Segway Lawsuit Against Disney Thrown out of Court


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I also agree with the poster who said they should be allowed, but only with a limit on the speed, and maybe some sort of Segway training certification.

So how are you going to get your kids and the stroller on the monorail after all the room is taken up by Segways?


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
So how are you going to get your kids and the stroller on the monorail after all the room is taken up by Segways?
If the person is standing on the segway, I believe the point you're trying to make would be negligible.


New Member
I could care less if you're offended. Thats YOUR problem.
My disabled comment meant this: ALOT of folks are no more disabled than i am. Yet, They use spaces, Motorized wheel chairs and any other means to abuse the system.
Now, If one IS confined to a wheelchair or paralized, M.S. or a serious medical problem exists, then i have NO problem and fully support and would do anything in my power to help them.
My point is and will continue to be that far more folks that simply dont need assistance...Want it.
They minimalize those who DO need it.
I am almost deaf in one ear and cant hear too well in the other....Im in NO way disabled. I refuse to wear a hearing aid and im a Professional Firefighter/Medic. However, im sure there is someone out there parking in a handicapped spot cause they cant hear. They can probably hear better than me.
I just dont like abusers.

The medical field and insurance companies welcome and encourage the abuse, when they started makeing being overweight a disease (don't start Im 50lbs overweight) almost every scooter store in the world said "Hey we can get the overweight peoples insurance companies to pay for this" all my Dr says is "you need to walk more to lose weight"

I am a fan of the extra 39 cents supersize meal and thats what got me in trouble in the first place.

I can see legitimate medical reasons (Ms, Walking disabilities etc)for wanting to use Segways, wheel chairs etc. I'm sorry I don't feel that being overweight is a walking disabilitiy, I feel its a self made brought on condition. (Again I'm overweight, I did it no one else)

There is abuse everywhere I have a friend who got a handicap plate with minor asthma as the reason.


Well-Known Member
If something is truly frivolous, a federal judge may impose sanctions pursuant to Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and most states have adopted similar rules.

This case was dismissed on procedural grounds. No precedential value whatsoever. Segway can simply find three other disabled individuals to become the nomial plaintiffs in the purported class action suit.

Make no mistake, this isn't about the disabled, it's about Segway's bottom line and about making Disney pay megabucks...which will go straight to the lawyers, not to any of the disabled individuals.

You hit the nail right on the head, and everyone seems to be missing this point. This isn't the end, Disney won a procedural victory that will ultimately cost them in the end, because this now must be fully relitigated. Better to just win on the merits the first time.

However, I find it humorous that everyone takes such offense to the plethora of frivolous lawsuits "like this". There must be a lot of frivolous lawsuits, because that's all you hear about on TV, right? There's no chance that the news reports disproportionately to make it seem like the justice system is in shambles.

Frivolous lawsuits represent a minute number of the total lawsuits filed. There are several reasons, but most prominent are an attorney's reputation and the possibility of FRCP 11 sanctions (which come out of the law firm's pockets, not the client's). I'd like to hear some 'proof' of all these frivolous lawsuits offered...besides anecdotal 'evidence'....


New Member
I would like to throw my 2 cents in.

I have cerebral palsy and own a Segway. I use it at work, malls, home shows, Downtown Disney (once), etc. As much as I don't like it, I completely understand Disney's point. If you have not been trained AND spent countless hours on a Segway they can be dangerous.

However I think that if you can guarantee that Segway owners use the black key, limits the speed to under 5 mph, the Segway is ultimately safer than the ECV. I can't count the number of people I have hit, or ran into, in the parks because I sit below their eye level and they just don't see me until they have stepped in front of me and I clip their ankles. The Segway puts me at eye level and eliminates all of those types of situations.

That said, I love the Segway and hope that some day I can ride it in the parks (thus saving me $30 per day compared to ECV rental), but until then if I hit your ankles I apologize in advance.

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