Safaris change?


I think the poaching story is integral to the ride. If you truly were on a three week safari, as we are being asked to believe, there is a high possibility of coming across poachers in Africa. Also, remember that Animal Kingdom is a working wildlife conservation park, with the same merits and programs as the Bronx Zoo, and by keeping the poaching line in, it alerts people to the mistreatment of wild animals, up to and including the killing of them for their skins or tusks.

I'm with you. Although I wouldn't call it "highly possible" that you would run into poachers. DAK doesn't quite have the same programs as the Bronx Zoo but I get what you're saying


I think this story line is one of those things that works "on paper" but never quite worked in execution. I have never been able to quite put my finger on it. The attraction needs a story line... there's nothing wrong with poachers being the villains... but for some reason, I want to roll my eyes when I hear that Little Red is OK.


Well-Known Member
Well, there are definitely changes in the works for the finale of the safari. Disney filed papers with the OCC office on Monday:

"Disney's Animal Kingdom Finale Scene. Extend existing fiber and power for prop relocation."

It didn't exactly say the *safari* finale scene, but I can't really think of anything else it would apply to. (the address is 950 Werikhe Way, but that road name doesn't show up on any of the maps I can find)



New Member
I rode KS over a month before the park opened and Big Red didn't die. I think her death is an urban legend... *calls the Myth Busters*

As a former KSR CM, I know that originally Big Red DID die. But after lots of group testing (consisting of Disney employee families), they changed it way before the park opened. There are pictures floating around of the orginal Big Red carcas on show.

Also, there was originally a "Night Safari" that was canned because of the low animal turnout in the evenings. On the older trucks, you could switch the spiel from 'Day' to 'Night". I used to flip it on when driving an empty truck. It mainly focused on passing local tribes around their campfires and not much more.

Its been almost 3 years since I've driven at KSR. Makes me sad to think that they're making big changes. But then again, I guess the attraction really needs some TLC.


Well-Known Member
As a former KSR CM, I know that originally Big Red DID die. But after lots of group testing (consisting of Disney employee families), they changed it way before the park opened. There are pictures floating around of the orginal Big Red carcas on show.

Also, there was originally a "Night Safari" that was canned because of the low animal turnout in the evenings. On the older trucks, you could switch the spiel from 'Day' to 'Night". I used to flip it on when driving an empty truck. It mainly focused on passing local tribes around their campfires and not much more.

Its been almost 3 years since I've driven at KSR. Makes me sad to think that they're making big changes. But then again, I guess the attraction really needs some TLC.

Thank you for that info. I know that at one time Big Red was out there DEAD, but I have yet to this day to see a picture of her. Like I said at one point it will become just a urban legand. I sent a e-mail to Dave Smith to see if he will give me any info on it.



Well-Known Member
I also worked on the safari way back in summer of 99 and did my last safari summer of 2002.

The storyline was a little randomed and lacked a certain flow. I hope whatever update they are doing, it smoothes this out and am generally looking forward to the chain.

With that said, from my perspective being a CM, the safari in summer of 99 was the best. Half the drivers were from South Africa. The five billion barriers weren't up around every corner, giving (the driver at least) a hieghten sense of perilousness (word?). The trucks went 12 instead of 8! The breakroom was a tent with 3 fans in it and you had to sit on empty 5 gallon water bottles. Most importantly, all of the effects worked. It wasn't uncommon to get the bridge and the jeep in one run.

From a guest perspective though, the safari has always been a lackluster attraction to me. In fact, if I didn't work there, I probably wouldn't go on it as often as I do.

Maybe I should start a Horizons-like vigil for the old right back going to start a few threads about the destruction of the vision of Animal Kingdom. :p


New Member
The bridge works intermittently - and wasn't working 2 days ago.

Not being argumentative mind you - just offering a factoid.
Well then looks like everyone on your truck crossed their fingers. Nice job!


If you ever make it across the bride without a collapse, 99.9% of the time it was because of human error (either your driver, or the one infront of you) the bridge will reset as you go over, and the next truck will get a show again.

Also not being argumentative mind you - just offering a double-factoid.


Well-Known Member
Well then looks like everyone on your truck crossed their fingers. Nice job!


If you ever make it across the bride without a collapse, 99.9% of the time it was because of human error (either your driver, or the one infront of you) the bridge will reset as you go over, and the next truck will get a show again.

Also not being argumentative mind you - just offering a double-factoid.

Interesting - I'd always assumed that everything was completely automatic - requiring no human intervention. Thanks for the info.

No further factoids at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Half eaten zebra :veryconfu :lookaroun

Was this referring to the dead antelope.gazelle/zebra carcass that was up in the trees at the start of the walking trail?

As for the bridge, I thought I heard that the drivers can also override the bridge from tilting, if need be.



New Member
Was this referring to the dead antelope.gazelle/zebra carcass that was up in the trees at the start of the walking trail?

As for the bridge, I thought I heard that the drivers can also override the bridge from tilting, if need be.

Oh yes! :lol: I forgot about that one.

And (in regards to the bridge) yeah... in a sense, you can. But it typically messes up the show for the next truck like I described in my previous post.

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