advantage of those quiet alcoves to work on more than one trip! Those charming features are one of the many reasons we keep returning to the WL.


Well-Known Member
Wednesday, con’t

Next up was lunch. Where did we dine?

Here are some clues, in order of difficulty.

Clue #1
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Clue #2
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Clue #3
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Clue #4
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I’m certain even you novice sleuths quickly figured out we ate at Via Napoli. If you’ve my read previous TRs you know the story of Mr. Rabbit (#1) and how I love sitting at this table where I can see him (#4).

Frozen strawberry limoncello is my preferred beverage on a hot Epcot day (#2) and Via Napoli is the only place to get one. :hungry:

Large Margherita. ‘Nuff said. (#3)

Except for some over-charred crust, it was the perfect choice for today’s lunch.
That frozen strawberry limoncello looks delicious. I might have to get that next time I'm there!!!


Well-Known Member
Don’t need no Lefse.

Eplekake won’t do.

Hard pass on School Bread.

This is my dream come true.

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A triple chocolate chip cookie from Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe in Norway. I’d sung its praise to Em, and now she’s hooked. We both sung its praise to Woody, and he had to have one.

Confession time - I am a dinosaur who carries cash. While the majority of my purchases at WDW are paid via credit or gift card, I like to pay cash for items under $20. For the cookie I handed over the exact amount in dollars and cents.

The native Norwegian working the register was new and being assisted by another native Norwegian. She immediately pulled out a laminated card with pictures of U.S. coins to determine the value of the change I’d given her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I blurted out. (Which is in direct contrast to how I feel when I give cash to young fast food workers who look at it dumbfounded, uncertain how to make change, and I want to scream, do the math!!)*

“Don’t apologize,” the helper said to me. “It’s how we learn.”

She continued: “Although why is a dime smaller than a nickel? Shouldn’t the size increase with the coin’s value? Nickels are larger than pennies and quarters are largest of all.”

While the half dollar and dollar coins beg to differ, I opted to smile and shrug.

We enjoyed the cookie later in the day. Woody liked the sea salt surprise.

*(Confidential to @amjt660 - yes, I recognize the irony here.)
It's amazing to me how many people, even grown adults, can not do basic math. I work in a store...I'm pretty much the only person who ever counts back change. But I've also had people ask me how much an item would be if it's 20% off. "This price tag says 3 euros, so how much is that with the 20% discount?" And I've had people come up to the cash register, dump a pile of change on the counter and say "Is this enough?"

The 10 cent Euro coin is also smaller than the 5 cent coin. The one and two cent coins are smaller, but we don't use those in the Netherlands anymore. We can't accept them in the store, but Germany does.
Wednesday, con’t

After our dinner debacles of the previous two nights, I was really hoping for some good apps during Happy Hour that could suffice as a meal.

When I saw the smoked turkey salad I was over the moon! It is hands-down my favorite Old Faithful Club offering (not available anywhere else) and could eat it every day. (Ok that might be an exaggeration, but I would like to know how many days I could before tiring if it.)

Additionally there were bison lettuce wraps, tomato cucumber salad, roasted chicken with veggies and charcuterie with smoked turkey and cheeses. All items I have eaten here before and loved.

I think this qualifies as a hearty dinner. :hilarious:

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Don’t worry, I left some food for Woody. (And for the other guests gathered in the lounge area.)

Before leaving (or waddling in my case) I asked a CM if the smoked turkey salad would be offered on another night this week.

“Oh, it’s only offered on Wednesdays,” she said almost apologetically. “Would you like some to go?”

“Sure!” I replied, expecting her to return with one or two of the small salad jars.

I certainly did not expect this!!

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Two pints of turkey salad!! :hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:


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Thursday, August 22

There’s usually one day of vacation that just isn’t as good as the others. Woody dubbed today our “making lemonade from the lemons” day.

I started the day in my usual way, on the balcony waiting for the sunrise. At approximately 6:20 am - the same time as yesterday - the bat colony appeared again, flying overhead. And twenty minutes later - just like yesterday - they were gone.

Like clockwork the bats would arrive and depart the next two mornings as well. I learned to ignore them by staring straight out towards the horizon.

Social Media No GIF by CBC

Woody had been up early for park touring the last couple mornings. I’d promised him at least two resort mornings this trip. We’d had one on Monday and today would be the second. The forecast called for cloudy skies but rain wasn’t due until the afternoon.

We had a leisurely breakfast then I changed to go to the pool. Woody would meet me there in a little while. I claimed our spot and set everything up.


Within five minutes it began to sprinkle. Are you kidding me?!!


I was under an umbrella so I pulled out my reading material. I figured the drops wouldn’t last long. The sky was starting to brighten. Other hopeful guests were arriving. Folks across from me were enjoying the hot tub.



Woody arrived while I was reading so he pulled out his book. The sprinkling ceased for a bit and I checked the radar on the weather app. Just small areas of isolated showers.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Thursday, con’t

Eventually I decided to go in the water. Woody was content to read. There were a few other hearty souls in the pool with me. I relaxed and pretended to ignore the darker clouds forming in the vicinity. It began to sprinkle again and I did not enjoy getting pelted on my head by the droplets so I returned to my lounge chair.

Just a few minutes later the drops intensified.

Then…..the deluge.

(Sound on for full effect)

This was soon followed by some rolling thunder. We quickly packed up and as we got to the pool gate a lifeguard was entering to inform the (other) crazies hanging at the pool that it was now closed.

We were completely soaked before we made it inside the Lodge.

It was 11:15 am.


Well-Known Member
Thursday, con’t

Eventually I decided to go in the water. Woody was content to read. There were a few other hearty souls in the pool with me. I relaxed and pretended to ignore the darker clouds forming in the vicinity. It began to sprinkle again and I did not enjoy getting pelted on my head by the droplets so I returned to my lounge chair.

Just a few minutes later the drops intensified.

Then…..the deluge.

(Sound on for full effect)

This was soon followed by some rolling thunder. We quickly packed up and as we got to the pool gate a lifeguard was entering to inform the (other) crazies hanging at the pool that it was now closed.

We were completely soaked before we made it inside the Lodge.

It was 11:15 am.

Yup this was our DHS day. When we left, there was a small chance of rain at like 2pm. It rained alllll day 🫠


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Thursday, con’t

Warm showers and dry clothing perked us up as the thunderstorm raged outside. (Lemon #1 squeezed)

We were getting hungry. At breakfast this morning I’d boxed up two slices of oat bread for later. I grabbed the smoked turkey salad from the fridge and we headed to the lounge. Light snacks - chips, crackers, whole fruit, cookies - are available from 11-4.

I made Woody a sandwich and plated some crackers to accompany my pint o’salad. Chips and canned beverages rounded out our meal.



A table by the window allowed us to keep tabs on the weather. It was still raining.


Lemon #2 squeezed - a relaxing lunch with a great view and yummy food (with leftovers 😉).


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Thursday, con’t

An hour later the rain had stopped (for now) and the pools reopened. We decided to go over to the MK.

While waiting for the boat I remembered my post from arrival day.

Sunday, August 18

4th WL stay of 2024. Will it be my last? Do I need to change my username to WLodger? :cautious::hilarious:

I was wearing an outfit similar to the one in my avatar pic. I tried to recreate the pose should I be tempted to change my username to WLodger.


But you know what? You can take the girl out of the Poly but you can't take the Poly out of the girl.


Especially when she's a dozen years younger and as many pounds lighter.

Tuvalu stays!


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The next few hours consisted of clouds, sprinkles, downpour and sun - in that order.



Had we known the downpour was coming we wouldn’t have shopped the Main Street stores first. And by “shopped” I mean “perused” because we didn’t buy a single thing.

The earlier thunderstorm had not chased the crowds away. Wait times were long. Our strategy was to focus on the shows, with one ride being the exception.



Premium Member
It was now time for faceless man to save the galaxy.

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I told him he had one job - remember the song.

“I never know the names of songs,” he protested.

I began to list the various songs that could be played during his ride. He stopped me with an “I know those are the songs but I never listen to the lyrics.”

“Try to this time,” I said sweetly.

When we reunited I asked about the song. “Something with run,” Woody answered.

“You mean I Ran?”

Yeah that was it.”

Idiot Facepalm GIF
This is hilarious!!


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Original Poster
Thursday, con’t

Show #1.


Since Halloween seemed to be the theme of this August trip, it was imperative to include this vignette from CoP.

Show #2.


Given the weather, it was no surprise this was a full-house performance. Given the rudeness of today’s society, it was also no surprise that CMs had to repeatedly command, “MOVE ALL THE WAY DOWN!”

I’ve sat in different seats all over that theater and the view of the 3D film is the same for every seat. I actually prefer sitting at the end of a row when the show is full. It means I get to leave faster and escape the crowd!

Show #3.


We’d enjoyed the CBMJ so much the first time, we walked through a downpour to see it again.

Show #4.


While it was raining (water falling?) on the tiki hut, blue sky had begun to appear over MK.


Did we sing like the birdies sing? You betcha!



Well-Known Member
Thursday, con’t

Show #1.

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Since Halloween seemed to be the theme of this August trip, it was imperative to include this vignette from CoP.

Show #2.

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Given the weather, it was no surprise this was a full-house performance. Given the rudeness of today’s society, it was also no surprise that CMs had to repeatedly command, “MOVE ALL THE WAY DOWN!”

I’ve sat in different seats all over that theater and the view of the 3D film is the same for every seat. I actually prefer sitting at the end of a row when the show is full. It means I get to leave faster and escape the crowd!

Show #3.

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We’d enjoyed the CBMJ so much the first time, we walked through a downpour to see it again.

Show #4.

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While it was raining (water falling?) on the tiki hut, blue sky had begun to appear over MK.

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Did we sing like the birdies sing? You betcha!

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Ah yes, Pierre and Fritz (who are likely the closest to us Belgians) being all hilarious in their intro and outro! All other shows are excellent choices too!


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Original Poster
Thursday, con’t

Woody and I returned to the Lodge after an “entertaining” afternoon at the MK, only slightly affected by the weather.

Crushing Music Video GIF

We did not care for the seafood-heavy apps tonight. Instead we mobile ordered from Roaring Fork. Woody picked up our dinner and we dined al fresco on our balcony.

Lemonade Stand Drink GIF by Adventure Capitalist

Later we got dessert. Caramel chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate black cat and witches hat.


Then we watched the Electrical Water Pageant, which concluded our “making lemonade from the lemons” day.


Well-Known Member
Thursday, con’t

An hour later the rain had stopped (for now) and the pools reopened. We decided to go over to the MK.

While waiting for the boat I remembered my post from arrival day.

I was wearing an outfit similar to the one in my avatar pic. I tried to recreate the pose should I be tempted to change my username to WLodger.

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But you know what? You can take the girl out of the Poly but you can't take the Poly out of the girl.

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Especially when she's a dozen years younger and as many pounds lighter.

Tuvalu stays!
I shall speak for us all and say, you look just as lovely at Wilderness Lodge as you do at the Poly!

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