If everyone who is annoyed by these "inconsiderate I am special" people will do two things It will accelerate the inevitable banning of these sticks by Disney. This is for sticks, tablets, flash, chanting or any other inconsiderate stupidity.
When you are on any attraction refuse to exit and demand a re-ride without standing in line again. The CM will usually not raise a fuss. On a rare occasion, it would surprise me if they do, the CM is reluctant demand a Guest Service Manager be called to speak to you. Note the time, the attraction, the cast member and Manager name. Follow up with a visit to GR if you have time if not write to Disney.
The sticks, especially,are already banned at many other pupil venues. You can make it happen at Disney if enough of us do as I and my friends and family do. I really do not want the re-ride but am making to Disney by causing a CM, Manager, and GR to put up with me.
I have never been refused a re-ride by the way. I do not abuse the issue if the guests around me do not act up on a ride or attraction but stand my ground when they do.