Trip Report Rise of the Popcorn Bucket

Hello everyone & a warm welcome to you!! As always, lots of fun was had on this trip with the star of the show(besides J, of course;)) being none other than E's nemesis, the popcorn bucket!! I'm super excited to share our adventures with you!!

WHO: I think you know us but.....myself-Patti, R(I think I've converted him to a full blown Disney fan even though he claims he likes coming for the restaurants), my sister E & my super fun, partner in crime(in more ways than one on this trip) J!!

WHEN: Friday, January 17th - Monday, January 20th(gotta go around those darn school schedules when you have family in the education field)

WHERE(I hope you're sitting down for this one!): Art of Animationo_O

There was no room at the inn at Riverside so we decided to stay here b/c we thought J would really like the Cars suite. In the end we created a monster b/c he has now decided that AoA is his favorite!!

We last left off with JSR smuggling the popcorn buckets out of his house for me. BTW--J was in on this too & I was very proud of him for keeping it a secret for so long!!

They were heading to WDW with me!! Also, you may be wondering why there are two. You see, E's hatred for the popcorn bucket didn't just start on our trip in November. A few years ago she, JSR & J were on a Disney cruise & JSR bought the Santa Mickey bucket that you see there. She couldn't stand it back then on the cruise & her feelings really haven't changed. If anything, they've gotten worse!!

We had a 3:50 flight b/c someone(the guy in education) had a half day of school & didn't want to miss work. We met at E's at 12:30 & JSR drove us to the airport. I had went to work that morning & before I left I bought a case of water & put 12 in my suitcase. My boss was busy making fun of me for not buying it in Disney. I told him I had the space in my suitcase & these bottles were for the room. Why spend $3.50 per bottle when I could spend $4.99 for a case of Aquafina?? BTW--it was well worth it. We only had 2 bottles left at the end of the trip!!

Check out J's cute suitcase!!

He's ready to go!! J said that he wanted me to sit next to him in the car. On the way to the airport he told me that he wanted to sit next to me on the plane & the ME. I asked E why he wanted to be my BFF. She said she didn't know but earlier that day out of the blue he told her, "I really like Aunt Patti". I think he saw jelly beans in his future!!

We checked our bags in at curbside & the Southwest agent started humming The March of the First Order when he saw J's suitcase. It was cute. He also profoundly thanked us for the tips b/c he said that it had been a slow day.

J was excited to get on the "monorail". Even though R was still in his work clothes he was somewhat in Disney mode with the Star Wars tie he was wearing!!

We went to TGI Friday's for lunch. We got some kind of combo platter & shared everything. The potstickers & breadsticks were especially good!! That wine wasn't bad either!!;)

Meanwhile, J was enjoying the cheese sticks!!
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Premium Member
I want to thank you all for your kind thoughts. I promise I’m not abandoning this TR & I will respond to all of you tomorrow. I’ve had a lot of ups & downs recently—& I’ll be honest more downs than ups but such is life. To throw another curve ball in hospice came to my dad yesterday to sign the papers for my grandma. Not going to lie it’s tough. It hasn’t been a year yet for my mom & now grandma. My poor dad.. If prayers are something you do please include us in them. It would me much appreciated. I thank you all for your understanding in my delay on this TR & appreciate having you all as friends!! ❤

On a bright note E is having dinner for the Super Bowl this evening. J & I already plotted on what I’m bringing....:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

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So sorry to hear about what your family is going through, prayers to you. On the other hand I love that your are bringing popcorn in the buckets to E's.


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Story of my life since November. I hope yours improves!
Yikes. So sorry. Please take your time. Real life comes first.
So sorry to see that. Sometimes real life just stinks.
Hope everything gets better for you soon. Take all the time you need, we understand.
Hope it’s nothing too serious at work ... remember to take time for yourself to help evacuate any stress that might be building because of the work incident. :)
I hope it's nothing to serious. Take as much time as you need.
Praying for you. Take good care of yourself 💗
Hope things are better at work for you now! Looking forward to more TR adventures when you have the time!
We'll all be here when you get back. No worries - Hakuna Matata.
No rush. Happy to catch up on your TR whenever things settle down for you. Best wishes.
Hope everything is OK ❤
Work stress is terrible. Hugs for working through the stress.
@riverside YOU ARE FANTASTIC! And you always do your best at your job and no matter what, your job doesn't define YOU! Your love for: R, E, J and all the rest of your family make you amazing! And yes, here is a wonderful place for distractions and happy memories/magic and dreams of another magical trip. Hang in there! Looking forward to reading more soon. Hugs.
We'll be here whenever you are ready, and in the meantime, if you need anything please let us know!
Many, many thanks to all of you😘😘😘 You're all too sweet & kind!!

It wouldn't be very professional of me to get into the details(but it's not like you would know who I'm talking about anyways:joyfull:) but I had to terminate our night manager last week. Not something I wanted to do but he pretty much did it to himself if you know what I mean. It wouldn't be so bad if we were a 9 to 5 type business but since we're not......let's just say that my work shifts have expanded dramatically!! It was tough getting a new routine(if you even want to call it that:cautious:) down plus I had to start doing a few more things that he was responsible for. So, I've been a bit busier than I would like but hey, it keeps me out of mischief right?;):joyfull:


Well-Known Member
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It's a good sign that you guys are still able to keep the jokes rolling with the popcorn buckets. You have a tight knit family, and your love is evident in your writing. Best wishes to you.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hang in there Patti! If there is anything that the WDW family can do, is pray for their co-Magicians. And like everybody said on here, the TR is absolutely no priority!
Praying for you and your whole family. 💓
I’m sorry. Thinking and praying for you and your family.
I'm praying for you and your family during this most difficult time. You'll come through stronger as you have such a close family that supports each other which is so obvious in your TR's. Your loyal readers will be here for you whenever you have time to return. 🙏🙏🙏💞
Wow, so sorry to hear about your grandma! I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Hopefully, things start to look better for you soon!
Ok. The popcorn for Superbowl. Too funny.
Humor will help you through a lot of the “downs”.
Good luck. We are here for you.
Sorry to hear about your grandma. Maybe try to remember the happy times she had in her life, and that may give you some comfort. Do take good care.
Take care of yourself during this tough time. Thinking of you and your family.
Thinking of you and your family ❤
Very sorry to hear about your grandma, and my thoughts are with you and your family.
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts
So sorry to hear about what your family is going through, prayers to you. On the other hand I love that your are bringing popcorn in the buckets to E's.
Thinking of you and your family. My prayers are with you all
YES, take care of yourself and your dad is lucky to have so many of you close for support. I'm sorry about your grandma.
Prayers for your Dad and entire family. May she be comfortable and find peace.
Sending prayers to you and your family ❤
If you are still able to play jokes with the popcorn buckets, that’s a good sign that your sense of humour will help you to make it through all of this. 💕 to you and your family 😊
So sorry for all the rough times. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family
Again, many thanks to all of you!! Your kind words, prayers & thoughts mean so much!!❤❤❤

So, grandma is 93--God bless her. Her mind is super sharp but she has been battling ALS for the last 18 years or so. My understanding is that people normally don't live too long with it but in rare cases some do. It's been awful to watch this disease progress over the years. She always says that her work must not be done here b/c God still keeps her hanging around!! Anyhow, the nurse did an evaluation of her the other day & feels that it's time for hospice to step in. My dad & I talked about it & not to sound cruel in the least but he said for her sake he is relieved which I totally get. It's unfair for one to live their life this way for all these years. It's to the point where you can hardly understand her when she talks b/c this disease has pretty much taken over.

I definitely will be getting this TR back on track b/c at this point I feel like a total Debbie Downer & frankly, I just don't like it!!
Thank you all again!!😘


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It's a good sign that you guys are still able to keep the jokes rolling with the popcorn buckets. You have a tight knit family, and your love is evident in your writing. Best wishes to you.
Thank you so very much!! I really appreciate that. I think it's important to keep humor in things otherwise I'll go crazy!! When life gives you lemons you make lemonade, right?;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Even though I haven't got to the good stuff in this TR yet I thought I'd throw in E's reaction to me showing up at her house yesterday with 3 full popcorn buckets!! BTW--J was also in on this one & kept it quiet!!

Let's just say she wasn't too thrilled!!

E was excited about this Super Bowl even though she is not a football fan. Our niece, H, when she was little for some reason always called her Liv. 17 years later she's still stuck with that name!! We all call her that. All she kept saying was "How many people out there can say that their name is in a Super Bowl"!!:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:


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