This is the end of an era for me, my AP is expiring and for the first time since infancy I will not be a WDW regular. As a child my parents took me, as a teen my brother worked at HoB and got us into the parks, as an adult I've renewed a pass since 2008. Mostly due to less available personal time, I've decided the AP no longer holds its worth for me.
Which brings me to ask, who else has dealt with having to break up with the mouse? And how did the change work out for you? I'm already missing it, even though I was there two days ago for my last go. However, I'm putting together a lot of positives...
1. Obviously a big finanical savings.
2. Watch the FP+ fiasco work itself out from a safe distance.
3. Let time pass for new things to be built, and old ones to feel fresh again.
4. Spend saved $ next year to see the new Universal toys.
Thanks for the conversation all. See you at the DHS Pixar Place expansion hopefully!
I used to go multiple times a year (clearly an AP was in order)
A number of things have changed for me.
1) Remarried now means 5 plane tickets for the family to go - that is $$$$
2) Remarried also mean places like Sandals are now an option - I don't mind WDW alone or with my kids, tropical resorts not so much
3) My kids have gotten older and while they still love WDW, they also now like other things
4) I don't travel for business as much anymore (I used to be in Tampa a lot, and WDW was a long weekend away)
5) My wife is a teacher, meaning off peak getaways at the last minute are not really possible.
6) WDW has become stale. Same overpriced uninspired stuff every time.
I am a DVC owner, and our solution is, instead of multiple times a year, or even yearly trips, we will be going every 2 or 3 years. We will be banking and borrowing points so that when we do go, we will be going for longer periods and in larger rooms. Our last trip was in June of 2012. The plan is for our next trip to WDW to be in June/July of 2014- we will be getting a Treehouse villa for a week, and my in-laws will be comming along. I get along great with them, and it also allows my wife and I to sneak out by ourselves at times

. After 2014, we are not sure when the next trip will be.
Ah, I forgot to mention, my wife and I will be at F&W in November of this year 2013 for a weekend, but that is just us, one park, mainly for Food and Wine. I get away for the two of us. So I guess WDW gets my cash there.