Time to go to Hogwarts!
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I've been looking forward to going to PotterLand for years. Every time we've been to Orlando in the past few years, I've wanted to head to USO for a day. The cost of a day at USO vs. adding one day to WDW is crazy though. So we kept putting it off, but with Diagon alley running now, we had to bite the bullet and pay up.
First bit of advice for those of you thinking of spending a day at Universal but are staying in WDW. Use Uber. The ride cost us $24. You literally can not beat that. Our driver on this run was a 40ish woman who looked like a real housewife. Makeup done, hair looking good, leather pants, high heels on, not ideal driving wear, but who am I to judge?
Anyhow, we got to the park right at opening. The ticket agent tried a hard sell on us regarding their fast pass. We declined since we were mainly there for Potter, and you can't use it there. As a quick aside, if Disney put in a program like this, these boards would implode. They hard sell the pass at the gate, then they sell them at all the headliner attractions. You see a long wait? Give Uni MORE $$$ and you don't need to wait with the poor people. Disney would get massacred for this. Anyways....
We started on the Hogsmead side. Which in retrospect is backwards. You should start in the muggle world and head to Diagon Alley then to Kings cross first! Oh well.
I was staggered by how beautiful these two lands are. The level of detail is overwhelming. The shops are gorgeous, Three Broomsticks and the Leaky Cauldron are gorgeous. The queues are gorgeous. It's all simply awesome.
Forbidden Journey is my new favorite ride in Orlando. Love the ride system, love the queue, love the sets, even the screens are well integrated. We only waited about 15 minutes as well. That may be impacting my review, but it is what it is.
Hogwarts Express. Ok, I'm conflicted here. On the one hand it is so awesome to actually ride the Hogwarts Express. The train stations are both super cool. The train itself is literally amazing. Riding in a cabin to Hogwarts?!?!? Im not a nerd but, oh man I was geeking out. But now, the conflict. I was underwhelmed by the story once inside. I felt it was mostly just boring, but not in a Peter Pans flight relaxing way. It was just "oh that's it." Maybe that's on me, does anyone else feel that way?
Escape from Gringotts. I'm struggling to describe this attraction. The interior portion of the queue is fantastic. The exterior is a slog. I love that they didn't baby the ride though, it has some genuine thrills, and is exciting as heck. Yes it's a little heavy on screens, but they are well done, and strike a good balance with physical sets. Overall I'd put Gringotts in my top 8 Orlando attractions. Somewhere between ToT and Spider-Man.
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Dueling Dragons is a fun coaster but overall it's silly to call it part of Potterworld. It's barely even re-themed. We didn't bother with Flight of the Hippograph, so I have nothing on that.
Butter beer. We went with the frozen version. It was pretty good. Not sure I would go out of my way for it, and it's certainly no Citrus Swirl.
Last thing, the prices on souvenirs/treats in Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley make WDW look reasonable. $14 for Jellybeans? $13 for chocolate frogs? $129 for a robe? Good god people.
By the time we finished up Harry Potter world, it was around 1:30 and the wait times in the rest of the park were 30-60 minutes. So we had a decision to make. FP or no FP.
In our next installment, find out if Uni extorted more money out of the Dan clan!