Sea of Yellow (rain coats)

Just got back from a week at my second home. I've have gone the same week in June for the past 6 years and have never seen so much rain in one week. Of course, now that i'm gone it will probably quit. I know FL needed rain but why my vacation week.

Anyway, here's my point. With the first few raindrops, the parks turn into a sea of yellow raincoats. WDW sells yellow ones, every once in a while, you'd see a blue Universal one. During this time, i've have never seen so many lost kids looking for their parents. I heard one kid say, "Yeah, my mom and dad are wearing yellow rain coats" Sure, them and 2 million other people.

My suggestion, if you have kids (mine are 11 and 5), take your own raincoats and make sure are some other color than yellow. That way you can spot you kids and they can see you. But hopefully you wont have any rain........

Just a suggestion...........


Well-Known Member
I saw a family with blue Wal-Mart rain ponchos last year - they were the only family not frantically searching for their kids in a sea of yellow Mickeys!:animwink:
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Well-Known Member
This is why we don't wear them... :animwink:

Just get wet and let the sun dry you off, but it sounds like the sun has been on vacation...

Better be dry for my trip!
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The Mom

Premium Member
I have a set of red ponchos for just that reason! Also, a baseball type cap or visor worn OVER the hood will keep it from blowing off, and also keep the rain out of your eyes...and off your glasses, if you wear them. It also makes you easier to spot (if a little silly looking) Ratcat, the rain we've had this past week is very different than the typical summer thunderstorms! There is NO sun to dry you off, and because of all of the torrential rain (we've had periodic flood warnings), wind, and clouds, the temperatures are cooler than normal. You would be very uncomfortable walking around wet.
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Well-Known Member
I know, I saw it on the news.

I like the running out in the downpours and being dry 20 minutes later, not sure I'd be too fond of what you're getting right now though.

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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
Mom is right Ratcat, if I had not been covered up and would still be soaked from the monsoon that hit us last week. Hopefully it will be dry for your trip.
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New Member
:mad:Ponchos get REALLY hot and sticky when you have to wear them all the time. We would rather just take little umbrellas, then if it does stop raining, we just hang them from our belt or put them in the stroller(if we have one). It is a LOT cooler, but maybe this past month, it never got hot in Orlando, huh? We do have plastic covers for the strollers, though.:animwink:
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Active Member
yeah, last year I bought 4 rain jackets from a storethat was going out of business here in campus town. I guarentee we were the only family of four wearing blue Illini jackets!

and I dont like ponchos too much anyway. especially the bright yellow ones....sure they have mickey on them, but everyone has them!

despite wearing jackets though, we still got soaked because we went last year during the tropical storm. it was just so much easier to get wet then dry off later!
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Hey mom do you live in central florida? Because thats where all the rain is, here on the south west coast of florida its been raining here but weve never had flood warnings this week.
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Well-Known Member

Oh yeah.....ponchos are a waste of money...well in my eyes they are......if it starts to drizzle we usually take shelter in a store....or in a covered line...and if that doesn't work then we ask a janitor for a trash bag......and head to the make our own poncho....FOR FREE!....and than we just throw the bag out after...or sumtimes we just bring a bag to the parks.....:cool:

if u do do this...make sure u put holes in the bag for ur head and arms!! :lol: :lol:
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New Member
I just came back Sunday. Just letting yourself get wet this past week was crazy. It rain constantly, no time to dry off!

I "little" umbrella won't keep you dry either, with what I just experienced.

Also, if you seeked shelter in a store, you would be there all day.

This rain was just a fluke. I went last year in August and the rain was every afternoon, about 3p, for about a 1/2 hour. No problem.

According to the weather, this is supposed to continue for the next week! Good luck staying dry!
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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
Savannahs right. A small umbrella might keep the top of your head dry but that would be all. The big umbrellas might keep your upper body dry. But with the rain we had, NOTHING would keep you completely dry. I think it was Wed or Thurs, we were at MGM and it rained almost 2 inches within a few hours. To say the least, with ponchos and umbrellas, we were soaked. Again, this was the most rain i've seen in several trips.
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Well-Known Member
At MGM it can be a good thing.....crowds thin in the parks.,...but since MGM is pretty much all inside it good be used to your advantage......

Does neone kno what attractions close when it rains that much??:veryconfu
I'm guessin most outdoor rides...but what about ToT...and SM??
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New Member
Did it clear off any to see any fireworks? That would be really frustrating if it didn't your whole vacation. We took red ponchos in our back pack when we went. We just knew it was going to rain everyday, but luckily it didn't except the last day after we left the park and headed back to our resort. We were extremely lucky. Sorry you all have had such a wet time.
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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
TOT was up and running during the rain but there was no lightening. The only thing i know for sure that changed at MGM was the last part of Indiana Jones show. They didn't do the airplane scene due to the actors possible slipping. Oh, and the characters were not out and the parade didnt happen.
At Epcot, they obviously shut down TT.

Something that we did that was pretty fun was going over to BB when it was raining. There wasn't but probably 25 - 35 people in the whole park. As long as it isn't lightening, it stays open. There were NO lines for any of the slides. We had a blast. I don't know where everybody went. Where they afraid they were going to get wet.?!
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Originally posted by scherdin1
:mad:Ponchos get REALLY hot and sticky when you have to wear them all the time. We would rather just take little umbrellas, then if it does stop raining, we just hang them from our belt or put them in the stroller(if we have one). It is a LOT cooler, but maybe this past month, it never got hot in Orlando, huh? We do have plastic covers for the strollers, though.:animwink:

:mad: Can you actually believe that while we were in an attraction, someone actually tried stealing the plastic cover off of our stroller! Luckily, a CM saw them trying to remove it and asked them what they were doing! I couldn't believe it...the CM then stayed by our stroller until we came out of the attraction and told us what happened....he suggested that we put our name on the plastic with a Sharpie so this wouldn't happen again. Ok, so if we put our name on it, someone's not going to steal it? Give me a break! Anyone who would steal a plastic cover off of a stroller, is just lame and unexcuable!

17 day to Disney!!!!
I have a rumbly in my tumbly.

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The Mom

Premium Member
I live in Northeast Florida. Trust me, this rain is, as already stated, very's more like what we get during a tropical storm or Northeaster, which usually arrive later in the year....some areas around here had over 5 inches this weekend. It doesn't bear any resemblance to the typical afternoon summer storms...there was little or no lightning involved, and it POURED for hours at a time, 24 hrs a day, would let up for an hour or two, then start all over again! It's not raining now, and hasn't since last evening, but the more typical afternoon storm clouds are forming, with afternoon showers expected. These will be the sort where you can seek shelter, run through them and dry off later, or use a little umbrella; most Floridians wouldn't bother getting out a poncho. ;)
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New Member
I like the ponchos.... hate that they are all yellow though... AK used to have beige ones that I personally liked a lot better, but I´m not sure if they are still having them. Ponchos are what keeps you drier in my own experience... I still have one or two clear ones (my cast member ponchos...hehe) :animwink:

Somebody asked about rain in August.... yes, it is true, it does rain every day at around 3:30pm for half an hour. I worked Lord of the Dance during the summer and it always rained half hour before the first show! :animwink: I guess it is when it is the hottest in the day and condensation happens. :animwink:
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
Something that we did that was pretty fun was going over to BB when it was raining. There wasn't but probably 25 - 35 people in the whole park. As long as it isn't lightening, it stays open. There were NO lines for any of the slides. We had a blast. I don't know where everybody went. Where they afraid they were going to get wet.?!

Thats y I hate going to the BB and TL because of the long lines.....we'll have to rember that...thanx buzz.....and y else would you go to the water park...ur going to get wet neways!:lol:
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