Yeah people will always ***** and complain, sometimes just to do so lol. A lot of old bitter people that think they know best over the team responsible for the biggest theme park in the world.
Some of us on the mature side of life with a tad more discretionary income to spend take exception to your characterization of us as "old bitter people". And the correct usage is WHO not THAT.
Thank you for identifying with that group and making my point once again. Also, income is never a valid internet argument as you have no idea about the next person's life and could easily lie about your own. Finally, anyone critiquing grammar on a WDW internet forum is just pathetically reaching at an attempt to diss someone when they have no other valid arguments.
Even I took exception to the phrase "old bitter people" but not for the same reason. My reasons are that it is not the older people that are complaining, it is more the middle aged folks that, understandably, trying desperately to hang on to their youth and everything that they associate with that youth.
As one ages, they start to realize that there are many things in life that we wish were different, but, we also recognize that the world goes on and there is very little that we can do about it. Personally, I see problems and I even mention them often, but, without the fire and importance that some see them.
Most of us that have been around awhile have seen life for what it is and, frankly, in order of importance on a scale of 1 to 10, anything that happens at a theme park would be judged to be -5 in the grand scheme of things. There is no way that I could ever get all charged up about anything that the management of Disney Parks do.
If it gets to the point that I no longer feel any good feelings when visiting WDW, for example, that will be the point in time when I stop going. They can do what they want. It isn't going to have any impact on Walt himself, so there is no need to always resurrect his ghost as if what happens now has anything to do with him personally or that we know how he would react to things today. Even if we knew, it wouldn't matter really.
But, on the plus side, it does give everyone something to talk about.