Say Good Bye to a live Tinker Bell!!


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Say Good Bye to a live Tinkerbell???

So the word from a WDW Ent Tech is that the WDW Tinker in Wishes is being worked on to no longer have the single flight. I am not sure when this change will take place, if at all.....but the WDW MK is said to be getting the same "Tinkerbell" that is used in DL's Remember... Dreams do come true. (This is what I have been told they use) This Tinker is a combo of special rigging & LED lights which "flys" from side to side & 360 degrees around the castle. (They are wanting to use the same set up... if she is live or not?? Who knows for sure)

HOWEVER for anyone who has seen the Tinkerbell from DL, it's VERY COOL looking!!!!


Actually, "Remember" also uses a live Tinkerbell. The old DL show had a mechanical version (in addition to the live version), but the current show has a live Tink fly around the castle, reenacting the WWoD opening. It uses the same technology used in sporting events. Also, I do not know how this could be used in MK. the Disneyland castle is very small, so the wire for Tink goes from the Matterhorn (which is bigger) to some other building. The only think in MK that is bigger than the castle is Space Mountain, and I'd think that would be too far away.



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askmike1 said:
Actually, "Remember" also uses a live Tinkerbell.

That would be nice if they kept it live.... I had been told the current DL Tink was the new version. They currently have the proto type of the new Tink on property & working with it.

As for her Flight in DL, she no longers does that so it appears.. is the old wire still there?? She seems to "fly" from the Matterhorn to the castle and & then "flys around the castle"... well it looks like she bounces around the castle ;-)

Who knows how much that would all cost, but I am sure Disney doesn't like paying $30-40 an hour for a 5 hour shift everynight.

Seeing a live Tink do what is done in DL would be amazing!!!!!!


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Video Footage

convrsboy said:
"Tinker Bell" that is used in DL's Remember... Dreams do come true. This Tinker is a combo of special rigging & LED lights which "flys" from side to side & 360 degrees around the castle.

Does anyone have any video footage of this Tinker Bell? I'd really like to see it.


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The video I have seen doesn't allow you to tell tell if Tink is live or not... but the show is great!! Starts and ends just like Wishes, but the entire middle section is made up of the audio from attractions around the park!!

I guess Tink was a ball of LEDS in past years???


Active Member
convrsboy said:
That would be nice if they kept it live.... I had been told the current DL Tink was the new version. They currently have the proto type of the new Tink on property & working with it.

As for her Flight in DL, she no longers does that so it appears.. is the old wire still there?? She seems to "fly" from the Matterhorn to the castle and & then "flys around the castle"... well it looks like she bounces around the castle ;-)

Who knows how much that would all cost, but I am sure Disney doesn't like paying $30-40 an hour for a 5 hour shift everynight.

Seeing a live Tink do what is done in DL would be amazing!!!!!!
Who is giving you this mis infmation? Bus Drivers? Friendship Captains? There are no immediate plans to replace Tink at WDW or to even change to the Disneyland version.


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tk421-sw said:
Right on Boo!

No, sorry to upset, but it's not from a bus driver, or a front line employee who wants to "have top secret info".

This actually comes from one who is high up in the Tech field of WDW Ent. Again, they said that it's being looked at and worked on. Never said it was set in stone =)

As I mentioned before with DL, I'm told she's no longer live, but I have not seen her myself other then the video which doesn't do her justice!


New Member
Oh, well Id be sad if she was not live. Thta's all. Its just that boo is pretty "In the know" of things, and most likey would have heard about this if it was anything that was happening. Perhaps this was just an idea mentioned an a meeting or something? :) No meanfulness meant.


Active Member
Well I can say that something was tested awhile ago, but $$$$$ is why they are really not following through with it. Your quote that being looked at and worked on, yes I'm positive that they are. But I doubt you'll see anything in the near future. And think about this, they dumped a ton of money in the new Tink costume when Wishes came online.


New Member
No, sorry to upset, but it's not from a bus driver, or a front line employee who wants to "have top secret info".

This actually comes from one who is high up in the Tech field of WDW Ent. Again, they said that it's being looked at and worked on. Never said it was set in stone =)

As I mentioned before with DL, I'm told she's no longer live, but I have not seen her myself other then the video which doesn't do her justice!

I'm not sure who you're getting your information from, but the Tink in DL is definitely live as live can be. She's still a real, 100% human performer. Nothing has changed, other than the fact that she has a different flight path and doesn't have to slam into a mattress at the end of the run any more.

Also, the cables used for this new setup actually follow the same path that the old single cable did (from the Matterhorn to a small platform). They just strung up more cables instead of the 1 that was there before. It only looks like she's circling the castle because they vary her height during the flight. Hopefully that clears things up!

- Eric


Park History nut
Premium Member
Yep - DL Tink is live. Only last week pix of the crash mats and Tink coming to a rest were posted. Earlier this year, Disney ran adverts in Anaheim newspapers for Tinks to sign up; something along the lines of less than 5ft, gymnast, no fear of hights and good at performing stunts!

I recall DLP`s Tink going from live to animatronic sometime ago - or was it the other way round? Or maybe it didn`t happen.... I`ll let you know about their Wishes Tink next week.


Well-Known Member
DL's Tinkerbell is live. It is a pretty amazing specail effect. The costume doesn't light up like WDW's, but it is actually florecent, so blacklights are turned on, and all you can see is tink and the castle (using it's own lighting). I thought that DLP's Tink was a pyrotechinic effect rather than an animontronic, but i could be wrong. And AskMike1 is right, she the castle size plays a huge role in this effect. She takes off from the Matterhorn, and actually lands on a platform hidden in the trees between Fantasyland and Frontierland.


Active Member
I saw Remember... Dreams Come True in may and yes, their Tinker Bell is real. The way she flies is really beautifyl, and it adds a lot to the magic of this wonderful fireworks show.


Park History nut
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Chape19714 said:
I thought that DLP's Tink was a pyrotechinic effect rather than an animontronic, but i could be wrong.

It was both! She started off (Fantasy in the Sky) as pyro sparks on the castle (pixie dust of course) and then a trail of sparks flew into Adventureland. Once Adventureland was illuminated, she flew back to the castle, more dusting, then off to the Fantsayland/Discoveryland border. A flash of pyro, and the real tink flew out and into the castle to start the display.

With Wishes, new cables have been spotted so we`ll see what she does this year :)

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