Share a Dream Come True Float


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just returned from WDW and saw the Share a Dream Come True Parade. I was dissaponited to see that the Princess Float was the Crystal Castle. Don't Get me wrong, it's a nice float, but it's not the same!! Is the float not running due to the accident involving Pluto from Months ago...or is it not running for other reasons. The Castle Float does not fit in very well with the theme, so How long till the Snowglobe Float returns??


Well-Known Member
I don't think it will ever return for two reasons! 1) It is curently under investigation and 2) it is kind of creapy for the performers to work with the float


New Member
I can understand how fans of SDCT parade would miss the float, but having known Javier personally, I think it would be very difficult to look see it in the parade. It's probably still being investigated...look how long it took in DL for BTM to start working again after its accident.

It is a little disappointing that the regular float isn't in the parade, but at the same time, it was somebody's life that was sacrificed so I can understand that it would take a long time to complete the investigation.


Pixie Duster

New Member
It is a disappointment, it was a gorgeous float, but for those that understand how impactful the accident was it would be very hard to see it again. Yes the crystal castle float is slightly out of place, but hopefully in a year - ish we should have a new parade.

It's neat though the past few times I have seen the parade Pluto has gotten a pretty good cheer or two.


Account Suspended
Not trying to get anything started here, but I just wanted to say that it's bothersome that WDW would consider removing the float from the parade.

First of all, it's the same as not replacing the WTC in my opinion. I understand the sorrow and hurt that people feel regarding these situations, but we can't continue to shrink from the challenge in life of moving on with life. I know it must hurt those that were close to the cm whose life was tragically taken, but if we always try to forget by removing all things connected with a tragic event, where will it stop?

If someone is lost in a car accident, do we not drive cars anymore?

I understand that the investigation may still be underway, and if that's so, I hope the float returns. If this is about removing the float due to the accident, I have to say that I don't agree.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by HennieBogan1966

If someone is lost in a car accident, do we not drive cars anymore?

I can say something. I was involved in a bad accient a few ago and i was in a small car. I to this day can not sit in a small car without feeling very unomfortable, and i still can see it in my head to this day and it still scares me....


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
If I was still in that department, I can safely say, that I would never go near that float again


Park History nut
Premium Member
Originally posted by Atta83
I can say something. I was involved in a bad accient a few ago and i was in a small car. I to this day can not sit in a small car without feeling very unomfortable, and i still can see it in my head to this day and it still scares me....

Without going off topic, or into detail, the same thing happened to me. Accidents effect people in different ways. I am by no means weak minded but its taken over 10 years for me to mentally get back to near normal.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I'm sure that the investigation is still going on at this time, so I don't think that this float will be returning. But I know what your saying about moving on..but I would probablly be scared if I was in that department around that float.



New Member
I had an accident involving pedestrians 2 years ago and I know it's very fresh in my mind. I do drive, but at the same time, I don't drive like I used even though the accident wasn't my fault.

What I'm trying to say is that many in the parade cast were close to Javier and I can imagine that it would be very difficult to go back onto the float knowing what happened. Why make people do something this doesn't NEED to be done? Why cause all of that trauma in someone's life for a little vanitity so that the parade looks a little better? I don't see the need for it.



Account Suspended
Look, the "float" didn't do anything. It can't. It's a float!!! While this was a tragic event, let's not get carried away. Obviously there was human error involved in this unfortunate event. It's like blaming SUV's for accidents. Same thing. SUV's can't cause accidents; only people can.

Let's get a grip on this people.

Pixie Duster

New Member
See that's where you are wrong. The floats have sensors on them and there are sensors on the parade route. They communicate back and forth as to the distance between the floats and to stop it if there are any obstacles in it's way so it can stop. At least that is how I think it works.

And don't get me started on SUVs... anyway my point is you need to be a little more sensitive to the situation.


Account Suspended
You are correct about the sensors, but I am not wrong. Humans operate the systems that operate these sensors. And my understanding about the incident is that the cm was in a location on or around the float where he wasn't supposed to be. Again, not trying to be insensitive, but I get frustrated when people try to blame inanimate objects for accidents. Again they aren't people. Cars/floats, etc. respond to direction given by their operator. I've already stated how this is a tragic situation. I'm repsonding to people on this thread who say they couldn't work with or around that float any more. It's not a person. It doesn't know whether you care about working around them or not. But the fact that people try to somehow humanize vehicles is just silly.

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