not at all because the bottom line is they are all opinions.
Op says in one breathe not particular happened yet the cm's weren't as "friendly" as previous? what does that even mean? Ok you want a "critical discussion
what specifically about the parks has declined? what about the cm's was not the same? what were you expecting? I was there in August and the cm's were great, at the rides they said "have fun". at the quick service they always said "please, thank you and enjoy your meal" in some form or fashion.
Not helpful? what did you need help with? when you ask them a question they didn't have a question to what happened next
I have no problem saying I love walt disney. if I didn't I wouldn't go but it's hard to have a "critical" discussion with some one that says the "cm's didn't seem present" and "it was nothing that specifically effected them"?
If it didn't effect them, then what's the gripe?
So you think this is pointless, I think blase, non descriptive gripping is pointless. So basically she was underwhelm about the parade. ok. I can't comment as I'm not a Halloween person so it's not something I would do.
Op, sorry you didn't think you trip was worth the money.