Save the Adventurers Club


Active Member
that's exactly the point i have been speaking of now for some time. Unfortunately when Disney was spending dollars with a seemingly limitless budget, the company began falling after Walt died. I hate to say it because I was not too fond of him, but Eisner brought something to the company that was well needed. A budget and a business point of view. While this took some quality that Disney was used to, it still allowed us to see WDW instead of a closed abandoned theme park. I hate the sequel movies that Eisner allowed such as Cinderella II, etc. but he did show the company how to shave dollars and still create magic. Now that the profit once achieved in PI is no more, they are keeping what Eisner taught the company by eliminating it.

And Gracey, not to stereotype DVC but for the most part, cast members don't like you (DVC). Many DVC are VERY kind and nice but there are a lot of them that are very demanding and think the CM should jump for ANYTHING you want. Those DVC members "believe" they know it all. Maybe it's just a small percentage like you are. I don't know. The ones like you let it be known that you are DVC such as you have done. At that point it is known where to take the conversation. Trust me, I know. ;) As a DVC member and other affiliations with the company as well, I represent the better half of DVC and my organization. I appreciate you indirectly commending me for "knowing it all" as a DVC member but I am not that self absorbed. I am no different than anyone else in DVC and have the same Disney knowledge equalling or exceeding you and potentially many others, having lived from the park for many, many years and committing time in employment there as well, learning the in's and out's of the company and seeing DVC from the CM view. Employment with WDW is the POV you haven't seen living in PA and simply being a DVC member. Just remember, you are treated well there no matter how rude, obnoxious or demanding you are because from a cast members POV, they are "representing the company they love (DVC or not DVC), onstage at all times, staying true to Walt's dream.
They are not some random DVC person from PA that says they represent Disney while bashing them from every angle, while sitting at their computer in a non-Disney affiliated forum. If you dislike their decisions so much as you have stated over and over again, then there must not be anything left for you to enjoy. That leads me to challenge you to SELL YOUR DVC MEMBERSHIP away and RIP YOUR ANNUAL TICKETS UP.
I bet you will not do this so stop complaining and support the company you have committed so much time into. IT IS CLOSING SEPT 27 LIKE IT OR NOT! There is no need to represent to me how much you dislike that fact they don't contact you or me or anyone else before they make a business decision.

Disney does not roll out the red carpet for you, me or anyone else in DVC so maybe you should get over yourself and your 5 shares of collectible stock.

I wish it were as simple as pleasing everyone but they can't. To protect their company's assets, they must shave what is not producing.

I apologize for jumping into the cage match you guys have. So with out taking any side I would like to say it just seems to me that the reasoning of "you love something so you should not question it" is a little flawed. Why shouldn't we question things that in our estimation will be a long term negative. Stockholder, employee, parent, Citizen etc. I love my kids, but if they make a decision I think will hurt them, you can bet I will fight, beg and plead with them to change their mind. The point is to have reasoned discussion on the merits of both sides. I know I make mistakes and can be wrong. But so can big corporations, inspite of their "research".

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Before getting back into "the cage" as WDWfan100 put it (by the way, thanks for also seeing the flawed reasoning in dmagickingdom's posts), I would like to share some information with those who this thread was initially intended for, the advocates of saving the Adventurers Club. Two of my friends, who work in Disney's Entertainment Main Gate Office, have mentioned, that Disney has concerns about Universal opening the Wizarding World of Harry Potter attraction and is about to launch a huge marketing campaign because of it. Also, an Imagineer who originally designed the Adventurers Club has put in a personal request to redesign it for the Animal Kingdom Lodge and the plans are still on the table. So Adventurers, there is still hope, and the fight is far from over. Keep sending in letters, post emails, attend the Adventurers Club and purchase a Kungaloosh or two in a Babylonia glass and we will see out beloved Club rise again!

As for you dmagickingdom, do not worry, I am far from tired of this “back and forth” and find pleasure in pointing out the flaws of your logic. It is so nice to converse with someone who can talk the company line till they are blue in the face. At no time did I ever argue that The Adventurers Club wasn't closing on Sept. 27. However, who's to say that if this fight continues it won't reopen on Sept 28th? If you believe so strongly in your mantra of "stop complaining and support the company" what do you do when you go to Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe, order a chicken dinner, and it comes out on the cold side? Do you say "oh fiddle de dee, I guess I shouldn't make waves and eat a cold meal"? I doubt it. You go back and ask for a new and warmer meal. Or lets say that you check into the Beach Club and find that your bathroom tub is leaking. Do you just accept this and say "Oh shucks, I guess my vacation will include wet feet every time nature calls"? Of course not you ask the front desk to send up maintenance to fix the problem.

So what does one do when they know that Disney's Fourth Gate (since at one time it was turnstiled), that was once profitable, is profitable, and can still be profitable (if they would advertise and merchandise it like they used to) is being closed, taking away an entire storyline and the greatest, most original attraction to come out of Imagineering in 19 years. You may say, "Oh well, the company is always right. We shouldn't ever complain and for goodness sake, don't make trouble by letting The Disney Company know they are making a huge mistake. The bottom line is all they should ever care about and to heck with storytelling, we'll just continue to replace original experiences with half-hearted Pixar overlays, and put in more restaurants and gift shops". However, I say that when any company is about to commit a terrible disservice to a huge demographic, that still exists; the demographic in question has every right to let that company know it, and try to get them to see things the customer's way.

TP2000, I see your point that executives see Entertainment as Labor, and that is the major problem with Disney today. The Walt Disney Company was built as an Entertainment Company, whose roots are firmly planted with entertainment being its mainstay and is the separating factor that sets Disney parks apart from any other park in the world. That is why it is important for guests to remind Disney, (through letters, emails, petitions, ect.) that entertainment is what built the company, and entertainment is what the public truly wants when they come to Walt Disney World! And as for Master Yoda's suggestion of an Adventurers Club dinner show, while it is a good idea, a dinner show would destroy what made the Adventurers Club unique, the ability to explore. At "Hoop De Doo" you sit in one place to enjoy the show, but at the Adventurers Club you wander around the space, examine artifacts, and move from room to room to enjoy all the aspects of this fully immersive environment. Not to mention that they would undoubtedly have to dumb down the humor to make the show disgustingly "child conscious" instead of a welcoming "PG-13".

Also dmagickingdom, I find it laughable that you believe you are able to make assumptions of my personality from my screen name. You must be a joy to watch while book shopping as you browse the covers. Also, the tour you speak of is only available to cast members and not the general public like me. I have been aware of this tour, since I am friends with a great many cast members (despite what you may believe about "DVC members like me"). Also, most of my Pleasure Island and Adventurers Club information comes directly from cast member friends, located in the Celebration and Main Gate Offices, and from their accounts, and cameras, the Adventurers Club and Pleasure Island are far from being worthy of the label "ghost town"!


The Adventurers Club Salon. Taken 9/5/08

Lastly, since you are hung up on the "qualification" I spoke of, Disney claims that their decisions about Pleasure Island were based on surveying and researching their guests. My argument is why wasn't this "qualified" demographic asked their opinions? An Annual Passholder, DVC member or Stockholder are more often than not a repeat guest who knows what brought him or her back to the parks and can help point Disney towards decisions that make new guests repeat guests as well. Also, it is not unusual for the concerns of this demographic to be heard and acted upon. Two instances come to mind: Stockholders removed Michael Eisner from power; and DVC members helped to save the Morning Extra Magic Hour from being turned into resort visiting "Character Caravans". Guests (from first time visitors, to seasoned DVC stockholding annual passholders) have had power in shaping Disney's future before, and it is time for us to do it again as we continue to unit to Save the Adventurers Club!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!



New Member
Before getting back into "the cage" as WDWfan100 put it (by the way, thanks for also seeing the flawed reasoning in dmagickingdom's posts), I would like to share some information with those who this thread was initially intended for, the advocates of saving the Adventurers Club. Two of my friends, who work in Disney's Entertainment Main Gate Office, have mentioned, that Disney has concerns about Universal opening the Wizarding World of Harry Potter attraction and is about to launch a huge marketing campaign because of it. Also, an Imagineer who originally designed the Adventurers Club has put in a personal request to redesign it for the Animal Kingdom Lodge and the plans are still on the table. So Adventurers, there is still hope, and the fight is far from over. Keep sending in letters, post emails, attend the Adventurers Club and purchase a Kungaloosh or two in a Babylonia glass and we will see out beloved Club rise again!

As for you dmagickingdom, do not worry, I am far from tired of this “back and forth” and find pleasure in pointing out the flaws of your logic. It is so nice to converse with someone who can talk the company line till they are blue in the face. At no time did I ever argue that The Adventurers Club wasn't closing on Sept. 27. However, who's to say that if this fight continues it won't reopen on Sept 28th? If you believe so strongly in your mantra of "stop complaining and support the company" what do you do when you go to Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe, order a chicken dinner, and it comes out on the cold side? Do you say "oh fiddle de dee, I guess I shouldn't make waves and eat a cold meal"? I doubt it. You go back and ask for a new and warmer meal. Or lets say that you check into the Beach Club and find that your bathroom tub is leaking. Do you just accept this and say "Oh shucks, I guess my vacation will include wet feet every time nature calls"? Of course not you ask the front desk to send up maintenance to fix the problem.

So what does one do when they know that Disney's Fourth Gate (since at one time it was turnstiled), that was once profitable, is profitable, and can still be profitable (if they would advertise and merchandise it like they used to) is being closed, taking away an entire storyline and the greatest, most original attraction to come out of Imagineering in 19 years. You may say, "Oh well, the company is always right. We shouldn't ever complain and for goodness sake, don't make trouble by letting The Disney Company know they are making a huge mistake. The bottom line is all they should ever care about and to heck with storytelling, we'll just continue to replace original experiences with half-hearted Pixar overlays, and put in more restaurants and gift shops". However, I say that when any company is about to commit a terrible disservice to a huge demographic, that still exists; the demographic in question has every right to let that company know it, and try to get them to see things the customer's way.

TP2000, I see your point that executives see Entertainment as Labor, and that is the major problem with Disney today. The Walt Disney Company was built as an Entertainment Company, whose roots are firmly planted with entertainment being its mainstay and is the separating factor that sets Disney parks apart from any other park in the world. That is why it is important for guests to remind Disney, (through letters, emails, petitions, ect.) that entertainment is what built the company, and entertainment is what the public truly wants when they come to Walt Disney World! And as for Master Yoda's suggestion of an Adventurers Club dinner show, while it is a good idea, a dinner show would destroy what made the Adventurers Club unique, the ability to explore. At "Hoop De Doo" you sit in one place to enjoy the show, but at the Adventurers Club you wander around the space, examine artifacts, and move from room to room to enjoy all the aspects of this fully immersive environment. Not to mention that they would undoubtedly have to dumb down the humor to make the show disgustingly "child conscious" instead of a welcoming "PG-13".

Also dmagickingdom, I find it laughable that you believe you are able to make assumptions of my personality from my screen name. You must be a joy to watch while book shopping as you browse the covers. Also, the tour you speak of is only available to cast members and not the general public like me. I have been aware of this tour, since I am friends with a great many cast members (despite what you may believe about "DVC members like me"). Also, most of my Pleasure Island and Adventurers Club information comes directly from cast member friends, located in the Celebration and Main Gate Offices, and from their accounts, and cameras, the Adventurers Club and Pleasure Island are far from being worthy of the label "ghost town"!


The Adventurers Club Salon. Taken 9/5/08

Lastly, since you are hung up on the "qualification" I spoke of, Disney claims that their decisions about Pleasure Island were based on surveying and researching their guests. My argument is why wasn't this "qualified" demographic asked their opinions? An Annual Passholder, DVC member or Stockholder are more often than not a repeat guest who knows what brought him or her back to the parks and can help point Disney towards decisions that make new guests repeat guests as well. Also, it is not unusual for the concerns of this demographic to be heard and acted upon. Two instances come to mind: Stockholders removed Michael Eisner from power; and DVC members helped to save the Morning Extra Magic Hour from being turned into resort visiting "Character Caravans". Guests (from first time visitors, to seasoned DVC stockholding annual passholders) have had power in shaping Disney's future before, and it is time for us to do it again as we continue to unit to Save the Adventurers Club!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!


Well, let me first say Gracey, there seems to be a difference between high level executives putting endless hours of research into closing of an attraction whose attendance is slowing deteriorating, and a CP kid who lets a chicken sandwich get old and cold in tomorrowland. A leaking bathtub is also quite different. Obviously, my friends did not instruct the staff at Starlight to give you a cold meal. They also did not walk into your room and make the tub leak.
Again, it is through MANY man-hours of work and research that AC club is closing. As I say again, this is very unfortunate for those of us that enjoyed the club. I will stress again for you Gracey, fight for it. Petition it. You have the right to do it and you should protest it. I don't need to tell you or anyone else that. However, the decision is final. As I have said before, if it reopens, then I will post a new thread stating, "I WAS WRONG AC" where you may come to thrash me for being ignorant, stupid, having a lack of intellect. I have always been the person that some people do not like because I do not BS. What you seem to be overlooking in every post is that I DO AGREE THAT THE AC SHOULD REMAIN OPEN. All I am saying is act civilized and prepare for it.
You seem to be taking it personally on me as if I made the decision. I will make it clear to you, I had nothing to do this this particular project. I have heard all the rumors from my buddies on what is being tossed around but from the inside, MANY IDEAS are always tossed around when this happens including keeping certain attractions open or restaurants open or revamping them, making them seasonal, Dinner shows, 3rd party dining etc.

WDWfan100, what seems to be lost in this whole message is this. I like the AC. I like CW. I like 8Trax. However obviously, the decision has been made to close it. I think that any of the fans should fight it if they want to. My only point is that the petitions and ridiculous letters and items being sent to executives are not going to change their decision. There is a civilized way of doing it and that would be a petition or a letter or two. I have stated that they are prepared for this reaction. They know they are disappointing the hardcore fans and they know the fans will respond. They realize a great deal that there are die-hards that loved this. That doesn't mean you shouldn't voice your opinion. If we weren't allowed to do that then many of us would have been "hung" for treason against "W". lol

Gracey is acting like Hillary Clinton in this case. You are keeping a great deal of pride to what you believe. That's great. But you know you are fighting an uphill battle that you know you will not win. Hillary stayed in there until the last day fighting and so should you Gracey. Just do it in an appropriate manner and not like a deranged fan at a Michael Jackson concert.

I don't know why my stating the truth of so offensive to you and I wish you would stop.


New Member
finally, two more notes I will respond on.

First, an original imagineer that designed the AC has requested to incorporate it elsewhere.

Why would this imagineer do anything otherwise?? That's his baby. He helped design it. I am sure Disney's ideas, good and bad have been challenged by the imagineers that created it when they decide to close something.

Second, on the picture taken last night at AC.

As I have said earlier, all of the "sleepers" that enjoyed it but never went are now going to experience the AC one last time or two. I am going tonight. I could take a picture tonight as well and it will be busy. That's no surprise. AC attendance (as I have checked it) is up over 30% from this time last year in August.

See you at AC tonight!!!


Active Member
I have been to the Adventurers Club a few times I have a far more Enjoyable time at the Comedy Warehouse, I am very sad to see this club go as it houses many treasures (signs) of the old magic kingdom. Why is the Adventurers Club the only club people find they want to save where's the Love for the Comedy Warehouse. I will be there on the 27th to say goodbye to a dear friend


Active Member
I dont know what everyone is fighting for. Every video i've seen of AC people having a good time there is lots of booze beign passed around. Even monopoly seems fun when your swigging down wild turkey. Ive only seen 2 shows and i felt like i was watching bad wedding reception entertainment.

Not that the cast members arent funny. But drunken unscripted comedy only works if you are drunken too. Its like when a rock band mentions the name of your city and everyone goes whoooo!

I will be very happy when the number one family place in america gets back to its roots and forgets about the "drunk uncle" that is PI. If you are that guillable and like to pay 7 dollars a drink for 3/4 water drinks..then by all means keep fighting to keep this club open.
In the mean time im sure walt disney himself will stop rolling over very soon! Beer + Good judgement dont mix

I just know from my own personal history when im drunk i make out with older men that i dont know in public too! so i stay off the hooch.
Why not just do a version of whose line is it anyway instead of this bad vegas lounge act from the 70's.

Thats what the Comedy Warehouse basically is and I always have a blast. I have never seen the same show twice. The adventurers club the few times I have been in there I seem to experience the same show... And define older men ;)


New Member
Thats what the Comedy Warehouse basically is and I always have a blast. I have never seen the same show twice. The adventurers club the few times I have been in there I seem to experience the same show... And define older men ;)

I actually like CW better as well. I think for that club, they should keep it open, have the improv a couple nights per week, recruit local up and coming comedians for other nights (rated R and pg-13 late nights) and when the occasional B or C list comedian comes to town, sell tickets for their stand up for like 2-3 shows.

My opinion though and you know what they say about that :)


Active Member
I actually like CW better as well. I think for that club, they should keep it open, have the improv a couple nights per week, recruit local up and coming comedians for other nights (rated R and pg-13 late nights) and when the occasional B or C list comedian comes to town, sell tickets for their stand up for like 2-3 shows.

My opinion though and you know what they say about that :)

I like the way you think...


Active Member
Well, let me first say Gracey, there seems to be a difference between high level executives putting endless hours of research into closing of an attraction whose attendance is slowing deteriorating, and a CP kid who lets a chicken sandwich get old and cold in tomorrowland. A leaking bathtub is also quite different. Obviously, my friends did not instruct the staff at Starlight to give you a cold meal. They also did not walk into your room and make the tub leak.
Again, it is through MANY man-hours of work and research that AC club is closing. As I say again, this is very unfortunate for those of us that enjoyed the club. I will stress again for you Gracey, fight for it. Petition it. You have the right to do it and you should protest it. I don't need to tell you or anyone else that. However, the decision is final. As I have said before, if it reopens, then I will post a new thread stating, "I WAS WRONG AC" where you may come to thrash me for being ignorant, stupid, having a lack of intellect. I have always been the person that some people do not like because I do not BS. What you seem to be overlooking in every post is that I DO AGREE THAT THE AC SHOULD REMAIN OPEN. All I am saying is act civilized and prepare for it.
You seem to be taking it personally on me as if I made the decision. I will make it clear to you, I had nothing to do this this particular project. I have heard all the rumors from my buddies on what is being tossed around but from the inside, MANY IDEAS are always tossed around when this happens including keeping certain attractions open or restaurants open or revamping them, making them seasonal, Dinner shows, 3rd party dining etc.

WDWfan100, what seems to be lost in this whole message is this. I like the AC. I like CW. I like 8Trax. However obviously, the decision has been made to close it. I think that any of the fans should fight it if they want to. My only point is that the petitions and ridiculous letters and items being sent to executives are not going to change their decision. There is a civilized way of doing it and that would be a petition or a letter or two. I have stated that they are prepared for this reaction. They know they are disappointing the hardcore fans and they know the fans will respond. They realize a great deal that there are die-hards that loved this. That doesn't mean you shouldn't voice your opinion. If we weren't allowed to do that then many of us would have been "hung" for treason against "W". lol

Gracey is acting like Hillary Clinton in this case. You are keeping a great deal of pride to what you believe. That's great. But you know you are fighting an uphill battle that you know you will not win. Hillary stayed in there until the last day fighting and so should you Gracey. Just do it in an appropriate manner and not like a deranged fan at a Michael Jackson concert.

I don't know why my stating the truth of so offensive to you and I wish you would stop.

I never intended to imply that you are not a fan. I actually apologize for jumping into a 2 sided discussion. that being said:

For my part I realize that this is an up hill fight. Never having dealt with Disney on an issue like this I may be diluding my self. I have seen well researched decisions reversed due to a larger than expected expressing of displeasure. If we do not get over that hurddle than yes it will be good night PI. If we do than there is always hope. My company puts a lot of weight on consumer input. I realize Disney is a business, I realize the have a projected profit hurddle that they want. I think they are giving up on a very profitable segment if marketed properly.

At the very least maybe we can attract attention to the AC and CW as exceptions worth giving a second look to. It certainly can not hurt.

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
More Disney News scans, this 1988 article featuring the plans for the up and coming "revolutionary concept in Disney entertainment" Pleasure Island!

Disney News: Summer 1988




Sigh, if only costs were not cut in the building of Pleasure Island, the family aspect of the Island wasn't lost in translation, and turnstiles were not removed, then we probably would not be in the mess we have today. Anyhow, I have heard from more Imagineers that they have all heard about plans to move the Adventurers Club to Animal Kingdom Lodge! So, even after Sept. 27th, letters, e-mails, phone calls, ect. will have to continue to flood executives offices, so they will see that Adventure must continue, we are not going to disappear, and give the green light to the rebuilding of our beloved Adventurers Club. Till next time Adventurers:

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!



Well-Known Member
Sigh, if only costs were not cut in the building of Pleasure Island, the family aspect of the Island wasn't lost in translation, and turnstiles were not removed, then we probably would not be in the mess we have today. Anyhow, I have heard from more Imagineers that they have all heard about plans to move the Adventurers Club to Animal Kingdom Lodge! So, even after Sept. 27th, letters, e-mails, phone calls, ect. will have to continue to flood executives offices, so they will see that Adventure must continue, we are not going to disappear, and give the green light to the rebuilding of our beloved Adventurers Club. Till next time Adventurers:[/

I'm so glad they came up with something better than Colonel Crumb, but it is definitely interesting to read earlier plans.

I'm not sure if I like the idea of AC going to AKL. I just don't think it will do well way on the other side of property by a park that closes early. It just seems to be doomed for failure over there. I the Polynesian would be the best resort to attach it to because of its proximity to the MK, TTC, and EPCOT Monorail.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I'm so glad they came up with something better than Colonel Crumb, but it is definitely interesting to read earlier plans.

I'm not sure if I like the idea of AC going to AKL. I just don't think it will do well way on the other side of property by a park that closes early. It just seems to be doomed for failure over there. I the Polynesian would be the best resort to attach it to because of its proximity to the MK, TTC, and EPCOT Monorail.
I think AKL would be a good fit theeing wise but you are right about one thing, Disney will need to advertise for it and provide some sort of transportation to it. But then again Jellyrolls does great without so much as a whisper from Disney. I would love to see it come back as a dinner show along the same lines as Hoop and the Luau with a possible after hours 21 and up show following dinner.


Well-Known Member
I think AKL would be a good fit theeing wise but you are right about one thing, Disney will need to advertise for it and provide some sort of transportation to it. But then again Jellyrolls does great without so much as a whisper from Disney. I would love to see it come back as a dinner show along the same lines as Hoop and the Luau with a possible after hours 21 and up show following dinner.

I forgot about the Boardwalk. While it wouldn't fit thematically, it would make sense to have all of the remaining "clubs" in one spot. Then, they might have an excuse to run a Boardwalk Bus which would make it much easier to for people to get there.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I forgot about the Boardwalk. While it wouldn't fit thematically, it would make sense to have all of the remaining "clubs" in one spot. Then, they might have an excuse to run a Boardwalk Bus which would make it much easier to for people to get there.
AC would be really out of place at the boardwalk....granted no more out of place than it was at PI but it would be like sticking a western dinner show at the Contemporary. It fits at the Poly and really fits at AKL. The problem AKL would be more of a logistical one at that point but that problem could be solved with a couple of buses. Who knows considering how large AKL will be after the DVC expansion AC might be able to survive with AKL patrons alone.


Well-Known Member
They are now selling their signature drinks in 5 collectable plastic cups, and pretty high quality ones at that. I have 6 of the first cup in the series, featuring Babalonia. They are only switching cups when one of the designs runs out. The next one up is the Colonial, and I have no idea whom else after that.

If anyone would like to trade any of the newer cups straight up for one of my extra Babalonia's, I would be MORE than happy to do so. IM me on AIM at aenima0311 or post here with your contact info.



Well-Known Member
They are now selling their signature drinks in 5 collectable plastic cups, and pretty high quality ones at that. I have 6 of the first cup in the series, featuring Babalonia. They are only switching cups when one of the designs runs out. The next one up is the Colonial, and I have no idea whom else after that.

If anyone would like to trade any of the newer cups straight up for one of my extra Babalonia's, I would be MORE than happy to do so. IM me on AIM at aenima0311 or post here with your contact info.


I'm hoping they still have some left on the last two nights, so I can get some.


Well-Known Member
Update on the club:

Chairs have been removed from the Main Salon and tables have been removed from the library to make more room for crowds.

Apparently, a screen (sheet) has been put up in the Main Salon where video from the library is projected onto.

The Babalonia glasses have sold out, and they are now selling the Yakoose ones.

It's a shame the club isn't popular....:rolleyes:

Screamscape has posted rumors about the last night:

Screamscape sources have sent in some information about what we might
see during Pleasure Island's last nights. First off the Fireworks will
return to PI for a special finale show on the 27th, though we've heard
there is also a slight chance it could also happen on the 26th. We
will see performances by Frankie and the West End Boys and Hip Kitty,
some off-season special shows in the Adventure's Club (Halloween &
Christmas themed) plus we've heard that the AC's night will end with a
very special show where the story may give away a reason as to why the
club is closing. I've also heard that there may be some kind of
special show over at the Comedy Warehouse as well. Meanwhile look for
lots of extra characters in the streets and special souvenir merchandise.
After that… turn off the lights on the way out because the party is
over… unless you are a member of one of a few special private groups
who have already booked the various venues (yes, Adventure's Club too)
for special private functions. Apparently the special event types
still have some events scheduled for these locations through to Jan,
1st 2009. After that… crews will move in to start removing anything of
value and prepare the site buildings for new owners or for demolition.
As for the buildings… we've heard that suits have been spotted
walking the island with rolled blueprints lately, looking over the
current BET, Adventure Club, Beach Club and Motion buildings. As for
the buildings on the other side of the street (8-Trax, Mannequins)
we've heard that there may be no set plans for those sights yet, which
could possibly mean they could have a date with a wrecking ball in
order to build up something entirely new."
If there is in fact a show explaining why the club is closing...I hope it leaves room for a potential return, but I do appreciate that they plan on addressing if this is indeed true.

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