Secrets of Tom Sawyer Island


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I've heard from many sources of a secret room, if I remember correctly only about 6' by 6', large enough for about 3 people. Apperently it's accessed by entering one of the caves, I'm pretty sure it's Injun Joe's (whatever one has the bridge). Anyway you have to jump over the bridge in the cave, and go beneath, where you will find some water and a short tunnel which leads to the room.

I personally have peered over the bridge, and saw where you'd have to go, but I've never hopped the rail and ventured down to the room. Rumors also say that Disney became aware of people venturing into this room, so they tried various methods of blocking it, that people have gotten around.

If anybody knows anything about this, I'd like to know more.



Well-Known Member
Ive seen this area as well but never ventured down there. It IS in Injin Joe's cave and it's under the bridge. You can only see a deep hole from above the bridge. I didn't want to break my neck trying to get down there.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Speaking of TSI secrets, can anyone 100% confirm or deny the existance of the supposed tunnel under Rivers of America? Used for emmergency evac etc.? Its pretty much WDW folklore now, but I`ve never heard anyone say a definate yes or no.


Park History nut
Premium Member
My bad - to clarify, the tale about a backstage tunnel between Tom Sayer Island and the mainland - running under the river.

Nothing to do with the utilidors, just a tunnel between the island and backstage ( I would assume somewhere near Haunted Mansion) to be used in emmergencys (island evacutation, medical emmergency etc.)

As I said, its a bit of a myth, but its existence has never been confirmed or denied.


Originally posted by scorp111
I heard that the boogie man lives in that cave
There is no such thing as the boogie man.

But if there was, I suspect he would live there. I mean, TSI is isolated, no people at night and it's right by the Haunted Mansion. Oh yeah, and its by Aunt Polly's which is loaded with PBJs. Monsters love that stuff.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Yeah... the underwater tunnel is possible (look at DLPs Big Thundermountain)... just wondering if anyone knows for sure if its a hoax or not. Its not the type of thing they publish in the park guides!!


Active Member
Well since you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense. But where would the tunnel connect to overground? And for what attraction is it for? I would like to know if it really exists, that would be very cool.


Well-Known Member
If there was secret tunnel it would be for emergenices only like if someone had gotten hurt. The only way to and from Tom Sawyer island is by boat.


Park History nut
Premium Member
How can you land a helecopter on TSI? No rotor clearance. Not to mention the damage the downward vortex would cause. Same problems if you try to winch.

Jack - no specific attraction. Just a quick way to get someone off the island without using boats. I would imagine it would exit somewhere behind Haunted Mansion (as I said earlier) or IASW since a) this is an original part of the park (and the tunnel would have gone in before 1971, even though TSI didn`t open `till 1973) and b) emmergency vehicles can drive straight into this area.

Another reason of course is say - for whatever reason - you couldn`t get boats across Rivers of America to bring guests back at dusk. I`m sure there are motor boats that can be brought from the drydock area to be used, but imagine trying to evac a whole island of kids, parents, and the elderley / infirm.

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