If it were me, i would still go.
There is still so many wonderful things to experience at Disneyland regardless of what might be closed for refurbishment.
Not getting to ride the Matterhorn or a few other Attractions you were really looking forward to should be seen as not a minus...but a plus in that it gives you the perfect excuse to come back again in the future.
Also, i find that when 'priority' Attractions are closed...it can shift your focus to other areas of the Park to discover things you might not have otherwise bothered with.
That in itself is a real blessing in disguise.
An example -
Last year i visited Disneyland the last week in April.
Here is a photo of the bag check entrance sign noting all Attractions that were down at that time.
You should have heard to grumblings from the Guests waiting in line when they saw this ! -
I knew about all of these closures when i booked my visit in January of that year.
Did it stop me from visiting?
Heck NO!
It actually 'forced' me to enjoy the Park from a different perspective and it was wonderful.
I was able to instead go off and try some of the 'lesser' experiences that most Guests visiting from afar might pass over for times sake.
Those experiences ended up being some of the most memorable of that visit.
Sailing on the Rivers of America and checking out the scenery.
Spending a hour+ looking over the fabulous art displays in the Disney Gallery and Opera House.
Riding the horse-drawn street cars on Main Street.
Many more such enjoyable experiences.
It's like the old saying goes - " Sometimes it's the little things in life that end up being the big things.."
Disneyland is just bursting at the berms with such 'little things'!
It is what makes that Park so charming and special.
The thing about DLR is, it's not all about just the 'rides'.
It's about the overall atmosphere.
Even with so many Attractions closed, you can still have a terrific time and come away feeling you are getting your monies worth.
I am also based on the East Coast. I know how pricey airfare can get to the West.
Closures do not stop me from visiting.
Going back again at the end of April this year regardless of what might be closed.
Really looking forward to new things to discover because of it.