The nature of the ride configuration , and amount of darkness also play a role. My son is bored by BTM, but loves Splash Mountain, and Jurassic Park over at IoA. However, he didn't like SM, because he was not sitting NEXT to me, and it was dark. As someone mentioned, being able to touch a family member during the scary parts makes a difference! My older child and husband have been on AE, and advised against taking my son on. He's also not a fan of inverted coasters yet(neither am I) and no one in the family really likes "big drop" rides. My daughter refuses to go back on Splash M or Jurassic Park (IoA), but loves RnR and Dueling Dragons(IoA) I would just wait until your child BEGS to go on a particular ride, and then be prepared for any bad consequences! Generally, there won't be any if you wait until the child makes his/her own decision!