Rob does SPACE!


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Original Poster
What to say? What to say?


They're doing extensive work on the plaza still. Everything seems to be in reworkings and the paint is in terrible shape because of the construction wear and tear. They were drilling holes in the ground to sit down the "planet" stones (as seen in one of my previous posts!) and removing and replacing some accent features.

Nifty points: One tiny "planet" stone at the center of a swirl pattern. One big giant planet stone nearby.

The "quotes" as talked about before, again, are not those silver things Steve has pointed out in the pics (those are metal mesh for some unknown purpose) but rather shaped glass plates mounted about 1/2 ft offset from the wall with silver text.

The moon is mostly grey and a greenish color, and has metal shields with jewels in the center marking each moon landing site by the USA and Russians. The texture is 3 dimensional.

The Earth-look-alike and the Jupiter-look-alike are painted like that. You can see the brush strokes and paint buildup at certain points. Some artist :)

The inside of the big red ball is currently hollow but has some nifty lights inside. The roof of it is not finished and the doors and such haven't even been put on. It's essentially a hollow shell with some lights.

Okay, that' everything you could of seen with a telephoto lense so I'm not in any legal trouble for saying it :)

A side note.. anyone goto the park today? I heard from the CM's that they might of started testing Post-Show on Guests that afternoon cuz they needed more feedback.



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Original Poster
The coolest thing in SPACE:

The post show area has a massive kiddie playgroun type thing akin to a mcdonald playland but it's big and extensive and made for those jsut too small to ride the ride.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RobFL
The coolest thing in SPACE:

The post show area has a massive kiddie playgroun type thing akin to a mcdonald playland but it's big and extensive and made for those jsut too small to ride the ride.


Now that's Disney doing it RIGHT! I think that they need attractions that appeal to everyone. This means the kids and young adults to the adults. High speed thrill ride for us, kiddie playland a la McDonalds for the little ones.


New Member
Originally posted by RobFL
The coolest thing in SPACE:

The post show area has a massive kiddie playgroun type thing akin to a mcdonald playland but it's big and extensive and made for those jsut too small to ride the ride.


As long they don't a put an actual McDonald's at the end of the ride! :lol: :lol:


Premium Member
Originally posted by MKingdom25

As long they don't a put an actual McDonald's at the end of the ride! :lol: :lol:

I can see it now: Chicken McSpaceNuggets and triple-thick protein-spillshakes :slurp:.


Originally posted by Testtrack321

Now that's Disney doing it RIGHT! I think that they need attractions that appeal to everyone. This means the kids and young adults to the adults. High speed thrill ride for us, kiddie playland a la McDonalds for the little ones.

Still trying to figure out if this was meant to be sarcastic or not.....

Anyone know if more than one centrifuge has been installed yet? Has the actual ride started testing?


I talked to an acquaintence of mine who works for a contractor currently working on the M:S project. According to him, none of the centrifuges are completed yet. One is close to being ready, but human testing is still a little ways off. Also, I've heard the rumor from a couple acquaintences in WDI that only two of the four centrifuges will be online when the attraction soft opens. They will do test and adjust with those, then complete the other two. That way if any problems are found during test and adjust, they can incorporate any fixes directly into the construction of the last two.


New Member
Originally posted by mbro2002
I talked to an acquaintence of mine who works for a contractor currently working on the M:S project. According to him, none of the centrifuges are completed yet. One is close to being ready, but human testing is still a little ways off. Also, I've heard the rumor from a couple acquaintences in WDI that only two of the four centrifuges will be online when the attraction soft opens. They will do test and adjust with those, then complete the other two. That way if any problems are found during test and adjust, they can incorporate any fixes directly into the construction of the last two.

interesting, maybe it all goes down to the TT debacle, it would be smart to avoid another fiasco like that. will reduce the initial capacity for M:S but may be worth it in the long run.


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Originally posted by hbkrocco1

Raelly why not? Is it like a problem you hjave that you have to not wait because waiting makes you nervous like being high in the air? well i'm REALLY SORRy but you HAVE to wait because the ride is not open yet LOL LOL!!!!11!!!! I sorry I couldn't resist to make the joke haha by the way i'll have a BRAND NEW RUMUR about Mision SPACE: the RIDE VERY SOON


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Originally posted by jmarc63

interesting, maybe it all goes down to the TT debacle, it would be smart to avoid another fiasco like that. will reduce the initial capacity for M:S but may be worth it in the long run.

I don't understand why because why would disney spend money on ANOTHER testtrack ride when they already have one RIGHT NEXT DOOR? IT JUST DOesn't make any snese?!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by MaElStRoMROCKS

Raelly why not? Is it like a problem you hjave that you have to not wait because waiting makes you nervous like being high in the air? well i'm REALLY SORRy but you HAVE to wait because the ride is not open yet LOL LOL!!!!11!!!! I sorry I couldn't resist to make the joke haha by the way i'll have a BRAND NEW RUMUR about Mision SPACE: the RIDE VERY SOON

good god.. someone get me a litterbox.. this post is definitely full of..


Account Suspended
Originally posted by mktiggerman

good god.. someone get me a litterbox.. this post is definitely full of..

I'm sorry but i think a couple of you don't like me as much as i liek people so please tell me what i'm doing wrong so i can LEARn from you. I want to make friends because I like disney and want to be an IMAGINEAR one day so maybe we can all learn together!

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MaElStRoMROCKS

I'm sorry but i think a couple of you don't like me as much as i liek people so please tell me what i'm doing wrong so i can LEARn from you. I want to make friends because I like disney and want to be an IMAGINEAR one day so maybe we can all learn together!

I weep for humanity.


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by MaElStRoMROCKS

I'm sorry but i think a couple of you don't like me as much as i liek people so please tell me what i'm doing wrong so i can LEARn from you. I want to make friends because I like disney and want to be an IMAGINEAR one day so maybe we can all learn together!

Never procreate.


RunDisney Addict
At times the moderator will let the offender dig his own grave by posting useless crap over and over and over. Gives us more evidence when we bring this as a legal matter.


Account Suspended
you don't like me!

Originally posted by Fievel
At times the moderator will let the offender dig his own grave by posting useless crap over and over and over. Gives us more evidence when we bring this as a legal matter.

I trie to be nice but you follow me on other postings and make fun again! if my sharing idea is illegal activiy then so is YOUR. why can YOU share idea but not me???

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