Day 2
Today the plan was DHS then take a boat to Epcot then head to Jelly Rolls. The general outline of the plan survived, but there was some changes.
So, to start the day, we headed down to the bus stop around 8:30. The Contemp has those fancy bus board schedules. It's a wonderful little device and really takes the edge off of waiting for a bus. We found the board to be accurate within 3/4 minutes, which is pretty solid IMO. Anyway, we hopped on a pretty full bus, which then got fuller at our second stop, GF. We finally made it to DHS, and we had FP booked for Star Tours, then TSMM then ToT.
Started the day with a trip to the Trolley Car Cafe, aka Starbucks. The line to order was qucik and easy, the line for pickup took about 10 minutes though. Place was pretty mobbed. But the Iced Coffee was 1000% worth it. I also got a Ham and Cheese Croissant that was passable, but given a do-over, I would have headed to Starring Rolls for food instead.
Our first stop was Star Tours. I love this queue, and I love this ride. However, I think I may be the unluckiest person ever in regards to ST. We always always get the same sequence. Vader comes onto the lauch bay, then we wind up doing pod racing, then we wind up under water with Jar Jar. Always. Anyways, great ride.
Next stop was TSMM. This ride needs updating. Why can't they simply change out the games? They are screen based, all software. Just make up some new stuff. Next was ToT, but we had an hour to kill.
Let me just say this about DHS, there is almost nothing worth doing to kill time between those 3 attractions. The park is completely devoid of attractions right now. We struggled to find anything at all to do, and wound up at the Tune-in Lounge at 11am for drinks in order to pass some time.
I love Tune-in. They have a pretty respectable beer selection, a full bar, and the theming is top notch.
I had a Kona Longboard, Megan(my wife) had a Mimosa. Both were delicious, and it only ran us about $19 +tip. What a deal!
So after drinks, we used our ToT FP. We got stuck in line next to an incredibly annoying, unsupervised pre-teen. This kid had zero chill factor. I eventually had to ask him to reel it in. He frowned about it, but he did calm down a bit. Dang Kids, ruining WDW.
Since we used up our 3 FP, it was time to skeedaddle. We left the park and started toward the boat launch. About halfway to the dock, we decided it was too hot, and the wait would be too long, so we hopped on the Uber app, and got a ride to Epcot. Cost $6 and it was totally worth it.