Trip Report Rise of the Popcorn Bucket

Hello everyone & a warm welcome to you!! As always, lots of fun was had on this trip with the star of the show(besides J, of course;)) being none other than E's nemesis, the popcorn bucket!! I'm super excited to share our adventures with you!!

WHO: I think you know us but.....myself-Patti, R(I think I've converted him to a full blown Disney fan even though he claims he likes coming for the restaurants), my sister E & my super fun, partner in crime(in more ways than one on this trip) J!!

WHEN: Friday, January 17th - Monday, January 20th(gotta go around those darn school schedules when you have family in the education field)

WHERE(I hope you're sitting down for this one!): Art of Animationo_O

There was no room at the inn at Riverside so we decided to stay here b/c we thought J would really like the Cars suite. In the end we created a monster b/c he has now decided that AoA is his favorite!!

We last left off with JSR smuggling the popcorn buckets out of his house for me. BTW--J was in on this too & I was very proud of him for keeping it a secret for so long!!

They were heading to WDW with me!! Also, you may be wondering why there are two. You see, E's hatred for the popcorn bucket didn't just start on our trip in November. A few years ago she, JSR & J were on a Disney cruise & JSR bought the Santa Mickey bucket that you see there. She couldn't stand it back then on the cruise & her feelings really haven't changed. If anything, they've gotten worse!!

We had a 3:50 flight b/c someone(the guy in education) had a half day of school & didn't want to miss work. We met at E's at 12:30 & JSR drove us to the airport. I had went to work that morning & before I left I bought a case of water & put 12 in my suitcase. My boss was busy making fun of me for not buying it in Disney. I told him I had the space in my suitcase & these bottles were for the room. Why spend $3.50 per bottle when I could spend $4.99 for a case of Aquafina?? BTW--it was well worth it. We only had 2 bottles left at the end of the trip!!

Check out J's cute suitcase!!

He's ready to go!! J said that he wanted me to sit next to him in the car. On the way to the airport he told me that he wanted to sit next to me on the plane & the ME. I asked E why he wanted to be my BFF. She said she didn't know but earlier that day out of the blue he told her, "I really like Aunt Patti". I think he saw jelly beans in his future!!

We checked our bags in at curbside & the Southwest agent started humming The March of the First Order when he saw J's suitcase. It was cute. He also profoundly thanked us for the tips b/c he said that it had been a slow day.

J was excited to get on the "monorail". Even though R was still in his work clothes he was somewhat in Disney mode with the Star Wars tie he was wearing!!

We went to TGI Friday's for lunch. We got some kind of combo platter & shared everything. The potstickers & breadsticks were especially good!! That wine wasn't bad either!!;)

Meanwhile, J was enjoying the cheese sticks!!
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I honestly think he might be disappointed when we go back to POR next time!! He is still saying AoA is his favorite!

I don't like it in the least. I would hope they did it to maximize space but I'd bet it has something to do with getting people to spend more!!

He uses a ton of ketchup all the time!! Beer cheese sounds interesting but I've never been to Red Robin!!

That's exactly where I was!! I forgot to mention it but R was super sick with a head cold on this trip. From across the room his snoring/breathing was driving me crazy!!

A's favorite hotel is AoA as well, but we usually stay at SoG. She does get disappointed, but once we're there she forgets about AoA completely. Hopefully you have the same luck.

Thank you very much ❤ Grandma is still hanging in there though. She hasn't been able to walk or even feed herself for many years now. She's to the point now where she doesn't eat at all.

My gosh--if her son was 8 your friend must have been very young. How horrible that is. I agree with you that it is very heartbreaking. I hope your friend's son is doing well.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about the gift shop!!

She had four kids. Her oldest was only 15 at the time. she was only 36 when she passed, but she had spent a good many years in a wheelchair slowly losing more and more function. Her kids are doing well though. Their dad is amazing, and he eventually found a really great woman and got remarried. Their uncles and aunts really stepped in to help them through it as well. I think too for the 8 year old it helped him process because she'd been pretty sick for his entire life. They found a lot of ways to honor their mom while living their own lives to their fullest. Proud of them all, honestly.


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E texted me & said they were leaving AoA. Time to get the popcorn!! I debated on what to do. I would buy a bucket then put the popcorn in the Christmas bucket that I brought with me. What to do with the new one though? I decided to rent a locker(1st time I ever did that in Disney) so I could put it in there. It was also getting pretty warm so I figured I could put my sweatshirt in there also.

I couldn't believe the line for popcorn at 9 in the morning!!


I found a seat to do the transfer.

I put the popcorn in the bucket from November and put the new, Star Wars one in the locker.

In the meantime E sent me this. Remember Fago?? He was joining us again!!

I met them at the front of the park. My bag was big enough that I was able to keep the popcorn bucket in there with it zipped so E had no clue. She said she was going to get Starbucks. R & I were going to walk around & the plan was for us to meet in TSL. J wanted to come with me. One guess why.......



This is what $12 worth of candy looks like in Disney(& that's with the AP discount)!!
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A's favorite hotel is AoA as well, but we usually stay at SoG. She does get disappointed, but once we're there she forgets about AoA completely. Hopefully you have the same luck.
She had four kids. Her oldest was only 15 at the time. she was only 36 when she passed, but she had spent a good many years in a wheelchair slowly losing more and more function. Her kids are doing well though. Their dad is amazing, and he eventually found a really great woman and got remarried. Their uncles and aunts really stepped in to help them through it as well. I think too for the 8 year old it helped him process because she'd been pretty sick for his entire life. They found a lot of ways to honor their mom while living their own lives to their fullest. Proud of them all, honestly.
So sad but I'm glad to hear they are doing well. I'm sure their mom is very proud of them also.


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We headed to TSL. Buzz was out & J said he wanted to meet him.

E texted & asked where we were at. I told her we were in line for Buzz & she said she was on her way. I pulled the popcorn bucket out
of my bag & told J that I wanted him to give it to her. After all, he had been so good about keeping this secret & he was really looking forward to this!!

And for those of you who didn't catch it earlier in this TR there is a portion where you will here a "beep" voice over from me that I figured out how to do here recently. Let's just say that someone's language wasn't appropriate for this site!!

J was super proud of himself!! He & R were giving each other high fives!!

Then J started eating the popcorn!!

Finally it was our turn to meet Buzz. We really didn't wait that long for him & the entertainment helped to pass the time!!



Had to get the popcorn bucket in the picture!!


Little did E know there was another surprise in store for her!! 🤣

susan lees

Well-Known Member

J was super excited when we pulled into the resort. On our last trip in November we picked up at AoA & J was in awe when he saw it. Little did we know we would be staying here the next time!!
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He was leading the way like he knew where he was going!! :hilarious:
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I don't care for(& I didn't on my last stay there either) how from the inside you have to walk through the gift shop to get to the food court. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does.🤷‍♀️
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We decided we wanted to eat dinner before we headed to the room so we went to Landscape of Flavors.
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The gelato looked good but none of us indulged.
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J & E split this monstrous slice of pizza.
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I got a BBQ pork sandwich & it came with 2 sides. The sandwich was just ok but I was pretty hungry so I ate it all. The chips & salad were much better.
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R got some kind of chicken sandwich. He felt the same about his sandwich as I did mine.
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Holy ketchup!! And knowing him I'm sure he used it all!!
That's a small amount of ketchup compared to the amount I like with fries, think smothered lol.

susan lees

Well-Known Member

When I took this picture it was 6:41 so that wasn't bad at all.
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None of the stores were open so I figured I would get my Starbucks fix.
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Or would I.......
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.....absolutely not. This was the end of the line!!
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There was no way I was standing in that even though I had nothing better to do.
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I strolled down Sunset Blvd.
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They were holding everyone here.
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I decided to get something from Anaheim Produce.
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I don't like drinking water first thing in the morning(after brushing my teeth) & nothing else appealed to me so I asked if they made margaritas at the fine time of 6:50 a.m.!! The CM said yes so I ordered one:cautious: Please don't judge, I was on vacation besides those things taste like there's next to no booze in them!! I also had my first every Mickey pretzel!! It was good but there's way too much salt on it. I found a ledge to sit on & scrape the salt off the pretzel then I had my breakfast of champions!!
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I took this lousy selfie. I just can't get those down right.
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Vacation morning margaritas are the best 😋


Premium Member

When I took this picture it was 6:41 so that wasn't bad at all.
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None of the stores were open so I figured I would get my Starbucks fix.
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Or would I.......
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.....absolutely not. This was the end of the line!!
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There was no way I was standing in that even though I had nothing better to do.
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I strolled down Sunset Blvd.
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They were holding everyone here.
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I decided to get something from Anaheim Produce.
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I don't like drinking water first thing in the morning(after brushing my teeth) & nothing else appealed to me so I asked if they made margaritas at the fine time of 6:50 a.m.!! The CM said yes so I ordered one:cautious: Please don't judge, I was on vacation besides those things taste like there's next to no booze in them!! I also had my first every Mickey pretzel!! It was good but there's way too much salt on it. I found a ledge to sit on & scrape the salt off the pretzel then I had my breakfast of champions!!
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I took this lousy selfie. I just can't get those down right.
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That's a pretty awesome breakfast! Like you said you were on vacation so it's all good!


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you are making me look like a BAD HM FAN!!!! 😵
In all fairness I can't take credit for it. One of my sisters bought it for me.
Loved the popcorn bucket surprise!
Thanks for the advice on the POFQ candle.
I got 2 from the Magic Candle company called "Orleans", and it is exactly the smell of the POFQ lobby. I only light one for a couple of hours each evening to save the "smell". 2 weeks and counting to POFQ!!!!!!!
Thanks--I was happy that J was so excited about it!!
I'll have to check that out. I burn mine in my office to help me "destress" somewhat!! 2 weeks--how exciting!! It will be here so soon!! I hope you have a wonderful time!!
E was so confused LOL
Wasn't she though?? 🤣
That's a small amount of ketchup compared to the amount I like with fries, think smothered lol.
Ugh-I've mentioned in previous TR's but I can't stand ketchup. The smell of it makes me sick!! If I accidentally get it on my fingers I'm totally grossed out.
Vacation morning margaritas are the best 😋
It was a first for me but probably won't be the last!!
HAHA! Thanks for the laugh today! :hilarious:
You're welcome!! There will be another one--we get her again!!
That's a pretty awesome breakfast! Like you said you were on vacation so it's all good!
I'm glad we're on the same page!! I was feeling a bit awkward about it but I'm sure I'm not the first person to do that!!
Haha E's reaction was great!!! :hilarious:
Confusion to irritation!! I thought it was pretty funny!!
I agree with your comment about "too much going on" -- those leggings are hideous! Not to mention, that if a person is any larger than a size 2, those large designs would make you appear huge! :jawdrop:

Gosh--I didn't even think about it that way but you're absolutely right!!


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Time for TSM!!

J & I immediately resumed our battle from the last few trips about who could find the crayons first.

I couldn't believe it--he wanted to ride with me!!

J told E & R that he beat me:rolleyes:

J really likes A.S.S. so that was next.

R sat out. He doesn't like rides that spin. He played photographer instead!!



BTW--I don't know if I'm getting old or what but the last few times I rode this I thought it was pretty rough!!


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We didn't have a ton of time before lunch & the Star Wars show was going to start soon. R & J wanted to see it so we went there.

Miss "I Can't Stand Popcorn Buckets"!!

Keeping it all to herself!! :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

While we were standing there I kept trying to take video of her eating the popcorn to send it to JSR. She kept turning around b/c she said she knew what I was trying to do. That's ok, I got the pictures at least. And I sent them to her husband ;)

I was holding J during the show so he could see.

At one point he got tired of not being able to see(what can I say, I'm only 5'2") & asked R if he would hold him.


I guess that was the last time for us seeing that show. Oh, how my heart breaks.....😞

We missed the dance party the last time so that was up next.

A bunch of the benches were available so we made a beeline towards them. J didn't want to sit there(I can't blame him) so E sat on the floor with him. R & I stayed on the bench. Getting up off of that floor is no joke!! E's like 10 years younger than R & I so that floor has to be a lot easier on her than us!!

After the dance party we headed to lunch!!

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