Rude People at the World!


New Member
Original Poster
OK, I don't know if it was the heat or what, but I saw and, unfortunately, had a run-in with several people. First off, where does it say that just because you have a stroller, it gives you the right to run people over? We rented a double stroller the entire trip and tried to be very conscientous (bad spelling, I know) of the fact that we didn't want to run anyone over. If it mistakenly happened, we were quick to apologize. Not so for everyone, unfortunately. Then, as we were waiting at AK for the parade, which we had been waiting for for 45 mins, a women came up with her stroller and rammed me in the back (I was sitting on the ground, so my husband could see behind me and my kids were in the stroller and on the other side of the stroller). No apology, no nothing. Did not even acknowledge she hit me (and trust me, it was hard enough that she had to realize she hit SOMETHING!). As the parade started, she then came up behind me, got close enough that I could smell what she had for lunch that day and began leaning on me to see (I was standing now after getting rammed previously). My husband knows that I'm quick to react and he started backing away because he knew what was coming. I immediately turned around and told her she was being rude and that she needed to back up somewhat and not lean on me anymore. I didn't want to be confrontational, but come on! There was an entire space to watch the parade open to the right of us (it was raining, so it wasn't crowded at all). But, no, she chose to push into me and make a scene. Another couple behind us saw all of this happen and came over to us later and said they couldn't believe how ignorant and rude she was! There were other instances, as well, but I'm sure everyone has already experienced the people who cut in front of you in line because their family is "just right in front of you." Why can't their family wait for them then like I do when my family isn't completely ready to get on a ride? Am I being entirely too critical? We also had a mother and daughter forcibly move my DS6 out of the way at a parade so they could "just take a picture." Obviously they meant several pictures because they never moved the rest of the parade. Just unreal this trip how rude some people can truly be! Then again, you always meet the really nice, friendly people who tell you how cute the kids are and how much fun the World is, etc. It's just a shame that the rude ones leaving such a lasting impression!:mad:


Well-Known Member
That's soo rude!!! I would have been all up in her face!:D It's a shame how rude people have become at Disney World. It used to be the place you could go and not deal w/ the ignorance..but it seems now a days it doesnt matter whereyou go people are still ignorant.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I've never experienced anyone being rude to me.

Of course, there are some advantages to being 6'4" 250[ish] lbs... :lol:

I never use my size to bully or in any way be rude, but many people are genuinely intimidated. If they only knew what a teddy bear I am, they'd probably walk all over me. :eek:


Le Meh
Premium Member
I find it equally amazing how many threads get started about rude people at Disney World. I dont recall seeing any promotional material by Disney stating that "Come to where the Magic lives and there are no rude people". There are rude people everywhere.


Well-Known Member
I find it equally amazing how many threads get started about rude people at Disney World. I dont recall seeing any promotional material by Disney stating that "Come to where the Magic lives and there are no rude people". There are rude people everywhere.

So very true.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you will always find some rude people, but that's almost everywhere you go. There are just some that are ruder than others "cough" Brazilian tour groups "cough":mad:


Le Meh
Premium Member
Yes, you will always find some rude people, but that's almost everywhere you go. There are just some that are ruder than others "cough" Brazilian tour groups "cough":mad:

Dont forget foreign leaders speaking at the UN. ***cough***Hugo Chavez ***cough***

head mouse

What gets me are the people that talk during a ride pre show.

ie: The haunted mansion strehing room, or ToT I tell them to be quiet so we can all enjoy the show.

My friend was "bumped" with a stroller once, she was standing still kinda off the the side of the side walk on Main street. this woman had a mile to walk around us, but ran righ tinto the back of her. she took her foot and kicked backwards shoving the storller back into the woman. and just kept talking to me like nothing happened :)


Well-Known Member
Heck, I've got stroller scars on my ankle and ciggy burns on my arm from protecting my kid, but eh...things like that happen in crowded places.
let it go, why let it ruin the memory of a WDW vacation?

Well-Known Member
I think the thing that makes Disney so special is its one flaw. It rewards people for misbehaving. Disney will go out of its way to remedy any situation. Many people throw fits just because they know they will get free stuff. Of course it doesn't always work. But many times it does. Then again, guests do return time and again. I wouldn't change this aspect of Disney. It's just unfortunate that there's no "magical" way to "discipline" rude guests.


Well-Known Member
I had a bad experience on NYE. We got a spot for RoE 2 hours before hand, and promptly 15 minutes before, there were some foreigners(I'll just leave it at that) that decided they could try and push their way in front of my family and my girlfriends family. Well, my dad, her dad, and myself wouldn't have any of that and promptly told them to move back. Well a couple minutes later, you could hear them speaking in their native language that they were going to try and push us over the fence when the fireworks started. Needless to say they never did, but I couldn't believe how rude they were acting.

I've had the stroller thing happen to me too, it was a lady who hit me about 2 times, and it wasn't that hard so I just brushed it off as an accident. Well, the third time she hit me pretty good, so I turned around and looked at her, only to get no apology. On the 4th time, I looked at her and said, "Excuse you" and her husband shot me an evil look like I was the bad guy.

Some people are just oblivious to manners, it doesn't matter who you are or where your from, but it always never ceases to amaze me.


New Member
Its a fact of life, no matter where you go in the world (the real one as well as Disney lol) you will come across rude and bad mannered people, I try to ignore them cos i believe that manners are part of upbringing, and i feel that me and my family know how to behave when we goto to public places and have respect for others around us. The people who do not IMO are not worth the time of day.

There rant over i need coffee lol
Yep, I've seen my share of Rude People during my exploits in the world. Its truly sad. But I tend to remember the good ones and there are lots of them :D


Active Member
It's true there are some rude people, and I'm with you when I do something like bump into someone by accident I say I'm sorry, I think some people are just absorbed into their own little world and don't see others. I also have been known to fly off the handle when someone is really rude, ask my wife, (who also backs away).

But generally most people at disney are great and nice. If someone's rude I get over it fast and get on with enjoying my vacation.


New Member
Original Poster
I find it equally amazing how many threads get started about rude people at Disney World. I dont recall seeing any promotional material by Disney stating that "Come to where the Magic lives and there are no rude people". There are rude people everywhere.

One, I never said that it was Disney's fault that people were rude and, two, I did enjoy my vacation regardless of the rude people. I was just stating that I found it kind of amazing that some of these people are genuinely rude at the happiest place on earth. I don't believe I ever stated anything about it being Disney's responsibility to stop all of the rude people from entering through the turnstiles. I guess you aren't allowed to comment on your experiences at the World without some people getting VERY defensive about everything Disney. :mad:

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