Here is a questsion for the knowledgable ones out there: How does Disney handle large capital investment programs and projects? What kind of return on investment does the board of directors require for a large CapX program? Not that this rumor is true (cool if it was), but a $2B investment in transportation over, say, 10 year or 20 years, doesn't seem that large. What was DCA, like $1.5B over the course of 5 years? What return on investment are they seeing from that so far, what is the target %, and over how many years? For that matter, was the original monorail expansion, from the TTC to EPCOT, part of the EPCOT construction budget, or was that a separate CapX project? I know how the aerospace and defense industries do a company like Disney in the entertainment industry the same?
The problem with this is that a monorail expansion wouldn't actually drive any revenues up. The current system works and your only benefit would be possibly getting people from one park to another faster, or eliminating some of the buses that are currently used... I don't know what value you can put on getting someone from here to there quicker, so I'm guessing the real analysis is just how much do they currently spend on the buses and how much of it would be cut if they expanded the monorail... If you wanted to merely break even on a 2 billion dollar investment you would need nearly 90,000,000 in saving each year and that assumes there is no additional operating costs of the expanded monorail (which there would be).
I don't know how many buses they could eliminate with an expanded line or how much fuel it would save, but I seriously doubt if it would be anywhere near 90,000,000 a year... that would be a quarter of a million dollars a day and that's a lot of diesel.