september now a busy season??


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well we have always gone in september for the past 10 years...and even last year with the free dining in september it was pretty slow, but now reading different trip reports with people going in august and september it sounds like it changing...does any one feel it has gotten busier these months now?? We purposly go after labor day now cause we always seen how busy it was labor day weekend and the nite of joy as well...feel free for any info...

OMG WE LEAVE IN 9 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yahooo!!!!!!!!!POR here come!!!

sorry just a little excited!!!!! HAVE A ZIPPITY DO DA DAY!!!!!:sohappy:


New Member
I have never been to WDW in Sept; however, my dh and I used to go the beginning of Oct all the time (beginning in '99) and it was never crowded. That has changed in recent years! It's still not as busy as in the summer, but it is definitely more crowded than I remember.

Have a great trip! We leave in 24 days!!!!!


Active Member
we are going the end of the month. i know people are talking about not being able to get reservations due to the dinning plan. yeah i would think its alittle more crowded but i am thinking most of the people going now have the plan.


New Member
we're going for the first time the last week of September....we've always gone at Christmas or in May. I hope it's very quiet and relaxing when we get there.



Active Member
I haven't been to WDW in September. But I will be there late on today and I will tell you how it is when I come back.


Would you advise making dining reservations as far in advance as poss then, as I am hopefully going in Sept 07 as the UK have a free dining offer on, so I'm thinking that even if it's not an overly busy time to go, all the restaurants will be packed?!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Would you advise making dining reservations as far in advance as poss then, as I am hopefully going in Sept 07 as the UK have a free dining offer on, so I'm thinking that even if it's not an overly busy time to go, all the restaurants will be packed?!

I would definatly make dining ressie's as soon as you are able to..we booked all ours back in may..we had quite a choice for time options...
we'll be dining at...chef mickey's , coral reef, crystal palace, liberty tree tavern. and cindy's royal table .and we got all the times we wanted..But i would definatly make all ressie's as soon as you can...although I must say last month we added on crytal palace last minute and had no probs getting the time we wanted either.....we'll see how it is!!


New Member
This will be our 4th trip at this time of the year. A few years ago it was great there were no lines. NOw it seams that we are waiting instead of getting right on, two factors seam to play on this the free dining and 2 years ago it was the most crowded because of the hurricane, most of the people we met were local people who had no power or their kids had been out of school and Disney gave them a deal to come. That was the most crowded we have seen at this time. Last year we had made all of our advanced dining and thank god we did because everyone that went to a restaurant without one was turned away.


thanks for the advice guys, I'll have to start counting how many days left til I can book tables for 29th Sep 07 onwards!!


Well-Known Member
Last year my husband and I went on the Stay, Play, and Dine package at the very end of September into October. We were unable to get ressies at many of the places we called, but as we got closer to the date, there seemed to be more availability. We were nervous thinking it would be a madhouse, since we were having so many problems with availability, but it wasn't. Did we have to wait for rides? Yes. Did we wait a long time for anything? Yes. We waited 90 minutes for Space Mountain. Every other wait time was under 25 minutes. We had to wait much longer for seating at the restaraunts we had ressies at!


I have been wondering (nervous) about the same thing for a while. We are going the third week of sept (only 2 weeks away) and the rationale was that it would be less crowded. So, here is my theory (and having never been in sept. it is just a theory):
It may be slightly more crowded than usual b/c of the free dining, but perhaps it also seems more crowded since it is difficult to get dining ressies. In other words, it may be just as crowded in the general parks but b/c everyone has free dining it will be more packed in the restaurants.
Just a theory, and perhaps more wishful thinking than anything ;) . But that's what I am going to believe :p !


Well-Known Member
Last year my husband and I went on the Stay, Play, and Dine package at the very end of September into October. We were unable to get ressies at many of the places we called, but as we got closer to the date, there seemed to be more availability. We were nervous thinking it would be a madhouse, since we were having so many problems with availability, but it wasn't. Did we have to wait for rides? Yes. Did we wait a long time for anything? Yes. We waited 90 minutes for Space Mountain. Every other wait time was under 25 minutes. We had to wait much longer for seating at the restaraunts we had ressies at!

I know I called for an ADR for my trip (We are arriving on Sep. 28), and almost everywhere was booked. However, the Dining Rep. said that they anticipated people would be cancelling and that walk-ups were actually easier than normal in that people would often simply not cancel their reservation. He said to call about a week out from our trip and ask again.


New Member
I am going this Monday and I don't think it will be packed like peak season- but I also don't think it will be slow. Hopefully the hurricane scared some people away.. lol.


I've just been in November over Thanksgiving and it was busy ish for restaurants, there was a bit of a wait if you just walked up, but I'm presuming that end of September into October can be no worse. (I hope!) That's when I'm going next year!


Well-Known Member
I have been wondering (nervous) about the same thing for a while. We are going the third week of sept (only 2 weeks away) and the rationale was that it would be less crowded. So, here is my theory (and having never been in sept. it is just a theory):
It may be slightly more crowded than usual b/c of the free dining, but perhaps it also seems more crowded since it is difficult to get dining ressies. In other words, it may be just as crowded in the general parks but b/c everyone has free dining it will be more packed in the restaurants.
Just a theory, and perhaps more wishful thinking than anything ;) . But that's what I am going to believe :p !

Greetings from Royal Oak! :wave: I'll be down there the same time you are.

I go to WDW in September all the time. In the late 90's it was a decent crowd but not nearly as heavy as the summer crowds. I remember back then several large groups of people (200+) from different countries. They all went to the same park on the same day. And they all went to the same attractions at the same time. Why? I don't know. But I made sure to steer clear of those crowds.

I also went down a couple of days after 9/11. This was the least populated time in years I have ever been. It was almost spooky. But then people didn't want to fly back then.

Since then, September has been getting more and more popular among guests. But then with resort and flight rates dropping after labor day and discounted meal plans everywhere I think that Disney will soon make September part of the extended summer. Soon the rates will go back up and the plans stopped. That's when we will all move to January! :wave:


New Member
hi guys me and my family stayed in orlando last year from the 9th sept through to the 4th oct and it was one of the least busiest times we have stayed that includes all parks the only downside being is that the closing times seem to be earlier we enjoyed it at that time we are coming again this time in october 2nd week so here hoping the waiting times are not to great

44 days and counting
for 21 days off non stop fun:wave: :lol: :lol: :sohappy:


Greetings from Royal Oak! :wave: I'll be down there the same time you are.

I go to WDW in September all the time. In the late 90's it was a decent crowd but not nearly as heavy as the summer crowds. I remember back then several large groups of people (200+) from different countries. They all went to the same park on the same day. And they all went to the same attractions at the same time. Why? I don't know. But I made sure to steer clear of those crowds.

I also went down a couple of days after 9/11. This was the least populated time in years I have ever been. It was almost spooky. But then people didn't want to fly back then.

Since then, September has been getting more and more popular among guests. But then with resort and flight rates dropping after labor day and discounted meal plans everywhere I think that Disney will soon make September part of the extended summer. Soon the rates will go back up and the plans stopped. That's when we will all move to January! :wave:

I knew I was just deluding myself into thinking it would be slow:lol: . Oh well, it's Disney and that's all that matters!
You'll be at Pop? We will be staying at bw villas (first time DVC!). Have a great time and perhaps we will run into each other...I'll be wearing the red carnation :p :wave:


Well-Known Member
I had a very hard time getting reservations this year. All the places I wanted to eat at had no reservations or were not available until very late at night.

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