River country ghost town. Sad pictures


Beta Return
Anyone have a link to an old property map that shows where RC was/is? I never went and was never aware of its actual location.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
It sits on the lake edge between wilderness lodge and the camp ground.
It IMHO be reopened as a themed pool for the campground, the two hotel style rectangle pools are OK but not very Disney.

As for the water quality, It would not be too much of a technological leap to replace the baldder wall to the lake with a proper one ensuring the waters are kept apart.


Active Member
I had only been to River Country once before, and even though it was really small compared to the other water parks, I still had a good time. It's sad to see how they've just let the park sit there and decay like that. I really hope they do something with that property.

Thanks for posting those pics!


New Member
monothingie said:
Took the monorail to the TTC and then got on a bus:lol:

Yeah, right. Actually...

It took the boat to Fort Wilderness and walked to River Country:lol::sohappy::lol:

River Country really does look like a Ghost Town. I have fond memories of the place (I went there once in '97)...

Rest In Peace, River Country: 1976-When did it close???


Well-Known Member
hay scooter...

you can buy a trash can similar to that on ebay....mousesurplus is the seller...he's has some great stuff!


Grade "A" Funny...
Those pictures are ridiculous. With the way disney management works I cant believe they havent done something with the area. Frankly Im surprised they havent built the worlds biggest meet and greet or pin trading station. Between river country and the treehouses there are some pretty bad eyesores on property.

Plane Crazy

New Member
Interesting Pictures

Wow... a lot of people have been wondering what has become of River Country! I know that it has not been in use for a long while; however, I would have guessed that Disney would have made some efforts to preserve the property.

My question is... if the property is not in use, why do they bother to turn the lights on at night? My eyes may be deceiving me, but it appears as though the lights are turn on.

Also, the one picture looks like something out of appalachia. Who knew that white trash moved in after River Country closed to the public?

Lastly, as many have commented... the place looks scary. Maybe disney could use that to retheme the area. The could go with a "haunted swamp" theme. They could even put Medussa's eye in there and theme it after The Rescuers.


Quote from Plane Crazy "Who knew that white trash moved in after River Country closed to the public?"

ROFL... I guess some country bumpkins moseyed on over to Disneyworld and took Disney's vacation club motto “Welcome Home" literally.

Actually that’s sad to see but also intriguing as well. I find it interesting to see abandoned places, its weird to think once this was a place packed with guests and now its empty and uncared for.

I'm not really concerned with the trashcans and the pool quality, my main question is how did the kids bike get there?

magic minnie

New Member
Last time we went to FW we walked right in during the day! Nobody was in sight and we never ran into anyone (except for other curious guests)! It is sad looking, and someone could easily get hurt. It's not really even blocked off; no signs, etc. We thought a great idea would be to open river country back up for FW guests as the pools aren't exactly the greatest as far as theming, features, etc. We stay in the wilderness homes and pay as much as we would for a hotel room, but only have access to the FW pools. Plus it would keep all the campers out of the other hotels' pools (a big concern for the cast members).


Well-Known Member
I was soo very upset when they closed River Country. :cry: It was my favorite water park. My family actually hated going to the other ones because there were always way too many people. My brother, sister and i loved the water slides that go/went into the lake. We'd climb to the top, slide down, get out and start all over again. Aaahhh, such good memories. I always understood that it was so much to keep up with but it always makes me a little mad that Disney had to close it. :fork:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Though understandable because cared for RC so deeply, I find it funny that some people are saying "At least clean it up!" IT'S CLOSED! Nobody's supposed to be there! Why clean up what nobody is supposed to be there to see? Sure, they could spend that money now, but that's money that's going away from other areas of the resort, where it could be used towards things people are meant to see and do! No sense spending the capital to clean it up until you know what you're going to do with it, and kill two birds with one stone. That's the more economically feasible answer.

What they really need to do, BEFORE cleaning it up, is put up big signs saying that only Cast Members & Imagineers are allowed to walk past the entrance, and anyone else is a trespasser and will be ejected from the entire WDW area, no refunds.

Though the pics are kinda cool :D


New Member
Original Poster
Ok just for the record. No you cant see rc from any given point on land. Unless you are on the trail between wl and rc. Their is another trail that breaks off of this one and anyone and their mother could walk right in the back side. (At least back in late summer of 04.) not sure of now. I would hope the took care of this problem. because it is dangerous and a little one could easily wander off from a group and be in their. But Their are no signs, gates, fences or anything else to stop anyone. You can see rc if you are taking a boat to mk. And in todays world of digital and mega zoom lenses pics are easily gotton this way also. But even without a camera you can still see it from the boat and it just looks run down. My only reason for the pics was because of my love of Disney and the memories of a child being there. Granted no one should be in their. but i never went looking for the way in. It came to me. I just went back again, same as the first time to get pics.So know that i have defended myself.(sniffle) I Also found on another site there were rumors and drawings of a new water park based on a potc theme. And rc is the intended site for it. Not sure if this is old or new news but a soon as i find the link again i will pass it on........

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