Second doubts about solo trip!

So next month, I am booked to go on what will basically be a solo trip. A friend will be down at WDW for a conference while Better Than Ezra (our favorite band!) will be playing at the Food and Wine Festival.

It seemed like such great timing and I told him I would come down to see the concerts with him. Well, some time has passed, he got the schedule for his conference and he may be busier than he planned. I already knew I would be doing the parks during the day by myself, but the amount of time he can hang out with me is sort of up in the air until that week. It will pretty much be a play-it-by-ear type of situation.

At first, I was thrilled at the idea of a solo trip. I've never been on one and hey, I have the annual pass anyway as well as a frequent flier ticket, this is just a bonus trip! I have a trip planned in January with my family (parents and my younger brother. I'm 26 and single, no kids) so this will just be a little bit of extra fun.

But it's time for me to book my flight (just planned the trip about a month ago) and I'm having some second thoughts! I'm worried that a solo trip will be lonely and a little depressing, being there without my family? I have a room booked at Pop with an AP discount, so I'm really only paying for the room for 4 nights (at like $70 per night) plus my food. So it will be very inexpensive. But then I tell myself I should be spending this money on something else. I just keep going back and that's why I'm here.

What is great about going on a solo trip? If you've been on one, what do you like to do? Thanks guys! :wave:


New Member
Solo trips are the best

I've been travelling to Orlando from the UK solo since 1992 and to be honest, for me they were the best trips to WDW I've had. You get to choose which rides to ride and when and if you want to watch a show you can without having to worry about anyone else wanting to watch it.

You never get lonely as the parks are full of friendly people - I've met many great people over the years whilst sat waiting for a parade. Single rider lines cut out the queues - I've seen people queuing for Test Track for 90 minutes and I've walked on in 5 - actually I've walked past the same people 4 times using the single rider line at Test Track - I could tell by the look on their faces that they weren't impressed. Take a PSP or Nintendo DS to pass the time when waiting and ask the photo pass photographer to take photos so you still have something for the photo album.
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Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say hi to my fellow BTE fan =) I was almost going during that week, but got a better deal on a December trip. Now I'm kinda bummed not to see them in freakin Epcot of all places, especially since they haven't been to RI in 5 years! Take pictures for me!
Oh and about the solo trip, I recommend it. It'll take some adjustments, but you'll have a good time!
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My first real trip was to Disney with my now husband 13 1/2 years ago. We got engaged there, had a Disney themed wedding, honeymoon, conceptionmoon (brought back a little souvenir!), babymoon when I was 5 months pregnant and go back year after year. Will be going again in 11 days when I'll be 7 months pregnant with ds #2. We've had so many special memories there and Disney has played such a big part of our lives that I couldn't ever imagine going there without my dh and ds. I think the whole time I was there I'd only be thinking of them and how much fun we had when we did this or that. This is just my feelings and obviously everyone is different. I say just do what YOU are most comfortable with.
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I will be going on my second solo trip this Dec. Reading the previous posts you have heard just about all the pros and cons. Even though I do admit that there where times on my last trip that I did wish I could share some of the memories, I did love the freedom of not worring about pleasing everyone and going at my own speed. I sugguest do the solo thing at least once and then you will know if it is for you or not. Good luck and let us know how is goes:)
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New Member
Just did a solo trip over Labor Day and loved it. Going solo is a different experience and it can be intimidating, but it can also be a whole lot of fun.

Loved being able to go at my own pace. I like to get to the park early and beat the crowds. When traveling with my family, they like to go to the park later and seems like my schedule revolves around them and I wind up going to the park later. It was nice on this trip to get up early and go to the character breakfasts and then hit the park early. At Animal Kingdom, got to do a lot of attractions before noon.

Like others said, you can strike up conversations with other people and some of the castmembers as well. Great to people watch as well. Like to hang around where the character greetings are and watch the childrens eyes light up as they meet their favorite character.

Going solo is not for everybody, give it a try and see how you like it.
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New Member
Hello fellow Michigan friend! Mid Michigan here.

I agree with you, I have ALWAYS been to Disney with family, and it's a family experience.

I, however, am way more obsessed with Disney than anyone else in my family, and I fear my husband may be getting sick of going...our trip in December will be his last for awhile I I may be forced to get my Disney fix on my own :)
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Original Poster
Thank you so much for all of the great responses! Some great ideas and a lot of encouragement. I am going to take the plunge and try it out! I have been debating some tours. Have done the Segway at Epcot, absolutely looooved it. So glad to hear there are a lot of happy solo travelers out there, maybe I'll bump into some of you! :wave:
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New Member
I agree with Doc. I don't have self esteem issues .I'm a nurse and have pretty high self esteem as a matter of fact. I have no problem going to catch an afternoon movie alone. But going to watch a movie is one thing but going on a vacation to WDW alone is another. I mean the whole reason for the world is to create memories that you can share with loved ones. I 'm not saying there is anything wrong with you going alone but there isn't anything wrong with you if you wouldn't either .

If I were you, I would save my money and invite your family to an awesome dinner when next time you go with them to WDW.
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New Member
I'm glad that you have decided to go solo.

I've never gone to WDW on my own before, but it does sound like fun.

A few years ago I had to go solo unexpectedly at a big amusement park near me. (Cedar Point) Now I had already been there once that summer, and that had been my first time back in years. When I was in the parking lot, I called up my "friends" and no one picked up their phone. I already had my ticket and had paid for parking (let alone the hour and a half drive up there with tolls), so I decided to go in and go solo. Let me tell you, that was the best time I have ever had in that park (aside from going with my sister and niece to Halloweekends). I could do anything that I wanted to do, and ride the rides as many times as I wanted to. I love to people watch, and there are certainly a lot of people at an amusement/theme park.

Now, I know that Cedar Point certainly isn't the same as WDW, but yes, do people watch. Take pictures (to post with your trip report!). Take a tour. Find the hidden secrets of WDW. Befriend some people. And don't forget to have fun.
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New Member
I just had my second solo trip ever (last was in 1997) this past March. LOVED IT!! I am going to try and make it a yearly thing.

You might be worried about being bored on a solo trip. What i found this time (usually am with DH and 3 kids) was I could do what I wanted when I wanted for how long I wanted. I enjoyed the museum pieces in China at Epcot, something we usually walk past. I spent about 30 minutes in there. I ate foods the rest of the family doesn't care for. I did the Behind the Seeds tour for the first time. Want stuff to do?
~Make a reservation for a tour. You don't feel alone on tours. I did Behind the Seeds and want to do Backstage Magic, a 7 hour tour of 3 parks, next time.
~Offer to take pics for people. Most families are missing someone in the pic, the one behind the camera. and it's often the same person taking pictures. They will appreciate your help.
~Take advantage of Single rider lines.
~Where there are no single rider lines, let the CM loading hte ride know you are a party of 1. Works great on Space Mt (close when you are there I think), Splash, BTMR, RnR, ToT, PotC, among others. I cut wait times quite a bit (and I was already in a quieter time of year).
~Get a copy of the Hidden Mickeys book and go from park to park, resort to resort and look for the Mickeys. Can't usually do that if there are others with you.
~Talk to and ask lots of questions of the CMs.

That's a small list. I know others have given ideas, and still more people can come up with more ideas. Probably my fave thing was to be able to really take in the small details, like hte China museum, enjoying looking at the architecture of Italy, finally noticing a small museum/room in Morocco that in 15 years I never saw before. I can't wait to go alone again. I get to point out things to my family and friends we never noticed before when I've had the time to see it in detail myself.
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New Member
Fly Solo!!!

okay, so I've never done a whole trip solo, but would jump at the chance. I was there in April with my family and decided to go it alone for one day. My favorite quote is from J.R.R. Tolkien and reads" not all who wander are lost". And I lived by that for the whole day at animal kingdom. I browsed all the intricate little shops without feeling rushed. I stopped and got snacks without having to decided where everyone wanted to go. I saw the Nemo show and didn't have to feel guilty that we were missing out on rides because of it. If you're worried about feeling alone while you sit and eat, bring an ipod and a good book and just sit back and relax, you are on vacation after all. The only regret that I have from spending the day alone was that there were not 3 other days to bravely explore all the tiny details of the other 3 parks. Take advantage of it. Play the hidden mickey game, look up things in the disney secrets page here and find hidden treasures in a park you've been to loads of times. look up your favorite character and do your best to get their autograph. Or spend a day being an autograph hound, just make sure you get a photo pass so their photographers can capture the memories. Pin trading is also a blast, but can get a bit expensive. A tip if you decide to get into that is to buy a bag of them off e-bay before you go and save yourself a stack of cash.

Have a great time.

Ali :wave:
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Well-Known Member
I did my first solo trip back in May and as with everything there are pros and cons. I'm not a big roller coaster fan or flume fan so whenever I'd gone to WDW with the rest of my family, I'd always be waiting while they were on these rides. On my own, I don't have to waste all that time waiting.

I liked being able to do what I wanted when I wanted and so on. The only time I felt lonliness strike is while waiting on long lines. You'll love it though when it comes to fireworks or parades. Its far easier for one person to maneuver through all the strollers than a whole family.
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New Member
solo trips are great. you have the time to spend on what ever you want. You don't have to do what others want when you want to do something else. I have had many solo trips and am planning one now. They are super.
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Well-Known Member
Are you crazy.. This could very well be the best DISNEY TRIP EVER! I took my 1st solo this past May (after my boyfriend and I broke up). I was about to cancel days before I left and the people on here made me feel at ease. I was scared to be on rides by myself, eating by myself (especially at table resturants), and just being alone.

Well let me tell you - IT WAS FABULOUS!! I loved every minute of it. The freedom to come and go as I pleased. I loved it so much, I am going on my 2nd solo in November.

Now, I have a solo cruise in January that I am worried about - I have never been on a cruise (less long by myself where I know it will be nothing but couples and families). I am going back and forth about cancelling that - but I am going to go through with it. I realized you can not let lifes hang ups hold you back from having fun.

I hope you go and have a great time!
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Well-Known Member
Are you crazy.. This could very well be the best DISNEY TRIP EVER! I took my 1st solo this past May (after my boyfriend and I broke up). I was about to cancel days before I left and the people on here made me feel at ease. I was scared to be on rides by myself, eating by myself (especially at table resturants), and just being alone.

Well let me tell you - IT WAS FABULOUS!! I loved every minute of it. The freedom to come and go as I pleased. I loved it so much, I am going on my 2nd solo in November.

Now, I have a solo cruise in January that I am worried about - I have never been on a cruise (less long by myself where I know it will be nothing but couples and families). I am going back and forth about cancelling that - but I am going to go through with it. I realized you can not let lifes hang ups hold you back from having fun.

I hope you go and have a great time!

Is it a Disney cruise ?

FYI, Disney cruise has a singles/single parents/solo travelers meet and greet on (I think) the first night of the cruise.

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I did one semi-solo trip like you are doing and had a blast. I met up with my sister from her convention in the evenings. I saw sooo much and did fun stuff. The CMs were great - if I started wishing I had company I'd just start a conversation. I got a lot of extra attention being a solo that I don't normally get because we don't have kids with us. They seem to feel it's ok to treat you like a big kid.

I ate meals at the parade route - as that is what I hate to do alone. Other than that I never really felt alone. It's all in your state of mind.
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Another post - just a thought as I was reading. I want to do a Disney Cruise next year, but doing the single thing. Would anybody be interested in doing a Disney Singles travel group?
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Well-Known Member
Another post - just a thought as I was reading. I want to do a Disney Cruise next year, but doing the single thing. Would anybody be interested in doing a Disney Singles travel group?

That is a pretty good idea. We could start a social club on here and post when we are going solo on it. If anyone is going solo at the same time, we could plan meets.

Edit: Groups up!
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