Saving Tables


Active Member
If you're on your own and can't find a table, ask one of the bussers. If they're good, they'll find ya a table or do something to free one up. A few years ago, while I was at Pecos we all had mastered the art of freeing up tables. Sadly, the majority of us are spread out through out the parks now--but any good busser should be able to do that. Cleaning is about 25% of the job. If you're not on your own, though, I (personally) see nothin wrong with saving a table.


Well-Known Member
I hate standing in lines...I think it comes from my years in the Army where you always seem to be standing in a line of some kind and "Hurry up and wait"
so I always grab a table and wait while my wife orders the food.

Here's a thought...why not invite people who have nowhere to sit to join you at your table? It's a nice thing to do and who might make some new friends.
My wife and I do this a lot...especially at the fish and chips place out side of The United Kingdom in EPCOT's World Showcase. There's never enough seating there so when we do manage to get a table, and we see another couple or a small family searching for a place to sit, we invite them to join us. We have met some great people from all over the world over the years.

As for lingering at tables, we don't do that...if you want to linger for hours, find a shade tree or a park bench. The tables at the restuarants are for eating, not commiserating. If Grandpa or the Grand kids need a nap, you should spare them the annoyance of the flies, bees, hungry birds, noise, and hot Florida weather and take them to their air conditioned hotel rooms where they can sleep in quiet comfort.

As for us...we find a table, eat, and then leave to make room for others.


Another time, we had this family that thought they could speed us up by peering over our shoulders and checking how much each of us had left to eat. I was getting pretty annoyed, and I am an extremely fast eater, so I finished well ahead of the rest of the group. While I was sitting there, I notice a father trying to balance a tray, push a stroller and keep a hold of his toddler. I felt for him, so I stood up, walked over to him and said (while winking) "Bob, there you are. We went ahead and started eating. I'm already done so you can take my seat. It's pretty crowded in here, but I'm sure everyone can fit." He got my drift pretty quickly, and I offered to push the stroller over. He sat down and the other family got cranky, but they didn't know any better. We played it cool until they left, he thanked us, and had a chat until the rest of my family was done.

Cool! Very cool!

We, too, are tablesavers.


Well-Known Member
i have to say i do this every time as well. my brother and i (19 and 15) go and find a table then my brother sits there and i go get my parents to let them know where we are. i guess its like an "earlybird catches the worm" sort of deal you have to be sort of rude at wdw.:wave:


Well-Known Member
My DH and I save a table if we have the kids with us just beacuse it is easier for me to sit with the kids while he is waiting in line getting the food. We generally have a stroller and it just makes it hard in lines.
Once we are done with our meal, I like to brush off the table a little to make it cleaner for the next person- so if someone is waiting for the table- well, they just have to wait a little longer- my kids can be messy eaters (what do you expect from a 2 year old??) and I am just trying to be nice :D


Well-Known Member
It's a tricky move when you are on your own!

Thing is, in Disney World you can find a table where all seats are not occupied and be able to say "do you mind if we joined you?" I've never once been refused and never once refused anyone who said that to me.
It's your accent- Of course people don't mind sharing a table with you :D (oh, wait, maybe that's just me.....)


New Member
The Best time to eat.

The best time to eat is between 11:00 am -11:30. Just before the major lunch rush. According to almost any guide book you can find. This allows you to eat before the majority of other people. As well as get short wait times while everyone else is eating. No this wont prevent people from saving tables. But you will almost be sure to get a table even in the most popular places. My wife and I do this everytime we go to WDW. We never eat a major meal before 12:00. Their is just no point to it. T
Another way is to get priority seating. Again not a perfect solution. But one what will allow you a table everytime.


New Member
I don't find a problem with saving a table and always give away any chairs we won't be using to other parties who might need them. Do you also get upset if you have to stand in line to use a crowded restroom?:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
The only time I have a problem with saving tables is when Mom and Dad stand in line and send their 4 or 5 children to a table to wait for them to return with food. I find a lot of times that these kids, left unsupervised can become a real anoyance to familys around them who are trying to eat.
One adult should remain with the children at all times.


Active Member
Hes just probably really excited he only has 24 more days left till he goes to WDW. Its that anticipation ya know, its building up.

I think... :lookaroun
:sohappy: thats what it is excitment building,i didnt realize i had caps on until i finished wasnt thinking and submitted reply.i apologize to jimbo didnt mean to shout,but my thoughts are the down to 22 days and even more excited can hardly wait.:sohappy:


no. nor should it...

if no one saved tables... this would still be a problem, because then you'd take the table they have saved, and when they came around... there'd be no where for them to sit, so they'd be doing what you're doing... waiting...

so to avoid standing with their paid food... they save tables... 99.99999% of people in america do this... if you don't... you can't complain... it's silly not to.

We, too, send someone to find and save a table. However, I disagree with your statement that there would still be a problem if no one saved tables. Since people are saving tables - sitting, but not eating - the tables are tied up for longer than they would be if you only sat while you were eating. And, depending on the line, you can easily sit there longer without food than you do with food. I would cooperate without complaining if they instituted a rule that you must be eating to be "seating". That would definitely free up tables for people with food in hand. But, as it is now, since everyone does it, you really have no other choice.
Hmmmm....we usually save tables too because if we didn't we would be walking around with food trays, trying to find someplace to sit and eat. And that can be frustrating when you are hungry, hot and tired. But we try to enjoy our meal without rushing, yet don't linger excessively so it's fair to others who need a seat. A good solution is to eat a little earlier, before the crowd really sets in.

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