scary rides


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can anyone tell me the scary rides at wdw. I have never been and have said I will ride everything I can but I have been told space mountain is so scary and others say its not scary at all. I can take moderately scary lol. Please let me knwo what I should avoid
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That's a tough one- we're going to need some perspective. :)

Can you give an example of something you've done that you do consider scary?

For the record, I don't ride a lot of coasters, and I don't consider Space Mt to be scary. Just fun.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we need something to go on.

I agreee with Erika about Space Mountain. And I'm not a big coaster fan, either. Big Thunder is even less scary. But, I personally won't do RRC in MGM because I don't think I'd enjoy the loop. I love ToT. The drops are fine with me.
Lets's see what else? I am a huge fan of Soarin'. Absolutely no problem with that. But I will not even attempt Mission:Space. It's just not for me.
Splash Mountain is great if you don't mind drops.

These are just my opinion, of course. Only you can decide what works for you. Generally speaking, most WDW rides are mild. The dark rides are simply entertaining, no scare factor at all.


Well-Known Member
To me Tower of Terror is scary, but Space Mountain is not. I guess it all depends on what you can handle. Maybe reading a description of the rides (say from a planning guide) would help you out. :wave:


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lol I am 27 and have 2 kids and 8 year old son and a 5 year old daughter .for instance i wouldn't even consider the aerosmith coaster.Or the mt everest thing thats opening in april. I am wondering about mission space.I have rode gravitron thing before is it the same?


Well-Known Member
The thing about "scary rides" is that everyone has their own "threshold" for what is scary. Some are scared by heights, speed, the dark, sudden turns, spinning, ghoolies pooping out at you, tight spaces, etc. Some who are scared of one might night be scared of others, and so on.

A lot of people found Alien Encounter to be the scariest, most frightening thing ever. Me? I just didn't get it. Brick Tamland could have run in yelling LOUD NOISES!! and it would have had the same effect for me.

That being said, the only ride at WDW that has ever scared the living bejesus outta me so bad that had to shut my eyes and was thinking "get me off of here now" throughout the thole thing was Snow Whites Adventures (before the 'Scary' rehab). There was just TOO much witch cacklin' in my face for my taste. That ride is like, what, 3 minutes? And I thought it would never end. TERRIFIED ME!!! And even today it still creeps me out a little.. but not to the extend the old version did.

So there you have it. The things that frighten some people just don't frighten others, and vice versa.


New Member
As far as "horror" scary I think Tower of Terror probably tops the list. Other than that though MAYBE Haunted Mansion could be included but that would be it. Now if you are talking heights, then Tower of Terror again, Splash Mountain, soon to be Expedition Everest. Astro Orbitor, that should cover it for heights, everyone let me know if I missed a high ride. If speed scares you then Space Mountain, Rock n' Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Expedition Everest, Test Track. If you are scared of water, Splash Mountain, Kali River Rapids, you could even break that down into scared of being ON water which would also include It's a Small World, Pirates, Living with the Land. Intensity wise Mission Space is probably the most intense ride at Walt Disney World so that could be considered scary. If you are scared of animals then I would consider Animal Kingdom a bad idea. I think that should basically cover everything, anyone feel free to add to this.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i know it is easier said then done...... but the only way to tell is to ride everything once and judge for yourself. wouldnt you hate to not ride something and then years later you finally got the nerve and realized you like it and have missed out for so long........ trust me, just try it. it wont kill you



Well-Known Member
matthope03 said:
If speed scares you then Space Mountain, Rock n' Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Expedition Everest, Test Track.

I don't think Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain should even be on there. The maximum speed on Space Mountain is 28mph. And Thunder Mountain is 36mph.


Well-Known Member
e4ymod said:
I don't think Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain should even be on there. The maximum speed on Space Mountain is 28mph. And Thunder Mountain is 36mph.

I think it's more of the "sharp turns" and the "feeling of being out of control" that is more scary on those rides.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
rainfully said:
I think it's more of the "sharp turns" and the "feeling of being out of control" that is more scary on those rides.
and the sensation that your going to smack an i-beam on SM since it seems too close

opps, but dont let this prevent you from riding :D .... just duck


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
and the sensation that your going to smack an i-beam on SM since it seems too close

opps, but dont let this prevent you from riding :D .... just duck

I always put my hands all the way up on SM, but by the time the ride is over, my hands are down to about head level. lol


rainfully said:
ghoolies pooping out at you

That would be scary and messy. :lol: :wave:

For me, I'm scared of heights and/or dropping. I haven't gone on Space Mountain since I was younger (and don't really remember it), mainly because I'm afraid of coasters and being on one in the dark. I truthfully think it probably wouldn't be that bad, but I don't like drops. I rode Thunder Mountain once and it really wasn't that bad to me. Primeival Whirl scared the hell out of me (heights, sharp turns on heights) and also made me sore for the rest of the day.
Mission Space was alright and didn't really scare me since I knew I wasn't really 'going' anywhere, but it made my neck hurt and made me nauseous for hours. Test Track was alright, but I never wanted to ride it a second time (r.i.p. World of Motion :mad: ).
I still won't ride Splash Mountain because of the drop, but I would love to see the ride other than that.
I love Dinosaur (controlled ride with limited drops). No Tower of Terror or Rockin Rollercoaster for me, thanks.


New Member
Original Poster
thanks for the info. anything that I would be upside down or high speed ride would freak me out but like someone said it won't kill me so i will try most of it lol.


New Member
Are you talking about scary for you or the kids ? There are rides in the dark that might scare the 5 year old. I think Dinosaur is scary-not knowing when things will be in front of you. I don't ride many coasters, either and I will not ride TOT or Space MT, although I don't consider SM to be scary. I won't ride EE either.


Well-Known Member
Fido said:
That would be scary and messy. :lol: :wave:

:eek: OMG!!!! :lol: oops... :eek:

And, btw, I used to be scared to go on roller coasters. I avoided them for years. And then, I rationalized it by thinking... well, it's really only a minute or two of my life, and then it will be over. If I don't like it, I don't like it. But I didn't want to go through life not knowing.

So I did... and fell in love immediately. And it has grown into a passion. Something I once used to dread is now one of my favorite t hings in the world.

The drop on Splash is really not that bad. And, it only lasts MAYBE 2 seconds. Two seconds out of your entire life, and it's all over, and you've got froggies and geese singing "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" at you. It's just a shame that you are willing to overlook an amazingly wonderful fantastically themed attraction for a tiny little 2 second drop.

I'm just trying to help you out... cause I've been there! And once I got over my fear, it was amazing! :D


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
kathyjacks said:
....but like someone said it won't kill me so i will try most of it lol.
THAT A GIRL. i like your spirit. and if you like "most of them" try the ones you thought you'd never do.

rainfully said:
....but like someone said it won't kill me so i will try most of it lolAnd, btw, I used to be scared to go on roller coasters. I avoided them for years. And then, I rationalized it by thinking... well, it's really only a minute or two of my life, and then it will be over. If I don't like it, I don't like it. But I didn't want to go through life not knowing.

So I did... and fell in love immediately. And it has grown into a passion. Something I once used to dread is now one of my favorite t hings in the world.
ahhh, i was petrified of the "vomit" factor on coasters. then discovered that i have an iron stomach and could basically eat a funnel cake while riding anything...... so then it was play on.


For the longest time I was afraid of space mountain and thunder mountain. Finally I tried them (and was really nervous, taking deep breaths as I neared the seating area) and loved them! My next task was conquering my fear of heights and falling. Finally rode splash mountain, loved it! Then this past October when visiting WDW for the 3rd time since 1996, I decided to try the Tower Of Terror. I really was nervous but I did it and loved it too! The drops don't even make my stomach feel funny like splash. I just got back from visiting the Disneyland Resort and rode the Tower Of Terror at DCA for the first time (actually rode 7 times in 2 days!). The thing about it is that you will know when you are ready to try a ride. My next thing is to try the spinning rides, but too much spinning and I'm :dazzle:

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