Trip Report Shortest Retirement in History?

Justin Bieber lasted 2 weeks.

Tom Brady lasted 40 days.

I, Tuvalu, outlasted them both. Not by much, mind you. Yet if not for the encouragement of some forum friends - along with some unusual circumstances - you wouldn’t be reading this.

Unusual circumstances, you say?

Around Thanksgiving my beloved Woody learned his presence was required at a work conference. In Orlando. At Universal.
Just down the road from Walt Disney World.

Woody said I could accompany him if he drove (rather than flew) to Florida. And that we could leave a couple days early and have some Disney time together.

Well you don’t have to ask me twice!

I’d be on my own during the conference. Since the majority of Universal’s attractions don’t appeal to me, it didn’t make sense for me to buy Uni tickets when I could visit WDW for free with my AP. Being solo, I thought it might be fun to do a live trip report so y’all could be my virtual companions!

Turns out I won’t be alone while Woody is occupied after all. Some friends that you have seen in my previous TRs (and one you haven’t) have offered to play with me. I can’t wait!



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Wednesday, con’t

While our pace never reverted to normal speed, the stop-wait-go ceased before we reached Rome. Moving slowly past each scene provided opportunity to notice details that I typically miss.

One detail in particular was shared by a CM to us on a previous trip. In the scene with the family watching the moon landing there is a stack of records on the floor next to the TV. The CM said that the first record in the stack is changed daily, so that a new cover appears. The record jackets are difficult to make out so when Woody and I rode after learning this fun fact, all I could discern was that the cover was yellow. I noted it in my phone in order to compare it to records on subsequent trips. Em noticed on our ride this summer that the cover was Bambi. I tried to capture today’s….


….but even with making the image black and white I cannot tell the album.


It wasn’t yellow and it wasn’t Bambi, so the intel must be valid!

As we approached “Boots” (@tonystark) Woody commented, “I’ve been in a lot of computer rooms in my lifetime and NONE of them looked like this.”


Now about our future ~





Apparently Woody is a man without a face.
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It was now time for faceless man to save the galaxy.


I told him he had one job - remember the song.

“I never know the names of songs,” he protested.

I began to list the various songs that could be played during his ride. He stopped me with an “I know those are the songs but I never listen to the lyrics.”

“Try to this time,” I said sweetly.

When we reunited I asked about the song. “Something with run,” Woody answered.

“You mean I Ran?”

Yeah that was it.”

Idiot Facepalm GIF


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Wednesday, con’t

Next up was lunch. Where did we dine?

Here are some clues, in order of difficulty.

Clue #1

Clue #2

Clue #3

Clue #4

I’m certain even you novice sleuths quickly figured out we ate at Via Napoli. If you’ve my read previous TRs you know the story of Mr. Rabbit (#1) and how I love sitting at this table where I can see him (#4).

Frozen strawberry limoncello is my preferred beverage on a hot Epcot day (#2) and Via Napoli is the only place to get one. :hungry:

Large Margherita. ‘Nuff said. (#3)

Except for some over-charred crust, it was the perfect choice for today’s lunch.


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Don’t need no Lefse.

Eplekake won’t do.

Hard pass on School Bread.

This is my dream come true.


A triple chocolate chip cookie from Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe in Norway. I’d sung its praise to Em, and now she’s hooked. We both sung its praise to Woody, and he had to have one.

Confession time - I am a dinosaur who carries cash. While the majority of my purchases at WDW are paid via credit or gift card, I like to pay cash for items under $20. For the cookie I handed over the exact amount in dollars and cents.

The native Norwegian working the register was new and being assisted by another native Norwegian. She immediately pulled out a laminated card with pictures of U.S. coins to determine the value of the change I’d given her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I blurted out. (Which is in direct contrast to how I feel when I give cash to young fast food workers who look at it dumbfounded, uncertain how to make change, and I want to scream, do the math!!)*

“Don’t apologize,” the helper said to me. “It’s how we learn.”

She continued: “Although why is a dime smaller than a nickel? Shouldn’t the size increase with the coin’s value? Nickels are larger than pennies and quarters are largest of all.”

While the half dollar and dollar coins beg to differ, I opted to smile and shrug.

We enjoyed the cookie later in the day. Woody liked the sea salt surprise.

*(Confidential to @amjt660 - yes, I recognize the irony here.)
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Well-Known Member
Don’t need no Lefse.

Eplekake won’t do.

Hard pass on School Bread.

This is my dream come true.

View attachment 817291

A triple chocolate chip cookie from Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe in Norway. I’d sung its praise to Em, and now she’s hooked. We both sung its praise to Woody, and he had to have one.

Confession time - I am a dinosaur who carries cash. While the majority of my purchases at WDW are paid via credit or gift card, I like to pay cash for items under $20. For the cookie I handed over the exact amount in dollars and cents.

The native Norwegian working the register was new and being assisted by another native Norwegian. She immediately pulled out a laminated card with pictures of U.S. coins to determine the value of the change I’d given her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I blurted out. (Which is in direct contrast to how I feel when I give cash to young fast food workers who look at it dumbfounded, uncertain how to make change, and I want to scream, do the math!!)*

“Don’t apologize,” the helper said to me. “It’s how we learn.”

She continued: “Although why is a dime smaller than a nickel? Shouldn’t the size increase with the coin’s value? Nickels are larger than pennies and quarters are largest of all.”

While the half dollar and dollar coins beg to differ, I opted to smile and shrug.

We enjoyed the cookie later in the day. Woody liked the sea salt surprise.

*(Confidential to @amjt660 - yes, I recognize the irony here.)
" It's how we learn" I almost wept reading these words, why does it seem our own young people do not enjoy an opportunity to learn and grow?🙄
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Premium Member
Confession time - I am a dinosaur who carries cash.
Don't be so fast to label yourself! I'm no spring chicken but I keep cash on me at all times. A few years ago while we were at Epcot, all of the credit card machines and any form of paying by card or magic band were not operational for several hours.

Since I had cash, we were still able to purchase food/drinks/merchandise.

I recall people seeing us pay cash for drinks and offering to transfer funds to me if i would give them cash in return.

'Twas a hoot for Keith, but no so much for the gentle folk who had placed their faith strictly on digital currency.

FYI, I declined all offers that attempted to part me from my greenbacks.


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Original Poster
I did it!!!! I managed to get to get caught up with your entire report! I am so glad you had a short retirement - it's so fun to read your adventures with Woody and Em.
comedy central season 3 episode 10 GIF by Workaholics

It was so cool to meet you, Hope still talks about her time with Tuvalu and keeps asking when we are meeting up again. ♥️
Ditto! :inlove:
I’ve got two more trips in ‘24 and four planned for ‘25 - pm me if you’ve got a trip on the calendar.


Premium Member
Confession time - I am a dinosaur who carries cash

I do too because I don’t like to rely on electronic payments only. A few years ago I was in a fast-food place at the train station and had paid cash but rather than exact change, gave a bill and coins so that I’d get a particular denomination back. The kid at the cash register said it wasn’t possible for me to do that. I told him I was sure that it was and if he wasn’t capable he needed to call over a supervisor. 🤭 You should have seen his shocked face to learn that it was possible…


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Original Poster
I do too because I don’t like to rely on electronic payments only. A few years ago I was in a fast-food place at the train station and had paid cash but rather than exact change, gave a bill and coins so that I’d get a particular denomination back. The kid at the cash register said it wasn’t possible for me to do that. I told him I was sure that it was and if he wasn’t capable he needed to call over a supervisor. 🤭 You should have seen his shocked face to learn that it was possible…
And all of us of a certain age just went…
the naked gun facepalm GIF


Well-Known Member
I do too because I don’t like to rely on electronic payments only. A few years ago I was in a fast-food place at the train station and had paid cash but rather than exact change, gave a bill and coins so that I’d get a particular denomination back. The kid at the cash register said it wasn’t possible for me to do that. I told him I was sure that it was and if he wasn’t capable he needed to call over a supervisor. 🤭 You should have seen his shocked face to learn that it was possible…

I was a CM at our local mall Disney Store from ‘09-‘13, and I did many transactions that involved a combination of credit cards, gift cards and cash, especially during the Holidays…It really wasn’t difficult, at all…!!! ;):)


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Wednesday, con’t

Then we headed out. It was sticky-hot and the pool was calling us.

How much time did we get at the pool?

20 Minutes GIF by Hairspray Live!

A lifeguard entered and said the pool was now closed due to lightning in the area. (The sunny sky had evidently betrayed all of us who were in the water.) Everyone reluctantly got out and gathered their stuff. Woody and I never would have bothered changing into swimwear if we’d known our pool time would be so short!

We were still pretty wet when we got to our room so we sat on the balcony to dry off some and enjoy the outdoors in a “safe” spot. The rain eventually arrived - almost an hour later.



Well-Known Member
Tuesday, con’t

Before we’d gotten to the WL bus gate, I’d booked dinner and we were right on time.

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A quick scan of the dining room and I did not see Sweet ‘n Sour (aka Akira) our server friend. I didn’t ask; I simply assumed she was not working.

Instead we had Gambler Joe - who promptly sneezed napkins all over our table.

Woody and I both ordered burnt ends nachos for dinner. They’re yummy and an affordable way to dine at WCC, since the all-u-can-eat skillets have become ridiculously expensive (and are more food than we can eat.)

Before our food arrived I saw Akira enter the main dining room from the smaller dining area in the back. She immediately recognized us and came by to scold us for not requesting her. :facepalm:

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I promised that would never happen again.
What a lovely turn around to a crappy start to the evening!


Well-Known Member
Wednesday, con’t

Then we headed out. It was sticky-hot and the pool was calling us.

How much time did we get at the pool?

20 Minutes GIF by Hairspray Live!

A lifeguard entered and said the pool was now closed due to lightning in the area. (The sunny sky had evidently betrayed all of us who were in the water.) Everyone reluctantly got out and gathered their stuff. Woody and I never would have bothered changing into swimwear if we’d known our pool time would be so short!

We were still pretty wet when we got to our room so we sat on the balcony to dry off some and enjoy the outdoors in a “safe” spot. The rain eventually arrived - almost an hour later.

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I noticed that they definitely like to call it early (which I get; they're responsible for a lot of people), but this happened to S and I a few times in July as well.


Well-Known Member
Wednesday, August 21

It was lightly raining when I went out to sit on the balcony a little past 6 am.

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As I waited for dawn my eyes were drawn skyward to some birds flying about. But when I fully focused on the flying objects, I realized something….those weren’t birds.

It was a colony of BATS, quickly darting to and fro, dangerously close to where I was sitting. In dozens of stays over the last 20 years, I have NEVER seen a single bat. Not one. Bats creep me out. I always avoid the bat enclosure at AK. And now here they were only a few feet away.

I was paralyzed. Woody was in bed and the heavy drapes behind me were closed. I decided to distract myself by taking a quick video. Looking at a screen was preferable to reality in that moment.

Their activity lasted about 20 minutes and then they were gone. I wondered if there are bat houses on the roof. Bats are good for pest control - especially mosquitos, and I’d read central Florida was having a prolific season.

I was glad to see the sun breaking through.

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Bats creep me out.
You and me both! When I was in living in Philly for grad school, I got home and could hear my dog barking all the way from the foyer of the row home we lived in (and our apt was on the 4th floor). Scared someone might've broken in, I bolted up the stairs, opened the door, and slowly made my way down the hall. I called my dog, and she would not move; laser focused on something! Long story short, the only thing that had "broken in" was a BAT! My dog chased in around the living room and it trapped itself between the wall and a vase I had on top of my curio cabinet.
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Original Poster
Wednesday, con’t

After our dinner debacles of the previous two nights, I was really hoping for some good apps during Happy Hour that could suffice as a meal.

When I saw the smoked turkey salad I was over the moon! It is hands-down my favorite Old Faithful Club offering (not available anywhere else) and could eat it every day. (Ok that might be an exaggeration, but I would like to know how many days I could before tiring if it.)

Additionally there were bison lettuce wraps, tomato cucumber salad, roasted chicken with veggies and charcuterie with smoked turkey and cheeses. All items I have eaten here before and loved.

I think this qualifies as a hearty dinner. :hilarious:


Don’t worry, I left some food for Woody. (And for the other guests gathered in the lounge area.)

Before leaving (or waddling in my case) I asked a CM if the smoked turkey salad would be offered on another night this week.

“Oh, it’s only offered on Wednesdays,” she said almost apologetically. “Would you like some to go?”

“Sure!” I replied, expecting her to return with one or two of the small salad jars.

I certainly did not expect this!!


Two pints of turkey salad!! :hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:


Well-Known Member
Confession time - I am a dinosaur who carries cash.
I’m not ashamed to say that I am also!!
(Which is in direct contrast to how I feel when I give cash to young fast food workers who look at it dumbfounded, uncertain how to make change, and I want to scream, do the math!!)*
Oh, the stories I could tell you…..
And, trust me, it’s super embarrassing for us managers to have to intervene in those situations!!🤦🏻‍♀️
Two pints of turkey salad!! :hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:
How nice of her!!
Where was she when E was dealing with the bathing suit debacle!!🤣

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