Happy Saratoga Owner...
I think Disbest & Co are firing the cannons a little too early on this one, and they are pointing the finger in the wrong direction. This resort isn't really even open at 100%. I had the privelige of staying there shortly after this resort first opened in late January 2004, and it's a real winner in my books.
Before you complain think about why you bought there. Did any of you naysayers (no pun intended (if you like horse humour)) think about when you'd be visiting this resort when you layed down the lump of cash when you first bought it (peak vs value)? Did you consider the finished size of this resort and all the other amenities capacities before you purchased? Did you ever consider how 'far' away from all the other parks it was before you eagerly forked over your hard earned money?
And I'm so sorry to be mean but, if your driving to any park while you stay on Disney property you really need your head checked, I could only see a few reasons why that would be necessary. The bus service at Disney is better than any city out there. The free ride service is a benefit of staying on property. I suppose these people that complain about how far it is to drive to the parks are the same people that would wonder why the price of gas is so high.
This is almost like complaining that the park is too crowded and hot, when someone visits in the summer right around July 4th, or Labour day. Duh, of course it is!
Too me sometimes it seems like too many people are so quick to blame others for their own short sightedness. A couple of hot tips come to mind, "You get what you pay for" (if you like BW or BC or OKW so much why didn't you buy there?) and another favourite is "A fool and their money are soon departed", (why not put some deep thought into this offer before actually purchasing?).
I've stayed there once since 2004 (last January) and I will be going back again this Feb/March. I know the past two times, the food has been great, the pool has been great, it's been quiet in the rooms, the grounds have been spectacular, the service excellent, and the bus service was even better. I think the location is also a real plus. I think if you really don't like it, maybe you should just stay elsewhere, more room in the pool for me?