Saw the "Dream Squad" in action today

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Well-Known Member
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by AEfx

So getting upset is silly, even if someone gets it when you are "right there next to them". It's chance.


</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Maybe to you it is, but not to me. But hey, to each his own.:)

What a sad way to look at life. :(



Active Member
I don't really like this event because it excludes a lot of people. I don't think that there should be a crew going around making only a few happy and alienating the majority. Than again, it'd be pretty cool if I got something!:king:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I don't really like this event because it excludes a lot of people. I don't think that there should be a crew goin around making only a few happy and alienating the majority. Than again, it'd be prety cool if I got something!:king:
It doesn't exclude anyone. Everyone has the same opportunity to win. That, by definition, means no one is being "excluded."

Basically, you'll love it if you win, but not if you don't, which is exactly the attitude everyone is talking about. It's about YOU, right? Ugh. Come on, people! WAKE UP! :SMACK!:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
It doesn't exclude anyone. Everyone has the same opportunity to win. That, by definition, means no one is being "excluded."

Basically, you'll love it if you win, but not if you don't, which is exactly the attitude everyone is talking about. It's about YOU, right? Ugh. Come on, people! WAKE UP! :SMACK!:

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New Member
After reading this post, I was disturbed. But then after reading several other posts from you while scrolling through this topic, I can honestly say you have the worst attitude I have ever seen on this board.

It's shameful at best that you are here ranting because *you* didn't win something that was a random selection process. Like someone already pointed out to you, the single worst thing a person can have in life is the sense of entitlement. There is *nothing* special about you that makes you deserve something more than anyone else. You might as well pull the race card next. It's a COMPLETELY RANDOM SELECTION of people that get prizes. You in no way got screwed. Do you post these disturbing rants against McDonalds every time your french fry box doesn't win you a car?

As for your kid - he's six? Fine. If he's that ungreatful at the age of six that he's taken to Walt Disney World and even that isn't good enough to make him happy he deserves to be punished severely. He obviously doesn't know how to show appreciation for something as special as getting to go on vacation as a child. I have many friends that *NEVER* traveled out of the state they were born in until they were 21. The biggest problem I have with your six your old is that he is going to grow up to be *just like you* whine and complain every time he doesn't get something for free.

You know why you had such a terrible trip? Because you have a terrible attitude. If you won the fastpass card, you'd be upset that someone else won the castle stay. If you won the castle stay you'd be upset that someone else won a trip to another resort.

Because you have a terrible attitude.

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyummmmmm ! lol ! ! Where's the bow down smiley when you need it!!!!

<-bow'n down to you Montu ;)


Active Member
Funny how some people on this board throw out "I told you so" about the promotion and are using poster "missionspace" as their poster child of discontent while I've read over 100 different positive things already on this and other boards. Then again maybe these are the people that will imitate "missionspace's" actions and words when they are at the parks. :hammer: Sure hope not.

A hundred golden FP's aren't going to cause the FP line to be significantly longer,(approx. 10 per hour - maybe 50-60 people), large prizes will be done discretely, and magical moments have always happened and usually make everyone around the magic happier. I was just at Sea World yesterday(San Diego) and whenever a kid was chosen out of the audience to do something special, everyone around me seemed happy about the whole moment.

I'd think if the Dream Squad was being followed a quick duck behind the millions :) of cast only doors in the parks solves the problem. This will be more of a problem at the DLR where more guests are passholders. WDW will see many more one time guests during this event.

Now if everyone wins the lotto that $1 ticket would be worth .50, right? I've just thought of a new contest. Send a $1 and your guarenteed being a winner. Two quarters for everyone. :lol: Look for a $15 year ticket increase in pricing as Disney has its guarenteed winner contest in a couple years as everyone wins a hat or lanyard. Reminds me of grade school 30 years back when a girl was selling small candy bars at .25 each or 3 for a $1.00. Amazing how many of those candy's went 3 for a $1.00 :veryconfu


Active Member
I would rather someone else won it than me. At the end of the day most of gifts would make many peoples days especially children. Fastpass's I am not fussed about as I have met some great people in the lines, Mickey Ears I could buy but wouldn't wear anyway, a night in the castle is not for me, and DVC and cruises are things I could buy if I wanted them. I am lucky enough to be able to afford the time and money to come from the UK twice a year to visit so I am more than happy that I can do that and live out my dreams. None of the gifts would make my day, but it would make my day to see someone else get them especially young kids as it would be a special thing for them if they are not spoiled brats that assume they have the right to have what they want.
Well said, and I completely agree, except I really couldn't pass up more DVC points nor a trip to all the parks in the World. :)


Well-Known Member
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by AEfx

So getting upset is silly, even if someone gets it when you are "right there next to them". It's chance.


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What a sad way to look at life. :(


Im not looking at "life" that way, Im looking at my chances of winning. I mean, what normal person wouldnt be disappointed if they didnt win. but whatever.:cool:


New Member
Funny how some people on this board throw out "I told you so" about the promotion and are using poster "missionspace" as their poster child of discontent while I've read over 100 different positive things already on this and other boards.

People are just bored because they aren't at Disney World (I sure know I am) -everyone is entitled to their own reaction.:wave:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Im not looking at "life" that way, Im looking at my chances of winning. I mean, what normal person wouldnt be disappointed if they didnt win. but whatever.:cool:

I am a normal person and I wouldn't be disappointed. I would be happy if I won a fast pass, the DVC point, or NOTHING AT ALL!!!! I would just be happy to be at WDW. Are you one of those people who think they deserve everything too?? I feel bad for people like that. Really, if you go to Disney and wind up disappointed you didn't, and that ruins your vacation, please, do us a favor and never come to WDW again.... It is people like you and missionspace who I hope win NOTHING during this promotion. Ungratefull.....


Well-Known Member
As a person on the "other" side of this stuff, I will offer my sentiments on it.

First of all, this is not an event that comes with your ticket. This comes as free in addition to your ticket. Anyone who will come here and say this is unfair, or they are mad they didn't get it, or that it's biased is living in la la land. Honestly, at least in my lifetime, this is probably the single greatest promotion you will ever see. No, I don't think it will help Disney get that many more visitors, but the strategy is brilliant - keep the visitors who are already coming happy enough to make them come again! After being around 35 years, most people in the USA have experienced Disneyland or Disney World already. So, when people go, it's usually not for the very first time. First-timers as it is would be pleased just being there. Remember how you felt the first time? It's the people who are coming back again that Disney is now targetting. It's as if to say "Thanks for coming, here's a little something extra to keep your positive view of Disney fresh!"

I cannot tell you how happy families are when there is a 75 minute wait at Soarin' and Fastpasses are all out and I get the Dreams job and select a family to fly First Class. These peoples' dream (at least their dream for that very moment) has just come true. I've gotten lucky so far picking Disney World first-timers, out-of-towners, and EVERYONE I've picked has never been on Soarin' before. So when I get that family from South Africa on their first trip to Disney on the last day of their trip when the wait is an hour and a half with no Fastpasses left and I can get them on First Class, I think we've made a difference.

On that same token, no one should "be on the lookout" for these Dream Squad people and try to do anything special to get their attention. Trust me - the single Disney guest all by his lonesome will have just as much chance to be selected as the family with 6 little kids. It's totally random for the Dream Squad. They are giving out so many prizes that the idea is for all families on their trip to have experienced at least 1 dream-come-true. It may be the Dream Fastpasses, priority entrance to an attraction, a simple P.A. announcement, Mickey Ears, or much better! But let me say - from what I've seen since the promotion kicked off yesterday, they are being generous with this stuff. I've seen TONS of the SUPER DUPER COOL Mickey ears, tons of dream Fastpasses, t-shirts, hats, and so much more.

Really - this is a fantastic promotion and think of it, as we call in Louisiana,
lagniappe meaning "a little something extra."

And just remember - coming to Disney World alone is a dream come true in and of itself. :wave: See you at Soarin'!


New Member
OMG.. your son is in for a rude awakening if he feels that he is entitled to everything that everyone else gets.

I surely hope that you do not enforce this feeling of his by spoiling him rotten.

Too many people today feel that they are entitled to this and entitled to that. Whatever happened to earning something or the right to something.

Nobody is entitled to somebodys charity. [/rant]

I agree with you unkadug. Im going to DL in November and if my wife and I arent given anything by the dream squad Im not going to let that ruining my trip.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping for a Magical supprise today and nothing! I can tell you there is going to be alot of people upset! My son was so ed as a family next to us got a unlimited fastpass to all the rides at Epcot! He was so upset we didn't even go on sorin because the line was massive today! There is going to so many upset people, what was Disney thinking!

It should be called the Year of a Million dreams and a couple of Billion disappoiantments!

Geesh. I have played the state lottery a few dollars a week for the last three years. I never got upset because other people won. Thats part of the fun and good for them. I finally won 850 last week. I was ecstatic even though I probably didnt break even overall but at least some money went to education.

There is a lesson in this post. America and this unabashed sense of entitlement is going to bring more harm than good.


Active Member

It doesn't exclude anyone. Everyone has the same opportunity to win. That, by definition, means no one is being "excluded."

Basically, you'll love it if you win, but not if you don't, which is exactly the attitude everyone is talking about. It's about YOU, right? Ugh. Come on, people! WAKE UP! :SMACK!:
I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult every person who disagrees with you. It is very immature and very inconsiderate to the notion that poeple on these boards are allowed to have their own opinion. I don't need to be smacked because I'm quite awake and am fully entitled to say what I believe without having to endure your bullying insults if my post does not correspond with whether what you think is "right". :brick:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult every person who disagrees with you. It is very immature and very inconsiderate to the notion that poeple on these boards are allowed to have their own opinion. I don't need to be smacked because I'm quite awake and am fully entitled to say what I believe without having to endure your bullying insults if my post does not correspond with whether what you think is "right". :brick:
Ha, what "I" think is right? How about you read the rest of the posts from the 60 other people who think your point of view is selfish.

You also said this celebration "excludes" people. That's your word, not mine. The simple truth is that it doesn't. That's not my opinion, it's fact.

My intent was not to attack you personally, but rather the attitude that can ruin this celebration, which is the attitude that was projected by your original post. You posted the following EXACTLY, as copied from above:

"I don't think that there should be a crew goin around making only a few happy and alienating the majority. Than again, it'd be prety cool if I got something!"

Translated, that means "Great celebration if I win, terrible celebration if I don't." I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings, but that attitude SUCKS, and I'm not alone in thinking so. If you didn't mean it that way, I'd love to hear what you actually meant. I didn't judge you, I judged what you typed. There's a difference.

I don't think what you wrote defines you as a person, so don't take such offense. It's just the wrong attitude for enjoying this Celebration.



But see, that's the point. It's nothing like that; the CM's have ABSOLUTELY no control over any of this.

A computer spits out times and/or locations. It tells them to go to the third customer in line at Casey's at 3:47PM, or to the family getting off the seventh car on Snow White. It's completely random, and from a computer controlled by an outside company.

So getting upset is silly, even if someone gets it when you are "right there next to them". It's chance.

It's a shame, but I really fear this is going to be one big nightmare all because Disney is giving away free stuff. First, the bloggers cried out because there weren't enough prizes, the prizes weren't good enough, the dates weren't fair, and every other attack they could think of. Now it's the very first day and already we have reports of unhappy employees and irate "guests" (I shudder to call them that with the behavior that has been reported at this fourm as well as others in the last day), and all because not everyone wins some lousy fastpasses.

Man, they better give the families that win the big prizes riot shields and stun battons so they can defend themselves, if the behavior gets worse. It's sad they are already talking about having to issue some prizes "discretely" because they are so (rightly, it seems) afraid of jealousy. I'd be SO psyched if I saw someone win a prize. It's just a game, it doesn't mean the world to me for it to matter if I'm the winner. Would I think "Aw, shucks? If only I had waited a few more seconds I might have been in that random spot..." Probably, for a second, but I'd still be smiling because I got to see magic happen in the park.

I'm really not trying to paint myself as altruistic; I love free crap, especially when it's cool stuff like they are giving away. But I don't begrudge others either. It makes me wonder what some people who seem to feel "owed" (not specificly the poster I've replied to here, but other more extreme people who actually threw fits in the parks today) do in their daily life. All I could think of reading some of the posts were, "Do these people meltdown every time they open a cereal box and find out they aren't one of the 'few who win' instead of the 'many will enter' ''?



I was hoping for a Magical supprise today and nothing! I can tell you there is going to be alot of people upset! My son was so ed as a family next to us got a unlimited fastpass to all the rides at Epcot! He was so upset we didn't even go on sorin because the line was massive today! There is going to so many upset people, what was Disney thinking!

It should be called the Year of a Million dreams and a couple of Billion disappoiantments!

Oh my!

I am sorry your sondid not win and was dissapointed.

I am saddened this promotion has gotten so crazy.
It sounded like it would be so much fun for CM's and guests alike.

I really thought that kids and families will really appreciate the memories
this promotion is helping to make.

The promotion in 1986 was random just as this one is.
However it was based on time entering the parks instead of computer telling the dream team where to give out the prizes.
I know when we went in 1986 the winners were chosen as they went though the turnstiles. If I remember correctly the electronic ticket reader would buzz and a slip would come out stating what the guest won. Then the guest took their ticket to the prize center to receive their prize.
When we went to WDW in 1986 with our 2 youngest, Bob than 5 and Cathy age 3 , Disney was celebrating 15 years and was giving away lots of prizes--
everything from pins and blinking sun visor hats to winning a car and riding in the parade. I think the promotion was something like a prize would be given out every 15 minutes +15 seconds each day. Our Bob won a pin which came with a Sticker saying "I am a winner."
He was so happy you would have thought he won a bike or game system.
He had the biggest smile on his face and felt so special.:)
When we returned home I bought a 5x7 frame and put his "Winners" sticker in
it and hung it on his bedroom wall. When we moved we hung it in his new bedroom.
He is 25 now and just bought his first house. He took that framed sticker with him and it is now in the office/gameroom of his new home.
Promotions like the YOMD can make memories that last for years especially for the young children and their families!

But not when some guests are harrassing CM's or feel let down if thier child does not win the special fasstpass.


Active Member
Ha, what "I" think is right? How about you read the rest of the posts from the 60 other people who think your point of view is selfish.

You also said this celebration "excludes" people. That's your word, not mine. The simple truth is that it doesn't. That's not my opinion, it's fact.

My intent was not to attack you personally, but rather the attitude that can ruin this celebration, which is the attitude that was projected by your original post. You posted the following EXACTLY, as copied from above:

"I don't think that there should be a crew goin around making only a few happy and alienating the majority. Than again, it'd be prety cool if I got something!"

Translated, that means "Great celebration if I win, terrible celebration if I don't." I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings, but that attitude SUCKS, and I'm not alone in thinking so. If you didn't mean it that way, I'd love to hear what you actually meant. I didn't judge you, I judged what you typed. There's a difference.

I don't think what you wrote defines you as a person, so don't take such offense. It's just the wrong attitude for enjoying this Celebration.
Alright, let me explain why you misinterpreted what I wrote. I was trying to say that it is unrealistic to say that if someone sees someone else win random prizes that there's no possibility for them to feel excluded. Of course the other side of this argument is that it's not logistically possible to include all the tons of poeple that come to the parks every day for a year to get these prizes. As a side note it is also naive to think that this "random ratio schedule" (psychology jargain) is completely altruistic. Sorry that you feel I took it personally, but I feel I have to stand up for the underdogs who read the stuff like what you wrote and then they don't wish to participate. By the way, I said the last statement jokingly. If you think that just because 60 or whatever number of poeple agree with you, you still aren't justified to invalidate other peoples' opinions. Don't worry you didn't "hurt my feelings".:kiss: No more time on this please.:hammer: Case in point: Don't tread on opinions, but respect them. It'll help you out in life.
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