The rumor that I am interested in is Universal dropping it in advance of the license expiring. Company licenses out a heavy amount of its attractions for the parks (Nintendo, Harry Potter, Transformers, Seuss, MIB, (others like Terminator, Animal Planet, Ghostbusters, Nickelodeon, and pre buyout Dreamworks used to be there), and of course, the Simpsons and Marvel. The alleged willingness to swap out the license for another doesn’t mean they don’t want to spend on licensed content as much as they just don’t want to give specifically Disney the money any more.
That has me wondering what current leadership of USO sees as the lifespan for Marvel Super Hero Island. Are they going to be able to get a deal with Six Flags, WB, and themselves together to finally put together Gotham in 20 years? Earlier? I don’t know how much of a sweetheart deal money wise it is for universal but I think it’s possible that contract gets torn up eventually.