Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
And Soarin' is one of them. Soarin' was cloned at Epcot four years after it opened in DCA. But the Epcot version of Soarin' remains operational. What's so inherently dangerous about the DCA version of Soarin', after it has had annual DOSH inspections from Sacramento regulators every year since 2001? While the Epcot version of Soarin' is not subject to annual inspection by state theme park ride regulators from Tallahassee. But the Epcot version continues to operate this week.
This whole thing is very odd. There's a bit part of the story here we haven't been told yet.
I remember several months back WDW Soarin abruptly closing. I think it was just for a day. Wonder if that tied to the troubles of Soarin Cali? Guess it doesn't mean Epcot's is any safer than Cali's, cause Cali didn't do anything till now, WDW just might get a fixing after Soarin Cali, possibly?