Sadly DLP Cast Members just don't cut it!


Original Poster
Hi folks!

Me and my 2 girls (no longer young) went to DLP last Tuesday and were pretty disappointed.

A lot of things were still fun like all the subtle differences. For instance, Big Thunder was nice as we cross under the river twice during the ride. We also enjoyed Hyperspace Mountain or Space Mountain with extras. Nostalgia kicked in for us on Pinocchio's and Snow White's rides. Pirates was also pleasant. We like inventive concepts for the Castle and its mighty underground Dragon but also for other attractions like Alice’s Curious Labyrinth. We are WDW regulars and seeing more roaming characters was amusing. DLP is probably more like the original in California for that regard.

Everything is there to have a great time yet there's one major problem: most cast members seemed bored, lacked spirit and were simply uninteresting. We are fluent in French yet most of them answered us in bad English. They seemed more like basic amusement park operators than Disney cast members. All in all, most just did not have the Disney touch. They also protest a lot. They don't get that canceling parades at the last minute won't help their cause. Informing guests a little in advance would at least show some respect. Sadly, from our experience on that day, their don't deserve to get more and are still lucky to get employed at all. The cancellations did not help but the rest of our interactions neither. Maybe it’s a generational thing. Hope DLP cast members will someday get it and get more into it.

Small World is a good representation of our day. It was in great shape just after renovation and its surroundings are quite neat, yet it had no spirit. Cast members could not easily point us in the correct direction and would not even respond when we waived at them.

Many guests looked like they had the obligation to be there to satisfy their children. DLP was just another amusement park for them. And probably not even a good one. The experience for all ages that you normally get at WDW or at the original Disneyland was just not there.

A lot of details were also off. A good old paper map would have been nice and probably must better than the complicated App. A lot of info was missing or not updated. Restrooms are pretty hard to find and also lack the Disney touch.

All in all, we were looking forward to our first DLP visit but it just did not satisfy our Disney craving. Sorry to blame you guys about it but you probably deserve even worse.

Jordan dby

Well-Known Member
I think a lot depends on luck of the day and who you meet. I find DLP cast members on average as good as the florida and california ones (my last visit to california was probably my worst experience with average cast members).

This has to be compared with a French culture that has a very different customer service culture than America, DLP does very well mostly to raise the customer service to the level it has.

Also, the cast members you interacted would not have been the ones that were on strike. I do fully agree with you there, last minute show cancellations due to strikes aren't great, but they are a combined fault of management and strikers, not just a cast member fault. Reasonable notice and/or cancellation should be awarded. After all, you paid full price for the ticket but the management didn't have to pay those staff that day. There would have been ample notice about the strikes, management just gambled on a last minute climb down.

If its any consolation, you didnt miss much with the parade. Mickey and the magician is good, but the other shows were all happening from what I gather.

Not sure who you are 'blaming' in the last line


Original Poster
I don’t know how the app can be complicated. The first thing you see at the bottom is a “map” button. Top right is a filter button which has a restrooms shortcut button.
Maybe you won't believe me, we used the French version of the app and no "toilettes" filter in it. Wow! This is exactly what I'm talking about...everything is a little off. Maybe you don't need to go if you speak French !?!


Original Poster
Thanks for your replies!

I think the French culture thing is a poor excuse. We got great engaged service almost everywhere we went during our stay. Elsewhere, only a couple of people were a little rough around the edges. Being bad before and only average now still does not cut it. Also, if you work at Disney, you should adopt the Disney culture.

I agree that management is as much to blame. Management should find a way to fix the cast members problem. Also, a lot of organisational things have to be fixed and Management probably has more of an impact regarding that.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Maybe you won't believe me, we used the French version of the app and no "toilettes" filter in it. Wow! This is exactly what I'm talking about...everything is a little off. Maybe you don't need to go if you speak French !?!
Perhaps you should have used the English version ?

We’re WDW veterans and have seen nothing but improvements across the board at DLP the last 5 years. But of course YMMV. France and strikes are almost a running joke in Europe.


Premium Member
Maybe you won't believe me, we used the French version of the app and no "toilettes" filter in it. Wow! This is exactly what I'm talking about...everything is a little off. Maybe you don't need to go if you speak French !?!

You must not have been looking for it under the right place, because you can filter for “toilettes” under services in the French language app.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's a mixture of bad luck and expectations, but my experiences with DLP CMs including during my last trip in February have always been positive. I will say that DLP is far more liberal with things like tattoos and piercings than the US parks, but that doesn't bother me.

If anything, I find DLP CMs somewhat more impressive than their US counterparts considering how often they switch languages. I was travelling with a French speaker with whom they spoke French when she spoke to them, and I never had any problem with their level of English when they spoke to me. I will say that French people responding in English when they detect a non-native speaker is a frustration I have heard countless times over the years from people learning French who have travelled there, so I don't think it's a DLP thing. I live in the Netherlands, and the Dutch do the same thing to the point that it becomes hard to convince yourself that it's worth learning the language unless you really have to.

I also feel the cheerfulness is set at the right level for a European resort. My experience was that the CMs were friendly and helpful, but I do think that things that might read as good customer service in terms of interaction with guests in the US would just read as weird and intrusive in Europe. That said, some did go above and beyond. The CMs at the store and lounge at the Sequoia Lodge were particularly friendly and helpful!

At any rate, sorry you didn't enjoy the trip.


Well-Known Member
I would cut them slack, it all how management treat their employees. I saw how DL cast members working at the hotels have such big disdain for Disney. They talk LOUD how they hate their jobs, they weren’t having it those times.

I wouldn’t take it personal.


Well-Known Member
On the whole, I'd also defend the vast majority of DLP CMs, who try their best as much as they can in spite of some very odd management decisions at times 😂 I do think you get the less overly happy/ fake smile CMs than you do compared to the US, but thats more of a cultural thing but you do get some very genuine interactions with lots of them, as you long also put in a bit of effort to talk and respect them as people.

I've only had one really bad experience with a CM in 6 years of going to DLP, who had a terrible attitude toward a friend and their disability but the guest relations CMs took our feedback and resolved the issue the best they could (we also found one at DLR with a similar attitude, but a few bad eggs in a cast of thousands is going to happen at both resorts).

We often have a few issues with food service CMs (I am a fussy eater and go to the parks with vegan friends 😂) but again more of a cultural thing I find as had very similar experiences in Paris (like not being keen to bring you water in sit-down restaurants or not understanding dietary food requirements or questioning why you don't want something on your food).

I do agree at times, the app can be a little clunky (but much improved over the last year) and having paper maps back would be great (but I am wondering if its part of France's environment laws, that have got rid of lots of things).


Well-Known Member
Disneyland cast members aren’t always rainbow and sunshine. I seen awful CM in Disneyland too. Some are down right unprofessional. I heard too much inappropriate things I shouldn’t have to hear from adult point of view. LOL

Jordan dby

Well-Known Member

This should be good. The line below says guests as are (understandably) thinking some sort of special show is about to happen.

I hope they protest in costume. Knowing the style of some French strikes they could wear villain outfits and do something even better than dream and shine brighter


Well-Known Member
Was at the park today. I admit if it was your one day at the park it would likely cause issues. However if you ignore entertainment after 1500 the park was running as normal. Park opened on time for EMT, all attractions running etc. The protest down Main Street was done later in the morning and after opening and not at opening as I would have expected for biggest impact. The parade is probably the big issue for most people but whilst it is rarely cancelled in Paris it can happen.

I would personally like to know a bit more about what the CMs are protesting about as “wages and conditions” is as general as you can be.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member

I use the French app too. Toilettes are here ^^^

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