Well-Known Member
I read the article and again I will state that it was baseless. It's a bunch of gibbering by some cranky curmudgeon who is to self-centered to understand the premise.Well let's take a look here.
This is a good point. The celebration does not have any meat and bones in it what so ever. All it is is just some contests and new pins. They could easily be doing this without all the pizazz of the celebration. When people go to WDW wondering what all of the celebration is about, and they find that its only just a contest and pins, they're going to be dissapointed. The 50th anniversary had meat and bones because they were adding new rides and shows.
This is true because that is all what the celebration really is and that's it. Its just narrowed down to a couple of small unexciting things. ( BTW, the "awfully misguided T-shirts is expanded upon in another part of the article if you were wondering what that was about. )
Let's face it folks, this whole thing is a cheap campaign to hopefully ( but not likely ) play off of the success of the 50 anniversary. Many people I've mentioned to about this who aren't Disney fanatics have also thought that the whole YOAMD sounds lame and uniteresting.
BTW, if you think Lutz is too negative, there is one heading in his article that states "the future is looking so bright, you'll need sun glasses!" So yeah, no more false accusations.
No meat and bones... but a few contests and prizes, huh? Most people would be glad to get *anything* just simply by visiting the parks. Free pins, drinks, hats, t-shirts, meals, nights in the castle, trips of a lifetime? You're right... I'm sure people will be so disappointed.

I've already seen posts about people that like the new merchandise. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Who cares. But to imply the celebration is a "cheap campaign" because of the merchandise or freebies is ludicrous.
You walk up to any child in Magic Kingdom and hand them a pin or a hat and they will beam with joy and their family will NOT think it's lame and uninteresting. Give them a Golden Fastpass or a ticket to a private party and you just made their trip. The big prizes? Yep, they're happy.
Ever hear of "Disney Magic" -- this celebration is celebrating that magic. Not everything is about "new rides and shows" for a true Disney fan or a family on a vacation of a lifetime.