Awwww.... Definitely focus on the quality vs. quantity. The time you do have will be precious to your daughter, too, even if she doesn't always show it. All those months I was without my dad I can tell you I thought of him every day. I worried about him a lot being overseas and me being the natural worrier that I am. One of his letters says to me that "yes, baby, I'm warm at night". I used to worry a lot that he was cold and alone. If your daughter isn't already aware of how much you do for her, she will be someday. When I was younger I didn't think about it much, how we would have our amazing adventures with Dad. Well, he was just a seaman & didn't make much money. NOW I know he did without, scrimped and saved every day so that when we were with him he could have the funds to do all the things he wanted to for us. In between visits whenever we needed something extra we could always call him or call his sister who was there for us, too, and we had whatever it was we needed. Just because you aren't with your daughter every day physically doesn't mean you aren't together. And I know from being the kiddo with split parents and a dad that was away, she thinks of you and has you in her heart just as much as you do her. You're going to have so much fun on your vacation together! Can't wait to hear all about it!
And don't worry so much about not being able to work it out with your daughter's mother. That's another thing that comes in time. As a kid I had a hard time understanding what the big deal was. As I got older and got to know my parents individually, the people that they are, and understanding circumstances and things made it a lot clearer. Plus, I'm sorta grateful for the way everything went. I don't believe any of it was accidental. I had a wonderful step-mother for 10 years. She was amazing and taught me a lot about being a mom, things I didn't get from my mom. I had a step-dad for 12 years that also brought a lot of perspective and important contributions to my life. I wouldn't give either of those people up for anything. It all will work out the way it's supposed to be so don't worry too much. K?