If you look on this thread, there are reports of MLM drones* being set free in Fantasyland, to harass guests, recently.
I have a lot of snark ready to throw at this whole situation but in all seriousness, hopefully, whatever is going on right now, it's a temporary blip.
*I call 'em drones but having been sucked into this sort of thing once when I was really young, I have sympathy because for as annoying as the friends, family, coworkers and total strangers who push this kind of stuff are, they tend to be the actual victims. Most are desperately trying to move product just to break even on this thing they've gotten sucked into. "Multi-Level-Marketing" has many of the trappings of a cult, just substituting the false promise of financial freedom for enlightenment or eternal salvation although some would have you believe they offer a little of that, too.