Security check changes

Having been to WDW in December 2002 - January 2003 and having just visited Disneyland last week, I can honestly say that the security checkpoints are simply a show for guests who are so insecure that they need the false sense of security to get through their day in the parks. Ok....they looked in my bag. Well....guess bag has hidden compartments that were NOT searched. I also could have had pistols and knives strapped to my legs. No one looked there! I even could have been carrying a vial of anthrax or some dangerous chemical in a certain orifice of my body. The searches create massive lines and are staffed by rude cast members, and quite frankly, it cheapens the whole "Disney experience". Walt Disney would be ashamed of this insult to his guests. That's precisely what it is.......and insult and a show.!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TheDisneyBoy
Having been to WDW in December 2002 - January 2003 and having just visited Disneyland last week, I can honestly say that the security checkpoints are simply a show for guests who are so insecure that they need the false sense of security to get through their day in the parks. Ok....they looked in my bag. Well....guess bag has hidden compartments that were NOT searched. I also could have had pistols and knives strapped to my legs. No one looked there! I even could have been carrying a vial of anthrax or some dangerous chemical in a certain orifice of my body. The searches create massive lines and are staffed by rude cast members, and quite frankly, it cheapens the whole "Disney experience". Walt Disney would be ashamed of this insult to his guests. That's precisely what it is.......and insult and a show.!

You got it totally right. In a place where newspaper is not sold for being considered an intrusion of the real world into a magical world, having Guests forming lines to be searched goes against everything Walt established and, more importantly, doesn't produce any concrete results.


Well-Known Member
Well the check points give some people peace of mind and others headaches. Personally I think that the whole bag check thing can only get better with time (eventhough its kind of useless, because if anyone had a brain they can figure out ways to get things passed the security...this is Disney security not the FBI:hammer: and even the FBI have proven useless at times:cry: ). I use to go to the parks with my camera in its bag and to pass everyone, I've just left it at the hotel...the lines are too much of a hassle. It reminds me (when I look at them checking the bags) of the airport know when they "randomly" select the most unlikely people to be terrorist and check their bags as they enter a plane...if terrorist really wanted to attack any of the parks they would find a way to do so. SO KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN, cause like people have already said, all they are doing is invading your privacy when security checks your bad, yet they also give some a false sense of security.

Problem: Security Checks
Solution: Don't take any bags

Then again take alot of bags that way I can pass you on my way into the park:p . I'll promise to wave and smile:animwink: .


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by objr

Problem: Security Checks
Solution: Don't take any bags

Exactly!!!! :)

Originally posted by MKCustodial
Personally, as I said before, I don't think they're fooling anyone with those bag checks... "Excuse me, mrs., but we have to check if there's a device of mass destruction in your baby's diaper bag." :rolleyes: :hammer: :p

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Actually, they found some tape evidence of terrorist scouting amuesment parks...

Would you rather someone walk in with a suspicious bag?


Well-Known Member
The way the checks go anyone can have vials of anthrax in a bag somewhere hidden and they wouldn't even notice (its alarming). They don't even have to keep it in the bag they could have them in their pockets.
These terrorist were looking at Disneyland...those are the reports. And if they would have attacked they would have done so with a plane (atleast looking at how they attacked the towers thats what I gather), any attack would have caught us by surprirse, and they still would.
The worst thing about these checkpoints aside from the invasion of privacy, is the fact that it gives people a false sense of security. People should be aware of their surroundings, no matter what! Goodluck to us, and everyone keep safe in these troubling times. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by The_CEO
Actually, they found some tape evidence of terrorist scouting amuesment parks...

Would you rather someone walk in with a suspicious bag?

If you stop to think about it, a big bad terrorist guy wouldn't walk into the park with a suspicious bag, now, would he? He'd look as much as a tourist as possible.

Which gets me thinking... Knowing how Americans have their... spirits so high right now, how are the Middle Eastern Guests being treated nowadays? Not to mention Latin Americans, since some people tend to confuse them with Middle Easterners...

Hank Scorpio

New Member
Fact: If a terrorist really wants to commit an act of terroism, he / she will find a way of doing it, regardless of what measures you put in place.

The best anyone can do is put in measures that will hopefully deter a would be terroist from commiting such a horrible act. While bag checking may seem rather pointless as there are many ways even a dog could figure out how to smuggle something into Walt Disney World - its about the only measure they can take without really invading your privacy.

So I say shut up and let them get on with it. Follow someone elses advice on an earlier post about avoiding bag checking by not taking any bags if it really bugs you that much. What would you rather they did? Stopped every single person entering every single park and give them a full body cavity search?


Well-Known Member
Does not make any sense to do this

I never thought this would be helpful at all. No one that wants to take something dagerous inside the park or illegal would not have it in plain view in there bag.
All this does is cause more inconvience to guests. They want to cut help, let some of the security people go. What a waste of time and money.

My guess is they think it gives guests the illusion of more security. Disney people know better. It does not help. Just watch peoples faces when they see the long lines before they even got to the gates. Then the fun starts with that beautiful bio pass system that seems to work when it feels like it.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was down there in Nov I had a little bag of odds and ends inside my bag and not once did they tell me to open it. THey really don't do a good enough job for this system to do anything substantial(sp?).


Here is a question regarding the security issue...

Has anyone heard of a person actually caught by this system attempting to come into one of the parks with a weapon or terrioristic device...etc? I was just wondering.

I agree, the mother with that diaper bag really looks threatening to me too...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
It's great walking right around all those families who bring their luggage to the parks!

Fast-pass entry! That's a cool way to think of it! I love it!

Actually a lot of families HAVE to bring stuff with them. Ever tried caring for a toddler without a diaper bag??? Ain't gonna happen.

Try being a little more thoughtful with you posts in future.:mad:


New Member

I was at WDW in January. I do security for the military and I just kinda looked around and I was very uneasy about the parks. The guests that come from the parking lots going to the ticket and transportation don't get checked until they get to the parks. The Monorails are full up and moving without even a thought. I cant see anything stopping someone setting something off when the monorail is in motion over the lagoon or going in, or out of the contemporary!! But just as someone else said, If there is a will there is a way. You cant stop them if they are willing to die. Does anyone know if they have checks of any kind before you get to to the parks??? I didnt see any!! I have already made my reservations for December I just hope they are taking the security side of this very seriously!!

Ft. Wilderness Jan 2003
All Stars Feb 2002
Ft Wilderness Oct 2002
All Stars Nov 2001
Ft Wilderness Nov 2000
All Stars Feb 1999
Off site Jan 1998


Well-Known Member
Hey Catch22 don't you know you aren't supposed to bring your kids to Disney until they are old enough not to need any extra's???

seriously though there has to be a better way of doing things. Until then we will continue our goes through w/diaper bag etc. the other goes through w/kids to get the maps, stroller (if needed) etc. works alright but still seems like there could be some way to screen onsite/offsite guests differently to speed up the process.


Account Suspended
Most of yall are really getting on my nerves!!!!!!!! Yall, it's a very good thing to know that disney looks inside my bags...i really appreaciate it!!! Everytime after they would check my dad's belt back and our bookbag (we have only been one time since 9/11) we both said thank-u to them...they would joke and mess around w/ us...i really like that...disney doesnt want to destroy the magic there is...and by having your bags searched it helps have safety and security w/ the magic...infact i rather enjoy looking at their disney badges etc. So STOP COMPLAINING about the fact that u have to have your bags checked!! its not that big of a deal! enjoy the sites around you rather than complaining that "how long do i have to wait in this stupid line" b/c that rediculous...take a minute and stop to smell the roses

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I think all of you are exagerrating the inconvenience of the security checks. Is it really that big of a deal to have to wait a few minutes while they do this?

Let's all relax and enjoy ourselves at the parks and stop whining about 5 minutes lost at the beginning of your day. It's a lousy 5 minutes. It isn't a big deal.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Catch 22
Actually a lot of families HAVE to bring stuff with them. Ever tried caring for a toddler without a diaper bag??? Ain't gonna happen.

Try being a little more thoughtful with you posts in future.:mad:

Yeah, not to mention the families who WANT to bring something into the parks. Get over it. People can carry whatever they please. It isn't for you to decide.

I usually only get to visit once a year. Do you think I shouldn't carry my backpack with my video camera and digital camera because you don't? Please.


Well-Known Member
Hey MainStreet USA...since when is any 5 minutes at WDW a lousy 5 minutes???

I do understand that normally it doesnt take that long. But when we were there in May/June 2002 they were temporary sights and they didn't have the early entry going if you didn't get there early you would be stuck in this big glob of people moving you like a herd of cattle. and w/kids 5 minutes outside the gate to the most magical place on earth can seem like an eternity ...esp. on the first day!

we just split up our groop, one with the stuff one with the kids. easier for us, but then maybe it annoyed the individuals behind us w/just a hip bag when I had the camcorder and backpack to be checked.

like you said we took along the camcorder and camera not everyday but at least once to each of the parks because it was a first time visit for one of our nephews.

nothing will make everyone happy, there is no fool proof way to protect every single person, you just have to live your life and understand that security checks at wdw will be standard

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