For me this is disturbing on other fronts and actually depressing. Just more reinforcement of the notion that Disney is no longer about doing it right. For so long what ever Disney did it was of the utmost importance to do it right. High quality, the "Disney" way. Now, it is obvious that it is simply just about making money. Nothing wrong with that....that is what buisnesses.....well, supposed to do. But DIsney did that in a way that had a buisness model, a phlosophy. This no longer exsist. As WDW fans we have seen this happen in the parks.
It's actually sad. Is this Iger's legacy ? I guess it isnt about what his legacy with the Disney brand faithful but with wallstreet and the board of directors. The company is alread a huge monolith. The thing is something this huge eventually has huge problems. At one time the parks were somewhere near the top on the list of companies that Disney owned. Now where do you think the parks are listed on the list of priorities?