Selfie sticks - is this a thing at WDW yet? Disney clarifies policy


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
That was wonderful of your family and all the others to help out as needed. And talk about being in the right place at the right time for the BF!

In my case I was embarrassed, and have the tendency to shy away from people. Perhaps folk sensed that? My only comment is: Disney, you desperately need more benches.

Back to folk being injured by swinging selfie sticks... unless it happens to a cast member themselves, a child, or a very vocal person, Disney will not even know about it or care. To this day I have not seen one of these sticks in person. They look rather lightweight, but I suppose even a feather can damage an eye. Hopefully no one has to find out how bad they can injure.

I've seen several, primarily at MK. They look pretty substantial and would have to be to hold a phone/camera at a distance of 3-4 feet. And the person walking around filming him/herself looked just plain stupid. "Oh, look, here I am standing in front of the fountain at Gaston's Tavern."

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
No. I have several friends on that police department and none have mentioned a ban on the sticks yet. However, you need to remember that Craig Duchossios wants every dollar that he can get and he would risk the lawsuit to keep the "snobs" happy in the grandstands. As for the infield... well that is pretty much the Wild West on that Friday and Saturday. LOL Selfie sticks will be the least of their worries.

just got a confirmation e-mail from Churchill confirming they ARE banned from Oaks and Derby day. they included a link to this years Derby page that listed banned items.


Get ready for a ton more annoying people to be waiving them around....:facepalm: American Eagle was giving them away for free over the past few days, with a $75 purchase. (If you've ever seen their prices, you know it's super simple to reach that amount!)


One Little Spark...


Resident Curmudgeon
Not a single person getting off the train stopped to see if you were okay and needed help?! Geez, have we become that self absorbed, entitled and uncaring towards another that we wouldn't check to make sure you were okay?

I was on a Disney bus going to MK for dinner one evening. Just before we pulled into the bus depot, the boy standing across from us passed out - eyes rolling into his head and everything. Fortunately, his father caught him before he fell face first onto the bus floor. And that kid was out cold. Those of us around the family (the kid looked about 9-10) jumped up and ran over (as much as you can "run over" to someone on a crowded Disney bus) to offer help and assistance to the parents. The people in the seats where the family was standing jumped up so the father could lay his son out on the seat, I jumped up and told the bus driver he needed to radio for an EMT and stop the bus as soon as he could since a passenger had a medical emergency. Folks towards the back of the bus were curious but couldn't do anything because the bus was crowded. And they all followed the driver's attention when told to exit by the other door. The family spoke Spanish and very little English so my daughter's BF (who is bilingual) acted as interpreter between them, the driver and the CM (not sure if he was a paramedic or a senior CM at the park, but he was waiting when the bus was finally able to stop). I jumped off the bus, told the guy what had happened and he took over. The other couples who offered assistance and comfort got off too and we all keep saying "I hope the boy is okay. His poor family. Isn't if fortunate that your daughter's BF also speaks Spanish." Then my daughter told me the poor boy had relieved himself and I was standing it while talking to the bus driver and waiting for him to stop the bus. I spent the first hour at the MK thinking about the kid and hoping he was okay - his parents looked very scared. And finding a puddle to walk through to rinse off my shoes. It was nice to see that several couples (mostly grandparents age) besides the three of us were right there to offer help and comfort.

I think we can blame the lawyers for the apparent unconcern, Since you can be sued for rendering assistance and 'Good Samaritan' laws are no guarantee of getting a suit tossed most people will not risk their families well being to render assistance.

I'll dial 911 but that's as far as I will go these days - my state does not have a 'Good Samaritan' law so the PI chaser outfits are out in force in my neck of the woods.


Well-Known Member
I agree, but what ever happened to the idea of someone else taking a picture of you. It has been done for years. It's just becoming more on a self-centered society that needs everything right now.

It's not like there's a ton of Photopass Photographers that'll take your picture for you with their camera AND your own.

Going down Main St. in the MK towards the Hub, there's at 1 every 20 feet or so.

Any CM is normally willing to help with your quest for a picture, and more times than not, they'll actually tell you to move a certain direction or whatnot and get a better photo for you!

Also, just thinking about this, with a selfie stick, how tightly are those things in there? I mean, crime in Disney isn't a huge problem, but if you have your couple hundred $$ device on the end of a stick, away from your person, it's like a personal hand off to a would-be thief.

As a person with low self esteem and I don't and could never ask someone else to take my photo. I might as well climb to the top of the castle and ride the wire like Tinkerbelle. Often my wife takes my camera so, in her words, can prove that I was actually on the trip. On our last DCL cruise I took about 1000 images over 7 days and I might be in 50 of those.

I also typically decline to have photos taken by photographers in parks because the likelihood of me purchasing those photos is low, so in my mind it is a waste of everyone's time. On the last cruise we had the opportunity for a day in one of the parks and we chose MK. I think there were maybe 4 times we had photos taken in the park and we did buy those.

Back to the cruise, since that is where we have the most experience. I would like to have photos of us in the dining rooms, but I am reluctant to ask our servers to take photos because they might say no. After all, they are there to serve food, not take my picture. I also feel bad about asking to have our photo taken with my camera on the ship after the ship's photographer takes theirs. I feel that they are trying to sell a product and its not right to ask for a free picture. We have been on 3 cruises, and I do ask now in those situations, but I feel apprehensive about it.

Like my grandfather, I will just not be in many photos because I am the one behind the camera 90% of the time. Just something I have to accept.

Selfie and selfie sticks are dumb. :)


Well-Known Member
Wait. Hold up. Were still discussing the Walt Disney World resort, right?

What is all this crap about the Kentucky Derby? Is somebody suggesting that a lot of horse faced people go to the Walt Disney World resort and use selfie sticks?

Or are we just discussing horse faced life stylers taking selfies at Disney restaurants three meals a day?


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Wait. Hold up. Were still discussing the Walt Disney World resort, right?

What is all this crap about the Kentucky Derby? Is somebody suggesting that a lot of horse faced people go to the Walt Disney World resort and use selfie sticks?

Or are we just discussing horse faced life stylers taking selfies at Disney restaurants three meals a day?

Oh, Dave....

I think the discussion about the Derby related to other venues banning selfie sticks and that Disney should follow suit. And the Derby was one example. Excitable expensive horses and cameras on a 3-4 foot stick is never a good mixture. One well placed kick and there goes that $600 iPod Air.... or your face.


Disney has put a ban of selfie sticks for in ride and queue use, although they can't/won't take them away, they will warn you before entering a line to put the selfie stick away to enjoy the whole experience, and will warn you over a PA system if you have it out during a ride... (Source: news article that I saw this morning) Has anyone seen this yet?


Well-Known Member
Disney has put a ban of selfie sticks for in ride and queue use, although they can't/won't take them away, they will warn you before entering a line to put the selfie stick away to enjoy the whole experience, and will warn you over a PA system if you have it out during a ride... (Source: news article that I saw this morning) Has anyone seen this yet?

This whole banning is as useless as a haircut on the way to the guillotine. What is the real punishment here for continually violating the rules? Nothing. Everyone knows this so the ones that abuse this (the same *ahem* people that use flashes on dark rides) will continue to use these regardless of how many times the ride is stopped and they are publicly scolded. They will not care because they know that there will be no real consequences to their actions.


This whole banning is as useless as a haircut on the way to the guillotine. What is the real punishment here for continually violating the rules? Nothing. Everyone knows this so the ones that abuse this (the same *ahem* people that use flashes on dark rides) will continue to use these regardless of how many times the ride is stopped and they are publicly scolded. They will not care because they know that there will be no real consequences to their actions.

I agree 100%, but until the selfie stuck proves itself to be a major problem there's not much Disney will do about it.


Well-Known Member
I agree 100%, but until the selfie stuck proves itself to be a major problem there's not much Disney will do about it.

I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but I doubt that even if it becomes a problem that Disney will even do anything then. Yeah, they may "ban them inside the parks", but what are they really going to do if a person is caught with one? Kick them out? Take the stick? Not likely. Just give another reminder that they are not allowed.

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